

CDEC: Building CED Capacity in Latin America



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Centro de Desarrollo Econ籀mico Comunitario 


The CDEC project goal was to improve the quality of life of individuals and families, and to support community sustainability, by enhancing the capacity of individuals and organizations to realize appropriate, sustainable community economic development initiatives. The Project partners developed and offered the CDEC Program, or Diplomado, as the primary mechanism through which to accomplish this goal.

The CDEC Project addressed the growing demand in rural and urban communities for technical assistance and support in the design and management of sustainable community-based local economic development initiatives. The Program trained Mexican CED practitioners in areas such as community and micro-enterprise development, community asset development, economic development planning, and community-based resource management.

Developed and piloted in Mexico in both face-to-face and on-line versions, with the vision of ultimately offering CED education across Latin America, CDEC was the first formal program of its kind to deliver CED programming in M矇xico, with a curriculum reflecting local needs and realities.


  • Development of diplomado curriculum designed for both in-person and on-line programs.
  • Exchange and research opportunities for students, instructors and community members in both M矇xico and Canada.
  • Financial assistance for local women wanting to take the Diplomado Program.
  • Public forums, presentations and seminars on the CDEC Project and community economic development topics in both M矇xico and Canada inplemented.
  • Twenty one project-related case studies, student reports and a journal article.