
Curriculum: Biomedical Engineering

Core courses and typical schedule

Select your concentration to view the curriculum.
NOTE: This is for students who entered the Engineering Science program in summer 2013 or earlier.

Biomedical Engineering Concentration: Biomedical Signals and Instrumentation (BI)

Core courses and typical schedule

This curriculum is for students who entered the Engineering Science program in summer 2013 or earlier.

A typical schedule for this option is provided below. Please consult official degree requirements in the university calendar for more details.

Year 1

Term 1, Fall
Term 2, Spring
CHEM 121-4
General Chemistry & Lab ENSC 102-1
Form, Style, & Professional Genres*  
CMPT 128-3
Intro to Computing Science & Programming for Engineers* ENSC 150-3
Intro to Computer Design*
ENSC 100(w)-3
Engineering, Science, and Society* MATH 152-3
Calculus II*
ENSC 101(w)-1
Writing Process, Persuasion, & Presentations* MATH 232-3
Elementary Linear Algebra*
MATH 151-3
Calculus I - or MATH 150 PHYS 121-3
Optics, Electricity, & Magnetism*
PHYS 120-3
Modern Physics & Mechanics* PHYS 131-2
General Physics Lab*
Cmpl I
First Complementary Elective

Year 2

Term 3, Fall
Term 4, Summer
CHEM 180-3
The Chemistry of Life Co-op Term
ENSC 204-1
Graphical Communication for Engineering*
CMPT 225-3
Data Structures & Programming ENSC 225-4
Microelectronics I*
ENSC 215-3
Microcontroller/Assembly Programming ENSC 250-3
Intro to Computer Architecture*
ENSC 220-3
Electronic Circuits I* ENSC 320-3
Electric Circuits II*
MATH 251-3
Calculus III* BPK 208-3
Intro to Physiological Systems*
MATH 310-3
Differential Equations* MATH 254-3
Vector & Complex Analysis*

Year 3

Term 5, Spring
Term 6, Fall
Co-op Term
ENSC 304-1
Human Factors & Usability Engineering* Co-op Term
ENSC 383-4
Feedback Control Systems*
ENSC 330-4
Engineering Materials STAT 270-3 Intro to Probability & Statistics
ENSC 370-3
Biomedical Engineering Directions* ENSC 3 or 4XX First Engineering Science Elective
ENSC 380-3
Linear Systems* BPK 308-3 Experiments & Models in Physiology
BPK 201-3
Biomechanics*/** Scie I
First Science Elective
MACM 316-3
Numerical Methods    
PHYS 321-3
Intermediate Electricity & Magnetism*

Year 4

Term 7, Spring
Term 8, Fall
ENSC 305-1
Project Documentation & Team Dynamics*   ENSC 201-3
The Business of Engineering
ENSC 350-3
Digital Systems Design Cmpl II

Second Complementary Elective
ENSC 372-4
Biomedical Instrumentation* ENSC 4XX-4 Third Engineering Science Elective
ENSC 406-2
Social Responsibility & Professional Practice* ENSC 4XX-4
Fourth Engineering Science Elective
ENSC 440-4
Capstone Engineering Science Project Scie II
Second Science Elective
ENSC 3 or 4XX Second Engineering Science Elective

*should be completed in the designated term; consequences of deviating from this schedule are the responsibility of the student.

** Biomed students wanting to enroll in BPK 201 without the prerequisite BPK 142, must email their advising transcript to the BPK Advisor (bpkadvisor@sfu.ca) to request enrollment.

Additional Requirements:

  • ENSC 498-3  Engineering Science Thesis Proposal
  • ENSC 499-9  Engineering Science Undergraduate Thesis



Two of the four Engineering Science electives must come from the list below:

  • ENSC 425-4    Electronic Systems Design
  • ENSC 429-4    Digital Signal Processing
  • ENSC 474-4    Digital/Medical Image Processing
  • ENSC 476-4    Biophotonics
  • ENSC 477-4    Biomedical Image Acquisition (offered as ENSC 460 in Fall 2013 and Fall 2014)


The remaining Engineering Science electives must be chosen from the following list:

  • ENSC 424 Multimedia Communications Engineering
  • ENSC 426 High Frequency Electronics
  • ENSC 427 Communication Networks
  • ENSC 428 Digital Communications
  • ENSC 450 VSLI Systems Design
  • ENSC 452 Advanced Digital System Design
  • ENSC 470 Optical and Laser Engineering Applications
  • ENSC 472 Rehabilitation Engineering
  • ENSC 481 Designing for Reliability
  • ENSC 483 Modern Control Systems
  • ENSC 488 Introduction to Robotics
  • ENSC 489 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
  • ENSC 495 Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication


Note: 400-level electives may require 300-level pre-requisite courses. Biomedical Engineering students may count up to two of these 300-level pre-requisites towards their Engineering Science electives. A 300-level course will not be counted unless the corresponding 400-level course is also completed.

