


  • Fisher, B. & Kasik, D. (2024). Pair Analytics in a Visual Analytics Context. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii Internatlional Conference on System Sciences. 
  • Zaimoglu, A. K., Pratt. L., Fisher, B. (2023). Epistemological Role of Human Reasoning in Data-Informed Decision-Making. Frontiers in Communication.
  • van den Elzen, S., Andrienko, G., Andrienko, N., Fisher. B. D., Martins, R. M., Peltonen, J., Telea, A. C., Verleysen, M. (2023). The Flow of Trust: A Visualization Framewrok to Externalize, Explore, and Explain Trust in ML Applications. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
  • Andrienko, N., Andrienko, G., Chen, S., Fisher, B. (2022). Seeking Patterns of Visual Pattern Discovery for Knowledge Building. Computer Graphics Forum.  
  • Ebert, D., Reinert, A., Fisher, B. (2021). Visual Analytics Review: An Early and Continuing Success of Convergent Research with Impact. Computing in Science & Engineering.
  • Brussoni, M., Han, C. S., Lin, Y., Jacob, J., Pike, I., Bundy, A., Faulkner, G., Gardy, J., Fisher, B., Masse, L. (2021). A Web-Based an In-Person Risk Reframing Intervention to Influence Mothers' Tolerance for and Parenting Practices Associated with, Children's Outdoor Risky Play: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research.
  • Brian David Fisher (2019). Juxtaposing Controlled Empirical Studies in Visualization with Topic Developments in Psychology. Preprint (arXiv).
  • al-Hajj, S., Fisher, B., Smith, J., Pike, I. (2017). Collaborative Visual Analytics: A Health Analytics Approach to Injury Prevention. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
  • Weber, G. H., Carpendale, S., Ebert, D., Fisher, B., Hagen, H., Shneiderman, B., Yinnerman, A. (2017). Apply or Die: On the Role and Assessment of Application Papers in Visualization. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 
  • Kurzhals, K., Fisher, B., Burch, M., Weiskopf, D. (2016). Eye tracking evaluation of visual analytics. Information Visualization. 
  • Ebert, D. S., Fisher, B., Gaither, K. (2016). Introduction to the minitrack on interactive visual decision analytics. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii Internatlional Conference on System Sciences. 
  • Ribarsky, W. & Fisher, B. (2016). The Human-Computer System: Towards an Operational Model for Problem Solving (paper in press) Proceedings of the 49th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE Digital Library
  • Kurzhals, K., Fisher, B., Burch, M., and Weiskopf, D. (2015). Eye Tracking Evaluation of Visual Analytics . Information Visualization, pp 1-19.
  • Kaastra, L.T., Arias-Hernandez, R., & Fisher, B. (2014). Tracking Joint Activities in Visual Analyses . Psychonomics Society Meeting. Long  Beach CA.
  • Kaastra, L.T., & Fisher, B. (2014). Field Experiment Methodology for Pair Analytics. BELIV 2014: Beyond Time and Errors - Novel Evaluation Methods for Visualization. Visweek 2014, Paris France.
  • Kurzhals, K., Fisher, B., Burch, M., & Weiskopf, D. (2014). Evaluating Visual Analytics with Eye Tracking. BELIV 2014: Beyond Time and Errors - Novel Evaluation Methods for Visualization. Visweek 2014, Paris France.
  • Green, T.M. , Arias-Hern獺ndez, R. , Fisher, B. (2014). Individual differences and translational science in the design of human centered visualizations in Human Centric Visualization Theories, Methodologies and Case Studies. Springer-Verlag,  Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
  • Lemieux, V.L., Fisher, B. & Dang, T. (2014). The Visual Analysis of Financial Data. In The Handbook of Financial Data and Risk Information II. Cambridge Press. Cambridge, U.K.
  • Arias-Hern獺ndez, R., Fisher, B. (2014). Designing Visual Analytic Tools for Emergency Operation Centers: A Qualitative Approach. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM)
  • Arias-Hernandez, R., & Fisher, B. (2013). The "Tunnel Vision" Effect: Structuring of Attention and Use of Digital Technologies in Emergency Operation Centers. CogSIMA 2013
  • Arias-Hernandez, R., & Fisher, B. (2013). A Qualitative Methodology for the Design of Visual Analytic Tools for Emergency Operation Centers (full paper). Proceedings of the 46th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE Digital Library
  • Al-Hajj, S., Pike, I., &  Fisher, B. (2013). Visual Analytics Dashboard: Decision-Making Support for Health Informatics. Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare. AMIA 2013, Nov 16th, Washington, DC
  • Al-Hajj, S., Pike, I., Riecke, B., &  Fisher, B. (2013). Visual Analytics for Public Health: Supporting Knowledge Construction and Decision-Making (full paper). Proceedings of the 46th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE Digital Library
