

Kettner, V. A., & Carpendale, J. I. M. (2018). From touching to communicating: Forms of index finger use in the development of pointing. Gesture, 17 (2), 245-268.

Carpendale, J. I. M., Kettner, V. A., & Audet, K. (2015). On the nature of toddlers’ helping: Helping or interest in others’ activity? Social Development, 24 (2), 357-366.

Kettner, V. A., & Carpendale, J. I. M. (2014). Developing gestures for no and yes: Head shaking and nodding in infancy. Gesture, 13 (2), 193-209.

Carpendale, J. I. M., Atwood, S., & Kettner, V. (2014). Meaning and mind from the perspective of dualist versus relational worldviews: Implications for the development of pointing gestures. Human Development, 56, 381-400.

Carpendale, J. I. M, & Lewis, C., (in press). The development of social understanding. In L. Liben & U. Müller (Vol. Eds.), Vol. 2: Cognitive processes, R. Lerner (editor-in-chief), 7th edition of the Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science. Wiley Blackwell.

Carpendale, J. I. M., Hammond, S. I., & Atwood, S. (2013). A relational developmental systems approach to moral development. In R. M. Lerner & J. B. Benson (Eds.), Embodiment and epigenesis: Theoretical and methodological issues in understanding the role of biology within the relational developmental system (pp. 105-133). Advances in Child Development and Behavior, vol. 45.

Carpendale, J. I. M., Sokol, B., & Müller, U. (2010). Is a neuroscience of morality possible? In P. Zelazo, M. Chandler, & E. Crone (Eds.), Developmental social cognitive neuroscience (289-311). New York: Psychology Press.

Carpendale, J. I. M, & Lewis, C., (2010). The development of social understanding: A relational perspective. In W. F. Overton (Ed.). Cognition, Biology, and Methods across the Lifespan. Volume 1 of the Handbook of life-span development (pp. 548-627), Editor-in-chief: R. M. Lerner. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Carpendale, J. I. M., & Carpendale, A. B. (2010). The development of pointing: From personal directedness to interpersonal direction. Human Development, 53, 110-126.

Carpendale, J. I. M. (2009). Piaget’s theory of moral development. In U. Müller, J. I. M Carpendale, & L. Smith, (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Piaget (pp. 270-286). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Turnbull, W., Carpendale, J. I. M., & Racine, T. P. (2008). Relations between mother-child talk and 3- to 5-year-old children’s understanding of belief: Beyond mental state terms to talk about the mind. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 54, 397-385.

Racine, T. P., & Carpendale, J. I. M. (2008). The embodiment of mental states. In W. F. Overton, U. Müller & J. Newman (Eds.), Developmental perspectives on embodiment and consciousness (pp. 159-190). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Racine, T. P., & Carpendale, J. I. M. (2007). The role of shared practice in joint attention. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 25, 3-25.

Carpendale, J. I. M., & Lewis, C. (2004). Constructing an understanding of mind: The development of children's social understanding within social interaction. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27, 79-96.
Reprinted in, J. G. Bremner & C. Lewis (Eds.) Developmental Psychology 1: Perceptual and Cognitive Development. Volume 1: Theoretical Perspectives on Perception and Cognition (pp. 439-485). London: Sage.

Carpendale, J. I. M. (2000). Kohlberg and Piaget on stages and moral reasoning. Developmental Review, 20, 181-205.

Carpendale, J. I. M. (1999). Constructivism, communication, and cooperation: Implications of Michael Chapman's "epistemic triangle." In I. Sigel (Ed.), The development of representational thought: Theoretical perspectives (pp. 129-146). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Carpendale, J. I. M. & Chandler, M. J. (1996). On the distinction between false belief understanding and subscribing to an interpretive theory of mind. Child Development, 67, 1686-1706.