
FAQ’s for 2021 and 2022 Modified Salary Review Process - Updated January 5, 2022

Is there a procedure for conducting evaluations for faculty that are Pre-Tenure?

Both the modified biennial salary review process and the 2019-2022 CA specify a requirement for Chairs to meet with pre-tenure faculty. Under the Operations section of the modified review process, paragraph 5, requires a meeting between the Chair and a pre-tenure faculty member in the year of their review cycle. The Chair must provide a written evaluation. These evaluations should function as a "check in" with the Chair to ensure the faculty member is on the right path for tenure. The discussion should consider the faculty member’s progress in Teaching, Research and Service. The Chair’s written evaluation should summarize the discussion and include suggestions or supports appropriate to the individual faculty member’s needs. A copy of the written summary should be provided to the faculty member, the Chair and the Dean and placed in the faculty member’s file. Although the modified review process does not specify when these meetings should occur, the meetings are intended to support the performance of faculty members and should be held as early as possible.

Under the new language in Article 30, TPC Chairs must meet with the Member in the year prior to the submission of their application for tenure to review their general progress towards meeting the timeline and expectations for tenure consideration. Although a date for these meetings is not specified, these meetings are also supportive in nature and should be scheduled as early as possible.

Are all faculty that are Pre-Tenure during the 2021 and 2022 salary review year to meet with the Chair in 2021 or in the year of their review?

Pre-tenure faculty should meet with the Chair in the year of their review.

If, during the course of the meetings, it is determined that a delay in contract renewal or tenure is in the best interests of the faculty member, what would be the next step?

Article 30 describes the circumstances in which a contract extension or a delay in tenure may be considered. Tenure track faculty members who have experienced severely disruptive personal or professional circumstances may apply to delay either process. The faculty member’s application and Chair’s recommendations (in departmentalized faculties) will be submitted to the Dean. The Chair’s recommendation should include any relevant information discussed in their meeting with the faculty member. The application will be submitted to the VPA for approval.

New language in Article 30 describes other circumstances which could support a delayed tenure application. Chairs are required to meet with pre-tenure faculty a year before they submit their application for tenure. If serious concerns are identified in this meeting and are expected to be resolved in one year, a TPC Chair, with the member’s agreement, may recommend a one year delay to the Dean. Both the recommendation and the member’s agreement should be submitted to the Dean in writing.

Is there a procedure for faculty whose performance in their previous review was deemed dissatisfactory?

As per Article 34 (Unsatisfactory Performance):

34.1 Any Member who has received a step award of 0 or 0.5 in any biennial review must meet with the Chair of the TPC and the Dean to discuss how they might improve their performance before the next biennial review. The Dean will provide a written record of the meeting to the Member and the Chair. 

34.2 Any Member who has received a step award of 0 or 0.5 in two consecutive biennial reviews may be required to undertake a program of appropriate remedial action. Any such program will be developed through consultation among the Dean, the Chair, the TPC and the Member.

The discussions described under paragraph 4 under Operations in the modified review process should be held in the year of the faculty member’s review cycle. Under Article 34, a plan would have been put in place for faculty that received 0.0 or 0.5 on their 2019 review. As part of the modified salary review process in 2021 and 2022, the Chair should review the plan and ensure the goals from the last review have been met, suggestions/plan followed, etc. The meeting would follow the same format as described in Article 34. The Chair may consider materials relevant to the faculty member's progress submitted by the member after January 15, 2020. Following the meeting the Chair will summarize the meeting in writing. The Chair’s summary should include comments on the member's progress towards the goals previously set and describe any new goals, plans and/or supports appropriate to the appropriate to the individual faculty member’s needs. A copy of the written summary should be provided to the faculty member, the Chair and the Dean.

Is it only those faculty members up for review that have to submit documentation related to COVID impacts?

All faculty members are encouraged to submit to the Chair any disruption they may have faced due to COVID-19. A copy of this will remain in their department file and a copy needs to be sent to Faculty Relations. Please check with your Dean’s office to see whether they wish to receive a copy as well.

What do we do if a faculty member was supposed to undergo a formal performance review (Article 38.5) in 2021? Is this still to take place? Will a TPC need to be formed for this purpose?

38.5 Term Research Faculty will be subject to a formal performance review in the second and fourth years of the appointment or accumulated appointments.

The agreement to modify the biennial salary review process does not extend to the requirements to conduct a performance review or probationary review. These reviews should continue, but the faculty member should be encouraged to provide information describing the impact of COVID-19 on their career progress.

Should newly hired teaching faculty members (hired Summer/Fall 2020) have their probationary review under the old or new collective agreement processes?

The timing of the probationary review should be based on the collective agreement language in effect on the faculty member’s start date. If a faculty member started work before December 21, 2021 the shorter probationary period described in the 2014-2019 collective agreement should apply. If the faculty member started after December 21, 2021 the longer probationary period described in the 2019-2022 collective agreement should apply.