
Presentation Submission Form for 2024 FAS Three Minute Thesis

Use the tabs below to navigate through the information.

To enter this years Faculty of Applied Sciences heat for the 間眅埶AV Three Minute Thesis Competition, please read the competition rules and requirements and fill out the form below to submit your presentation slide. 

This years FAS heat will be held in-person at 間眅埶AV's Burnaby campus on February 27, which will require you to submit a presentation slide in advance. Judging will take place by a panel of faculty judges, and the audience will also submit their votes for the Peoples Choice Award.

Note that our judging panel will include faculty members; they will be required to report any conflicts of interest and not score presentations of students they are supervising. The judging panel will be announced soon and their bios will be posted on www.sfu.ca/fas/3mt.

Visit the 間眅埶AV 3MT competition main page:

  • To read the eligibility criteria, competition rules and how the judges will score your presentations.

Download the PowerPoint template:

  • To read the competition rules.
  • To create your title slide as instructed.
  • To create your one slide for the presentation.

By Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 11:59 PM PST, please submit the following:

  • The completed title slide and presentation slide using the template provided.
  • A photo of yourself to be used on the FAS/間眅埶AV website. Please note that when you submit the photo, you will be giving us permission to post it on the FAS/間眅埶AV channels for promotional purposes.

If you have any questions, please contact fas_grad_coordinator@sfu.ca.

3MT 2024 Presentation Submission Form

What type of program are you enrolled in?
(write down N/A if not applicable)
Submitting your PowerPoint and photo files:
To submit your PowerPoint and your photo files, either upload the files or upload your presentation slide, video and photo to a private cloud space (e.g., 間眅埶AV Vault, OneDrive, or other preferred platform) and paste the download link in the text box.
The total size of uploaded attachments can be no larger than 15MB
The total size of uploaded attachments can be no larger than 15MB
A photo of yourself to be used on the FAS/間眅埶AV website. Please note that when you submit the photo, you will be giving us permission to post it on the FAS/間眅埶AV channels for promotional purposes.
You can upload your PowerPoint and photo to a private cloud space (e.g., 間眅埶AV Vault, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.) and paste the download link in the text box.

Participation in this competition requires you to agree to the terms below to allow 間眅埶AV to share your PowerPoint and photo at this public event. Please read and agree to the terms before submitting your files.

1. I grant to 間眅埶AV the non-exclusive, royalty-free license to the copyright in, and unrestricted permission to use, reuse, publish, and republish in any format, location or medium at any time such photographs, video recordings, sound recordings, performances and any works presented by me contained in the photographs, video recordings and sound recordings of me (the Material). I further grant to 間眅埶AV the non-exclusive right to edit the Material before or after use, without restriction. I understand and agree that these licenses, grants and permissions apply to the Material in whole or in part, in any and all media now or hereafter known, for purposes mentioned above. I understand and agree that 間眅埶AV may identify me by name in any use or reuse of the Material in which I appear or am recorded. I hereby release and discharge 間眅埶AV and its employees and agents from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use or reuse of the Material, including without limitation any and all claims for libel, moral rights infringement, copyright infringement, or violation of any right of publicity or privacy.

2. This consent to use the Material and my personal information is permanent.

3. I represent and warrant that nothing in the works presented by me infringes copyright according to the Copyright Act of Canada. See  and  for further information on creator and user rights under Canadian copyright law.

4. Nothing in this consent and release form can be construed as a transfer to 間眅埶AV of my copyright in my performance and in the works presented. I may deal with any copyright I may hold in the Material in any way consistent with the terms of this consent and release form.

5. I understand that the Material is collected under the general authority of the University Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c.468).

Please check below if you agree to the presentation materials and photo consent.