  • Kaastra, L. T., Arias-Hernandez, R., & Fisher, B. (2012). Evaluating Analytic Performance. BELIV 2012: Beyond Time and Errors - Novel Evaluation Methods for Visualization. Visweek 2012, Seattle WA
  • Green, T. M. & Fisher, B. (2012). Impact of personality factors on interface interaction and development of user profiles: Next steps in the Personal Equation of Interaction. Information Visualization. 11(2). 1 -17.
  • Calder籀n, N., Riecke, B. E.,, & Fisher, B. (2012). Augmenting visual representation of affectively charged information using sound graphs. IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology. Seattle WA.
  • Arias-Hern獺ndez, R. , Green, T. M.,  Fisher, B. (2012). From Cognitive Amplifiers to Cognitive Prostheses: Understandings of the Material Basis of Cognition in Visual Analytics. "Computational Picturing," a special issue for Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 37(1).
  • Arias-Hernandez, R., Kaastra, L.T., & Fisher, B. (2011). Joint Action Theory and Pair Analytics: In-vivo Studies of Cognition and Social Interaction in Collaborative Visual Analytics. In L. Carlson, C. Hoelscher, and T. Shipley (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 3244-3249). Austin TX: Cognitive Science Society.
  • Arias-Hern獺ndez, R., Kaastra, L.T., Green, T. M., Fisher, B. (2011). Pair Analytics: Capturing Reasoning Processes in Collaborative Visual Analytics (full paper). Proceedings of the 44th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE Digital Library
  • Fisher, B., Green, T. M., Arias-Hern獺ndez, R. (2011). "Visual Analytics as a Translational Cognitive Science," Topics in Cognitive Science 3,3 609625.
  • Savikhin, A., Lam, H.C., Fisher,  B., Ebert, D. (2011). Experimental Study of Financial Portfolio Selection with Visual Analytics for Decision Support (full paper). Proceedings of the 44th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE Digital Library
  • Al-Hajj, S., Fortuno II, E.S, & Fisher, B. (2011). Data Visualization of Immunological Competence of HIV Exposed but Uninfected Infants. Proceedings of IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) 2011 Providence, RI, USA. Best Student Discovery Exhibition Award (IEEE VAST 2011).
  • Al-Hajj, S., Arias-Hern獺ndez, R., & Fisher, B. (2011). Interactive Visualization for Analyzing and Understanding Medical data. Proceedings of IEEE Visual Analytics in Health Care Workshop 2011: Understanding the Physician Perspective, 45-48 (October 2011).
  • Lindquist, E., Ebert, D., Fisher, B., & Jdrzejek, C., (2011). Visualization and Policy Development: Implications for Theory-Building (Visweek Panel). IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology, Providence RI.
  • Ebert, D., Fisher, B., Lindqvist, E., (2011). Exploratory Panel on Visualization & Policy Development: Implications for Theory-Building VisWeek 2011, Providence RI 27 October 2011.
  • Kwon, B.C., Fisher, B. Yi, J.S. (2011). Visual Analytic Roadblocks for Novice Investigators. IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology. Providence RI, (Full paper).
  • Green, T. M. & Fisher, B. (2011). The Personal Equation of Complex Individual Cognition during Visual Interface Interaction. Human Aspects of Visualization: Revised selected papers, Second IFIP WG 13. 7 Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Visualization, HCIV (INTERACT) 2009, Uppsala, Sweden, August 24, 2009, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6431, pp 38-57 Springer-Verlag.
  • Nobarany, S., Haraty, M., & Fisher, B. (2011). Facilitating the Reuse Process in Distributed Collaboration: A Distributed Cognition Approach. Proceedings of CSCW.
  • Haraty, M., Nobarany, S., Fels, S. S. & Fisher, B. D. (2011). Leveraging trust relationships in digital backchannel communications. CHI EA '11: Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems.
  • Arias-Hern獺ndez, R., Green, T. M., & Fisher, B. (2011). From cognitive amplifiers to cognitive prostheses: understandings of the material basis of cognition in visual analytics. Visualisation in the Age of Computerisation. Said Business School, Oxford University Oxford UK.
  • Green, T. M., Fisher, B. (2010). Towards the Personal Equation of Interaction: The impact of personality factors on visual analytics interface interaction. IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology. Salt Lake City, UT. (Full paper)
  • Green, T. M., Jeong, D. H., & Fisher, B. (2010). Using Personality Factors to Predict Interface Learning Performance (Digital Media Content and Communication Track, Best Paper Award). Proceedings of the 43th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pg. 1-10. IEEE Digital Library
  • Fisher, B. (2009) Science and Smart Graphics. Information Technology 3,142-148.
