
Database of Online Resources on the Media of the Long Enlightenment (DORMLE)

Grant program: Open Educational Resources Grant Program

Grant recipientLeith Davis, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Project team: Brian Shannon, research assistant

Timeframe: February 2017 to January 2018

Funding: $4,760

Courses addressed

  • English 320 – Studies in Eighteenth Century Authors
  • English 206 – Nineteenth Century Literatures in English
  • English 327 – Studies in Romantic Literature
  • English 420W – Topics in Eighteenth Century Literature
  • English 427W – Topics in the Romantic Period
  • English 832 – Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature

Description: This project supports the construction of the Database of Online Resources on the Media of the Long Enlightenment (DORMLE). DORMLE will help scholars and instructors locate and select online materials on non-print media and printed ephemera from 1688 to 1815, as well as share their best practices for teaching using these resources. While designed with students in a third-year eighteenth-century English literature course in mind, the resource will be publicly available and accessible to scholars, instructors and students at all levels and in all disciplines.

Knowledge sharing: Dr. Davis intends to share the expanded site with colleagues in the Department of English and in the Centre for the Study of Print and Media. With her RA, Dr. Davis presented the EMO site at the “Open Education: Transforming Teaching and Learning” symposium on May 24, 2018, and welcomes further opportunities to present her experiences.
