

Catherine Murray

Pronouns: she/her
Professor Emerita


PhD (Political Studies): Queens University, Kingston, 1986.

MA and BA (Honours) (Political Science): University of Waterloo.




Cultural participation and creative labour; cultural infrastructure and creative cities; creative economy, feminist creative practice and cultural industries; cultural governance and policy; gender, cultural diversity and intersectionality; political communication, communication rights and global trade; research design in cultural policy evaluation.

Professional Positions at 間眅埶AV

Full Professor, 間眅埶AV September 2007-September 2021

Associate Professor, 間眅埶AV January 1992-August 2007

Departmental Affiliations at 間眅埶AV

School of Communications, January 1992-September 2009; September 2012-December 2015.

Department of Gender, Sexuality and Womens Studies, September2009-August 2012; January 2016-Present

Administrative Positions at 間眅埶AV

Associate Dean Undergraduate, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, January 2016-August 31, 2020.

Associate Chair, School of Communications, January 2013- December, 2015.

Chair, Academic Women, January 2008-September 2012.

Chair, Department of Gender, Sexuality and Womens Studies, September 2008 to September, 2012.

Graduate Chair, School of Communications, September 1997-June 2003; May 2005-September 2005

Other Positions:

Assistant Professor, Mass Communications, York University, January 1985-May 1986; Lecturer, January 1983-September 1984.

Vice President Media and Telecommunications, Decima Research July 1989-October 1991, Senior Researcher, June 1986-June 1989.

Adjunct Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, 1987.



 Schroder, Kim, Drotner, Kirsten, Kline. Stephen and Murray, Catherine. (2003) Researching Audiences. London: Arnold Publishers. 422 pp. ISBN 0340-76274-8.

Anderson, Robert, Cohn, Theodore, Day, Chad, Howlett, Michael and Murray, Catherine eds. (1998) Innovation Systems in a Global Context: The North American Experience. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press. 303 pp. ISBN 7735-1780-4

Book Chapters

Murray, Catherine and Beale, Alison. (forthcoming 2021) BC Cultural Policy (1952-2009). Monica Gattinger et Diane Saint Pierre, eds. Cultural Policy:  Origins, Evolution, and Implementation in Canadas Provinces and Territories. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.

Murray, Catherine. (2015). A Framework for Cultural Labour: Shoring up the Good Jobs, Well Done. Routledge Companion to the Cultural Industries. Kate Oakley and Justin OConnor, Eds. London: Routledge. 427-441.

Hutton, Tom and Murray, Catherine (2013). Vancouver. The New Cultural Economy and its Discontents: Governance innovation and policy disjuncture in Vancouver.  The Politics of Urban Cultural Policy: Global Perspectives. Editors: Carl Grodach and Daniel Silver. London: Routledge. 141-153.

Murray, Catherine and Hutton, Tom. (2012) Vancouver: the Enigmatic Emerging Cultural Metropolis. In Cities, Cultural Policy and Governance. Volume 5, The Cultures and Globalization Series, Helmut K. Anheier and Yudhishthir Raj Isar, Editors and Michael Hoelscher, Guest Editor. London: Sage. 310-321.

Nelson, Ross, Duxbury, Nancy and Murray, Catherine. (2012) Cultural and Creative Strategies for Sustainable Rural Communities. In Social Transformation in Rural Canada. J. R. Parkins and M.G. Reed, eds. Vancouver: UBC Press. 368-386.

Murray, Catherine and Beale, Alison. (2011) La d矇marche ax矇e sur le lieu de la

Colombie-Britannique: le transfert des responsabilit矇s de la politique et lautodetermination culturelle (1952-2009). Monica Gattinger et Diane Saint Pierre, eds. Les politiques culturelles provinciales et territoriales du Canada. Origines, 矇volutions et mises en oeuvre. Quebec: Presses de lUniversit矇 Laval. 449-498.

Duxbury, N. and Murray, Catherine. (2010) Creative Spaces. In Cultural Expression, Creativity and Innovation, Raj Isar and Helmut Anheier Eds. Volume Three: Cultures and Globalization Series, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 200215.

Murray, C. Audience-Making: Issues in Canadian Audience. In Mediascapes, Leslie Regan Shade, 3rd edition, Toronto, ON, Nelson, pp. 83103, 2009.

Murray, C. Place-making and Place Taking: Cultural Policy in BC. In British Columbia Government and Politics. Howlett, Michael, Pilon, Dennis, Summerville, Tracey, Eds. Edmond Montgomery, Toronto, ON, pp. 371392, 2009.

Catherine Murray. The Media in Policy Analysis in Canada: State of the Art. Second ed. L. Dobuzinskis, M. Howlett, D. Laycock, eds, Toronto: University of Toronto Press. pp 525550, 2007.

Refereed Journal Articles

Murray, Catherine. (2015/2016). Queering Vancouver: The Work of the LGBTQ Advisory Committee, 2009-2014. BC Studies. No. 188. (Winter) 55-80.