  • Ribarsky, W. , Fisher, B.,  Pottenger, W. (2009). Science of Analytical Reasoning, Information Visualization 8(4). 254-262.
  • Green, T. M., Ribarsky, W. & Fisher, B. (2009). Building and applying a human cognition model for visual analytics, Information Visualization 8(1) 254-262.
  • Green, T. M., Ribarsky, W., Fisher, B. (2008). Visual Analytics for Complex Concepts Using a Human Cognition Model. (Full paper) IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology. Columbus, OH.
  • Botta, D. , Werlinger, R., Gagne, A., Beznosov, K., Iverson, L., Fisher, B., & Fels, S. (2007). Towards Understanding IT Security Professionals and Their Tools. CM International Conference Proceeding Series; Vol. 229  archive. Proceedings of the 3rd symposium on Usable privacy and security table of contents. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania pg.: 100 - 111.
Interaction science papers develop new methods that developintegrated cognitive science and design methods for visual information systems. Many of these are reviewed by the experimental psychology / cognitive science community to confirm their scientific rigour and by the visual analytics and application communities to confirm their utility. Examples are:
  • Fisher, B. & Kasik, D. (2024) Pair Analytics in a Visual Analytics Context. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii Internatlional Conference on System Sciences. 
  • Zaimoglu, A. K., Pratt. L., Fisher, B. (2024). Epistemological Role of Human Reasoning in Data-Informed Decision-Making. Frontiers in Communication.
  • van den Elzen, S., Andrienko, G., Andrienko, N., Fisher. B. D., Martins, R. M., Peltonen, J., Telea, A. C., Verleysen, M. (2023). The Flow of Trust: A Visualization Framewrok to Externalize, Explore, and Explain Trust in ML Applications. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
  • Andrienko, N., Andrienko, G., Chen, S., Fisher, B. (2022). Seeking Patterns of Visual Pattern Discovery for Knowledge Building. Computer Graphics Forum.  
  • Ebert, D., Reinert, A., Fisher, B. (2021). Visual Analytics Review: An Early and Continuing Success of Convergent Research with Impact. Computing in Science & Engineering.
  • Brian David Fisher (2019). Juxtaposing Controlled Empirical Studies in Visualization with Topic Developments in Psychology. Preprint (arXiv).
  • al-Hajj, S., Fisher, B., Smith, J., Pike, I. (2017). Collaborative Visual Analytics: A Health Analytics Approach to Injury Prevention. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
  • Weber, G. H., Carpendale, S., Ebert, D., Fisher, B., Hagen, H., Shneiderman, B., Yinnerman, A. (2017). Apply or Die: On the Role and Assessment of Application Papers in Visualization. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 
  • Kurzhals, K., Fisher, B., Burch, M., Weiskopf, D. (2016). Eye tracking evaluation of visual analytics. Information Visualization. 
  • Ebert, D. S., Fisher, B., Gaither, K. (2016). Introduction to the minitrack on interactive visual decision analytics. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii Internatlional Conference on System Sciences. 
  • Kurzhals, K., Fisher, B., Burch, M., and Weiskopf, D. (2015) Eye Tracking Evaluation of Visual Analytics . Information Visualization, pp 1-19.
  • Kaastra, L.T., Arias-Hernandez, R., & Fisher, B. (2014) Tracking Joint Activities in Visual Analyses . Psychonomics Society Meeting. Long  Beach CA.
  • Kaastra, L.T., & Fisher, B. (2014) Field Experiment Methodology for Pair Analytics. BELIV 2014: Beyond Time and Errors - Novel Evaluation Methods for Visualization. Visweek 2014, Paris France.
  • Kurzhals, K.,  Fisher, B. Burch, M., & Weiskopf, D. (2014)  Evaluating Visual Analytics with Eye Tracking. BELIV 2014: Beyond Time and Errors - Novel Evaluation Methods for Visualization. Visweek 2014, Paris France.
  • Kaastra, L.T., Arias-Hernandez, R., & Fisher, B. (2012) Evaluating Analytic Performance. BELIV 2012: Beyond Time and Errors - Novel Evaluation Methods for Visualization. Visweek 2012, Seattle WA
  • Arias-Hernandez, R, Kaastra, L.T., & Fisher, B. (2011) Joint Action Theory and Pair Analytics: In-vivo Studies of Cognition and Social Interaction in Collaborative Visual Analytics. In L. Carlson, C. Hoelscher, and T. Shipley (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 3244-3249). Austin TX: Cognitive Science Society.
  • Arias-Hern獺ndez, R., Kaastra, L.T., Green, T.M., Fisher,B.(2011) Pair Analytics: Capturing Reasoning Processes in Collaborative Visual Analytics (full paper). Proceedings of the 44th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE Digital Library
  • Fisher,B., Green, T.M., Arias-Hern獺ndez, R. (2011) "Visual Analytics as a Translational Cognitive Science," Topics in Cognitive Science 3,3 609625.

