Program Requirements
Total Units: 30
This minor program may be completed in conjunction with any major or honours bachelor’s degree, or within the bachelor of arts degree program that requires two minors.
- The Global Asia program may be completed in conjunction with any major or honors bachelor's degree, or within the bachelor of arts degree program that requires two minors.
- Upper Dvision courses used toward completion of the Global Asia minor may not also be used to fulfill program requirements in another department or program.
Lower Division Requirements:
Students must complete at least 15 units, including
GA 101 - Introduction to Global Asia (3)
and two language courses from*
CHIN 100 - Mandarin Chinese I (3)
CHIN 110 - Mandarin Chinese II (3)
CHIN 200 - Mandarin Chinese III (3)
JAPN 100 - Japanese I (3)
JAPN 110 - Japanese II (3)
JAPN 200 - Japanese III (3)
PUNJ 100 - Introductory Punjabi I (3)
PUNJ 110 - Introductory Punjabi II (3)
* We recommend that students take language and non-language courses concurrently.
** Students who are fluent in any of the above languages, who possess fluency in a language not offered at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, or who wish to fulfil the language requirement by taking language courses elsewhere should get in touch with the program director to discuss alternatives.
and one of
GA 210 - How Asia Became Global: Empire, Migration, and Globalization in the Making of Modern Asia (3)
GA 211 - Asian Migrations Across the Globe (3)
* Students who complete both GA 210 and GA 211 may count one as an elective.
and one of
GA 202 - Studies in Global Asia (3)
GA 210 - How Asia Became Global: Empire, Migration, and Globalization in the Making of Modern Asia (3) *
GA 211 - Asian Migrations Across the Globe (3)*
GSWS 212 - Gender and Sexualites in Asia (3)
HIST 206 - Imperial Japan (ca. 1868-1952) (3)
HIST 243 - A Brief History of Modern India - from British Colony to Independent Republic (3)
HIST 252 - Islamic India (3)
HIST 254 - China to 1800 (3)
HIST 255 - China since 1800 (3)
HUM 203 - Great Texts: Asian Thought and Literature (3)
IS 210 - Comparative World Politics: Trajectories, Regimes, Challenges (3) **
IS 220 - Wealth and Poverty of Nations (3) **
IS 230 - Beyond the Nation-State: Identity and Belonging in a Globalized World (3) **
SA 275 - China in Transition (SA) (4)
WL 201 - East/West Encounters (3)
* Students who complete both GA 210 and GA 211 may count one as an elective.
** Students must consult their program advisor/Departmental Undergraduate Chair to ensure that content is appropriate.
Upper Division Requirements:
At least seven upper division units used toward satisfying the upper division requirement must be completed at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.
Students complete a total of at least 15 units and may complete other courses with variable content that have appropriate content that do not appear below.
CMNS 445 - Media and Popular Culture in China (4)
GA 302 - Selected Topics in Chinese Studies (3)
HIST 366 - Social and Cultural History of Modern China (4)
HIST 367 - History of the People's Republic of China (4)
HIST 479W - Contentious Problems in Modern Chinese History (4)
IS 333 - Chinese Development and Its Discontents (4)
GA 303 - Selected Topics in Japanese Studies (3)
HIST 371 - The Asia-Pacific War in Modern Japanese History (4)
HIST 447W - The Nikkei Experience in North America (4)
HIST 471W - Women in Japanese History (1600-1952) (4)
POL 381 - Japanese Politics (4)
IS 303 - Ethnic Minorities, Identity Politics, and Conflict in Southeast Asia (4)
IS 313W - Nationalism, Democracy and Development in Modern India (4)
IS 314 - National, Regional, and International Politics in Southeast Asia (4)
IS 414 - Current Regional Issues in Southeast Asia (4)
BUS 431 - Business with East Asian Countries (3)
CMNS 443 - Comparative Asian Media Systems (4)
ENGL 361 - Diaspora Literatures in English (4) *
GA 300 - Asians and North Americans in Public Discourse (3)
GA 301 - Asia-Canada Identities: Experiences and Perspectives (3)
GA 388 - Topics in Queer Global Asias (4)
GA 400 - Selected Topics in Global Asia (3)
GSWS 312 - Immigrants, Women and Transnational Migration (4) *
GSWS 388 - Topics in Queer Global Asias (4)
HIST 358 - Development, Aid and Difference in Historical Perspective (4) *
HIST 368W - Selected Topics in the History of the Wider World (4) *
HIST 425W - Gender and History (4) *
HIST 464 - Problems in Modern Asian History (4)
HUM 331 - Special Topics in Asian Religious Traditions (4)
HUM 382 - Selected Topics in Asian Art and Cultures (4)
IS 322 - Central Asia: Conflict and Security (4)
PHIL 342 - Topics in Asian Philosophy (3)
POL 342 - Developing Countries in Global Politics (4) *
POL 446W - International Relations in East Asia (4)
SA 328 - States, Cultures and Global Transitions (SA) (4) *
SA 329 - Sex, Work, and International Capital (SA) (4) *
WL 304 - Exile and Migration (4)
* Students must consult their program advisor/Departmental Undergraduate Chair to ensure that content is appropriate.