Gollmitzer, Mirjam and Murray, Catherine. (2012) Escaping the Precarity Trap: a call for creative labour policy. In International Journal on Cultural Policy. 18:4, 419-438.

Marontate, Jan and Murray, Catherine. Neo-liberalism in Sub-national Policy Narratives: Perspectives     from Two Coasts, The Cnd J of Communic 35(2), pp. 315343, 2010.

Ahadi, Daniel and Murray, Catherine. Urban Mediascapes and Multicultural Flows: Assessing Vancouvers Communication Infrastructure. In Race, Ethnicity and Intercultural Communication. Special Issues of the Cnd J of Communic 34(4), pp. 587612, 2009.

Murray, Catherine. Designing Monitoring to Promote Cultural Diversification in TV. In Race, Ethnicity and Intercultural Communication. Special Issues of the Cnd J of Communic 34(4), pp. 675700, 2009.Commissioned Reports

Gollmitzer, Mirjam and Murray, Catherine. (2009) Workflows and Flexicurity: Canadian Cultural Labour in the Era of the Creative Economy. Report for the Canadian Conference of the Arts and the Cultural Human Resources Council. Centre for Policy Studies on Culture and Communities, 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, BC, 60 pp. May 2009.

Commissioned Reports

Murray, Catherine and Gollmitzer, Mirjam. (2008) From Economy to Ecology: A Policy Framework for Creative Labour. Report for the Canadian Conference of the Arts. Ottawa, March 15, 2008. 70 pp.

Murray, Catherine. 2008. Edge Cities: Competitive and Collaborative Creative Economy Strategy for Surrey.  

Catherine, Yu, Sherry and Ahadi, Daniel. (2007) Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Media in BC. A report for the Department of Canadian Heritage, Western Region. 間眅埶AV: Center for Policy Studies on Culture and Communities. 144 pp. Database and report found a

Community Engagement

Service to the 間眅埶AV Community: Standing University Committees

Jan 2016-Apr 2020 : Member, SCUS

Jan 2016- Apr 2020: Member, SEMC

Jan 2016-Apr 2020:Member, SCEMP

Jan 2015-Dec 2015: Member, 間眅埶AVFA Equity Committee

June 2015-Jan 2016: Senator, and Member of Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules

Sep 2012-Sep 2014: Elected to the University Faculty Review Council

Sep 2009Sep 2011: Elected to the FASS Deans Advisory Committee

Jan 2008Sep 2012: Chair, Academic Womens Association

Jun 2002May 2006: Member elected to the Board of Governors, 間眅埶AV by faculty for two terms, Chair, Academic Operations Committee; member of Executive Committee of Board of Governors.

Jan 2000Jun 2003: Chair, Graduate Studies Committee, School of Communication, 間眅埶AV.

Sep 1996Aug 1998: Chair, Graduate Studies Committee, School of Communication, 間眅埶AV.

Special University Committees

Sep 2014-Aug 2015: 間眅埶AVFA Equity Committee, member of VPA working group on Salary Equity

Sept 2012- Dec 2012: Elected to the Review Committee, VP Academic

2010January 2011: Member, Curriculum Task Force, FASS.

FebApr 2010: Member, Search Committee for Head Librarian, VPR Office.

SeptDec 2009: Member, Search Committee for the Dean of Continuing Studies

2004 Chair, 間眅埶AV Board of Governors Governance Working Group.

Jun 1998Jun 2000: Elected 間眅埶AV Faculty Association representative on The Presidential Search Committee.

May 1994May 1996: Member of the Presidents Committee on University Planning, 間眅埶AV.

External Community Service

May 2015- Aug 2016: Ombudsperson, New Canadian Media

2013-2015: Vice Chair, BC and Yukon Regional Advisory Board

Fall 2009Fall 2011: Member of the National Advisory Committee Cultural Statistics for Statistics Canada.

20082011: Member of Research Advisory Group Canadian Conference of Arts

20042009: Advisory Committee School of Journalism Kwantlen

2005: Juror, Vancouver Arts Awards

20002007: Member of the Board, Canadian Broadcast Standards Council;

19962005: Member of the Board, BC Film Society.

20012002: Member, Advisory Committee for the Canadian Cultural Observatory, Department of Canadian Heritage.

19982001: Member of the Board, MediaWatch, Research Portfolio.

19982000: Chair, Parents Advisory Council, College Park Elementary School.

19942000: Member of the Board, Lifestyle Foundation for The Womens Network (50.5% owned by Moffat Communications). The mandate is to research, mentor and develop programs to train women in new media.

19961997: Member of the Board, Vancouver International Film Festival.

19961997: Member of the BC Regional Board, Canadian Broadcast Standards

19911996: Member of the Board, Owl Communications.

19921995: Member of the Planning Council, Knowledge Network, Open Learning Agency.

19931994:Member of the Board, Professional Marketing Research Society.

19921993: Member of City of Vancouvers Municipal Task Force on the Arts