

Metropolitan Governance in Mexico: Learning from Canadian and Brazilian experience

(Sustainable Cities International, SCI), Vancouver, Canada


This project provided learning exchange opportunities on metropolitan governance structures between Canada, Brazil and Mexico. The main objective was to identify the key characteristics of a framework for effective collaborative governance in metropolitan areas for implementation in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (GMA) and the Colima Metropolitan Area (CMA). 

The project involved a literature review on models and issues in Metropolitan Governance, interviews with stakeholders in Mexico, and a workshop in Guadalajara Mexico to share ideas and information between Brazilians, Canadians, and Mexicans on collaborative governance, urban sustainability, and their applicability to the Mexican context. 

The research resulted in two papers: (1) Need for metropolitan governance in Mexico, and (2) Guidelines for collaborative governance in metropolitan Mexico. The second paper provided the basis for the implementation of a metropolitan governance structure in the GMA and CMA. Results were also disseminated through national and international workshops and conferences, and government channels. 


Gretchen Hernandez, Co-Principal Investigator, 間眅埶AV
Email: gha13@sfu.ca

, Co-Principal Investigator, 間眅埶AV
Email: spmarkey@sfu.ca

Email: international_development@sfu.ca