Theory papers discuss new theories and the findings that support them about the cognitive natures of interaction with visual information systems. These are published in both computer science and cognitive science venues. Examples are:

  • Ribarsky, W. & Fisher, B. (2016) The Human-Computer System: Towards an Operational Model for Problem Solving (paper in press) Proceedings of the 49th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE Digital Library
  • Green, T.M. , Arias-Hern獺ndez, R. , Fisher, B. (2014) Individual differences and translational science in the design of human centered visualizations in Human Centric Visualization Theories, Methodologies and Case Studies. Springer-Verlag,  Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
  • Green, T.M. & Fisher,B. (2012) Impact of personality factors on interface interaction and development of user profiles: Next steps in the Personal Equation of Interaction". Information Visualization. 11(2). 1 -17.
  • Calder籀n, N., Riecke, B. E.,, & Fisher, B. (2012) Augmenting visual representation of affectively charged information using sound graphs, 2012, pp. 213214.IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology. Seattle WA.
  • Arias-Hern獺ndez, R. , Green, T.M.,  Fisher,B. (2012) From Cognitive Amplifiers to Cognitive Prostheses: Understandings of the Material Basis of Cognition in Visual Analytics. "Computational Picturing," a special issue for Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 37(1).
  • Green, T.M. & Fisher, B. (2011) The Personal Equation of Complex Individual Cognition during Visual Interface Interaction. Human Aspects of Visualization: Revised selected papers, Second IFIP WG 13. 7 Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Visualization, HCIV (INTERACT) 2009, Uppsala, Sweden, August 24, 2009, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6431, pp 38-57 Springer-Verlag.
  •  Nobarany, S., Haraty, M., & Fisher, B. (2011)  Facilitating the Reuse Process in Distributed Collaboration:  A Distributed Cognition Approach. Proceedings of CSCW.
  • Haraty, M., Nobarany, S., Fels, S.S. & Fisher, B. D. (2011) Leveraging trust relationships in digital backchannel communications. CHI EA '11: Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems.
  • Arias-Hern獺ndez, R., Green, T.M., & Fisher, B. (2011) From cognitive amplifiers to cognitive prostheses: understandings of the material basis of cognition in visual analytics. Visualisation in the Age of Computerisation. Said Business School, Oxford University Oxford UK.
  • Green, T.M. Fisher, B. (2010) Towards the Personal Equation of Interaction: The impact of personality factors on visual analytics interface interaction. IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology. Salt Lake City, UT. (Full paper)
  • Green, T.M., Jeong, D. H., & Fisher, B. (2010) Using Personality Factors to Predict Interface Learning Performance (Digital Media Content and Communication Track, Best Paper Award). Proceedings of the 43th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pg. 1-10. IEEE Digital Library
  • Fisher, B. (2009) Science and Smart Graphics. Information Technology 3,142-148.
  • Ribarsky, W. , Fisher, B.  Pottenger, W. (2009). Science of Analytical Reasoning, Information Visualization 8(4). 254-262.
  • Green, T.M., Ribarsky, W. & Fisher, B. (2009). Building and applying a human cognition model for visual analytics, Information Visualization 8(1) 254-262.
  • Green, T. M., Ribarsky, W., Fisher, B. (2008) Visual Analytics for Complex Concepts Using a Human Cognition Model. (Full paper) IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology. Columbus, OH.

