

Donia Mounsef

University of Alberta

Areas of interest

Intermediality, visual culture and violence, trauma theory, gender and feminist performance, and post-dramatic theatre.


  • PhD, French and Theatre, UBC
  • MA, French, University of Alberta


Donia Mounsef is Professor of drama and tudes th矇璽trales at the University of Alberta dept. of Drama and Facult矇 Saint-Jean. A performance theorist and dramaturge, she is the author of "Chair et r矇volte dans le th矇璽tre de Bernard-Marie Kolt癡s" (l'Harmattan, 2005) and the co-editor of The Transparency of the Text (Yale French Studies, 2007). She publishes widely on intermediality, visual culture and violence, trauma theory, gender and feminist performance, and post-dramatic theatre. Her work appeared in "Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism," "Yale French Studies," "Esprit Cr矇ateur," "Yale Journal of Criticism," "Women and Performance Journal," "F矇minismos," "Alt-Theatre," "Prague Journal of English Studies," "Journal of Global Studies and Contemporary Art," "Kryton," etc. She is currently working on a book length study on "Transmediality and Biopolitics: En-Acting Digital Mediation in the Performing Arts."