

Hydrogeology Courses

Graduate (see  )

  • EASC 601 (Advanced Groundwater Geochemistry)
  • EASC 602 (Environmental Isotopes)
  • EASC 603 (Field Techniques in Hydrogeology)
  • EASC 613 (Groundwater Modeling)
  • EASC 623 (Groundwater Resource Evaluation)
  • EASC 630 (Groundwater Contamination and Transport)
  • EASC 635 (Water, Environment and Climate Change)
  • Special Topics Courses (as described below)

Undergraduate (see  )

  • EASC 304 (Hydrogeology)
  • EASC 315 (Geochemistry of Natural Waters)
  • EASC 405 (Water, Environment and Climate Change)
  • EASC 410 (Groundwater Contamination and Transport)
  • EASC 415 (Groundwater Modeling)
  • EASC 416 (Field Techniques in Hydrogeology)

Special Topics Courses

In addition to the regular courses listed in the University Calendar, a variety of three-credit Special Topics course may be completed at the graduate and/or undergraduate level. Possibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

Advanced Groundwater Modelling - Techniques for modeling contaminant and/or heat transport and/or integrated land surface - subsurface modeling are introduced through informal discussions, problem assignments and a term project.

Groundwater Recharge and Climate Change - Topics in climate change / variability science (e.g., modeling, downscaling, historical variability, climate proxies), fundamentals of groundwater recharge, the impacts of climate change on groundwater recharge.