Application papers describe how the technologies and analysis processes developed in our applied projects can be used in real-world application domains. These are frequently co-authored with experts in those application fields. Examples come from a number of application areas:


  • Lemieux, V.L., Fisher, B. & Dang, T. (2014) The Visual Analysis of Financial Data. In The Handbook of Financial Data and Risk Information II. Cambridge Press. Cambridge, U.K.
  • Savikhin, A., Lam, H.C., Fisher,  B., Ebert, D. (2011) Experimental Study of Financial Portfolio Selection with Visual Analytics for Decision Support (full paper). Proceedings of the 44th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE Digital Library

Emergency management:

  • Arias-Hern獺ndez, R.,  Fisher,B. (in press) Designing Visual Analytic Tools for Emergency Operation Centers: A Qualitative Approach. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM)
  • Arias-Hernandez, R., & Fisher, B. (2013) The "Tunnel Vision" Effect: Structuring of Attention and Use of Digital Technologies in Emergency Operation Centers. CogSIMA 2013
  • Arias-Hernandez, R., & Fisher, B. (2013) A Qualitative Methodology for the Design of Visual Analytic Tools for Emergency Operation Centers (full paper). Proceedings of the 46th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE Digital Library

Public health:

  • Brussoni, M., Han, C. S., Lin, Y., Jacob, J., Pike, I., Bundy, A., Faulkner, G., Gardy, J., Fisher, B., Masse, L. (2021) A Web-Based an In-Person Risk Reframing Intervention to Influence Mothers' Tolerance for and Parenting Practices Associated with, Children's Outdoor Risky Play: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research.
  • Al-Hajj, S., Pike, I., &  Fisher, B. (2013) Visual Analytics Dashboard: Decision-Making Support for Health Informatics. Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare. AMIA 2013, Nov 16th, Washington, DC
  • Al-Hajj, S., Pike, I., Riecke, B., &  Fisher, B. (2013) Visual Analytics for Public Health: Supporting Knowledge Construction and Decision-Making (full paper). Proceedings of the 46th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE Digital Library
  • Al-Hajj, S., Fortuno II, E.S, & Fisher, B. Data Visualization of Immunological Competence of HIV Exposed but Uninfected Infants. Proceedings of IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) 2011 Providence, RI, USA. Best Student Discovery Exhibition Award (IEEE VAST 2011).
  • Al-Hajj, S., Arias-Hern獺ndez, R., & Fisher, B. (2011) Interactive Visualization for Analyzing and Understanding Medical data. Proceedings of IEEE Visual Analytics in Health Care Workshop 2011: Understanding the Physician Perspective, 45-48 (October 2011).

Public policy

  • Lindquist, E., Ebert, D., Fisher, B., & Jdrzejek, C, (2011) Visualization and Policy Development: Implications for Theory-Building (Visweek Panel) . IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology, Providence RI
  • Ebert, D., Fisher, B., Lindqvist, E., (2011) Exploratory Panel on Visualization & Policy Development: Implications for Theory-Building VisWeek 2011, Providence RI 27 October 2011

Criminal Investigation:

  • Kwon, B.C., Fisher, B. Yi, J.S. (2011) Visual Analytic Roadblocks for Novice Investigators. IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology. Providence RI, (Full paper)
  • Botta, D. , Werlinger, R., Gagne, A., Beznosov, K.,  Iverson, L.,  Fisher, B., & Fels, S. (2007) 汽owards Understanding IT Security Professionals and Their Tools. CM International Conference Proceeding Series; Vol. 229  archive. Proceedings of the 3rd symposium on Usable privacy and security table of contents. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania pg.: 100 - 111