Special topics courses in the 400 division that have been approved by the option chair and the undergraduate curriculum committee chair can be counted here. With permission of the undergraduate curriculum committee chair, students may replace one engineering science elective with an engineering science directed studies course or a special project laboratory course. Such replacements for an engineering science elective must have four units and be 400 division courses.

Biomedical Engineering Concentration: Rehabilitation and Assistive Devices Engineering (RD)

Core courses and typical schedule

This curriculum is for students who entered the Engineering Science program in summer 2013 or earlier.

A typical schedule for this option is provided below. Please consult official degree requirements in the university calendar for more details.



Year 1

Term 1, Fall
Term 2, Spring
CHEM 121-4
General Chemistry & Lab ENSC 102-1
Form, Style, & Professional Genres*  
CMPT 128-3
Intro to Computing Science & Programming for Engineers* ENSC 150-3
Intro to Computer Design*
ENSC 100(w)-3
Engineering, Science, and Society* MATH 152-3
Calculus II*
ENSC 101(w)-1
Writing Process, Persuasion, & Presentations* MATH 232-3
Elementary Linear Algebra*
MATH 151-3
Calculus I - or MATH 150 PHYS 121-3
Optics, Electricity, & Magnetism*
PHYS 120-3
Modern Physics & Mechanics* PHYS 131-2
General Physics Lab*
Cmpl I
First Complementary Elective

Year 2

Term 3, Fall
Term 4, Summer
CHEM 180-3
The Chemistry of Life Co-op Term
ENSC 204-1
Graphical Communication for Engineering*
CMPT 225-3
Data Structures & Programming ENSC 225-4
Microelectronics I*
ENSC 215-3
Microcontroller/Assembly Programming ENSC 250-3
Intro to Computer Architecture*
ENSC 220-3
Electronic Circuits I* ENSC 320-3
Electric Circuits II*
MATH 251-3
Calculus III* BPK 208-3
Intro to Physiological Systems*
MATH 310-3
Differential Equations* MATH 254-3
Vector & Complex Analysis*

Year 3

Term 5, Spring
Term 6, Fall
Co-op Term
ENSC 304-1
Human Factors & Usability Engineering* Co-op Term
ENSC 383-4
Feedback Control Systems*
ENSC 330-4
Engineering Materials STAT 270-3 Intro to Probability & Statistics
ENSC 370-3
Biomedical Engineering Directions* ENSC 3 or 4XX First Engineering Science Elective
ENSC 380-3
Linear Systems* BPK 308-3 Experiments & Models in Physiology
BPK 201-3
Biomechanics*/** Scie I
First Science Elective
MACM 316-3
Numerical Methods    
PHYS 321-3
Intermediate Electricity & Magnetism*

Year 4

Term 7, Spring
Term 8, Fall
ENSC 305-1
Project Documentation & Team Dynamics*   ENSC 201-3
The Business of Engineering
ENSC 350-3
Digital Systems Design Cmpl II
Second Complementary Elective
ENSC 372-4
Biomedical Instrumentation* ENSC 4XX-4
Third Engineering Science Elective
ENSC 406-2
Social Responsibility & Professional Practice* ENSC 4XX-4
Fourth Engineering Science Elective
ENSC 440-4
Capstone Engineering Science Project Scie II
Second Science Elective
ENSC 3 or 4XX Second Engineering Science Elective

*should be completed in the designated term; consequences of deviating from this schedule are the responsibility of the student.

** Biomed students wanting to enroll in BPK 201 without the prerequisite BPK 142, must email their advising transcript to the BPK Advisor (bpkadvisor@sfu.ca) to request enrollment.

Additional Requirements:

  • ENSC 498-3  Engineering Science Thesis Proposal
  • ENSC 499-9  Engineering Science Undergraduate Thesis



It is recommended that students complete the following Science elective:

  • BPK 448-3      Rehabilitation & Movement Control

The complete list of approved Science electives can be found here.

It is highly recommended that students complete the following Engineering Science electives:

  • ENSC 429-4    Digital Signal Processing
  • ENSC 472-4    Rehabilitation Engineering

The remaining Engineering Science electives must be chosen from the following list:

  • ENSC 424 Multimedia Communications Engineering
  • ENSC 425 Electronic System Design
  • ENSC 426 High Frequency Electronics
  • ENSC 427 Communication Networks
  • ENSC 428 Digital Communications
  • ENSC 450 VSLI Systems Design
  • ENSC 452 Advanced Digital System Design
  • ENSC 470 Optical and Laser Engineering Applications
  • ENSC 474 Digital/Medical Image Processing
  • ENSC 476 Biophotonics and Microscopy Techniques
  • ENSC 477 Biomedical Image Acquisition (offered as ENSC 460 in Fall 2013 and Fall 2014)
  • ENSC 481 Designing for Reliability
  • ENSC 483 Modern Control Systems
  • ENSC 488 Introduction to Robotics
  • ENSC 489 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
  • ENSC 495 Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication

Note: 400-level electives may require 300-level pre-requisite courses. Biomedical Engineering students may count up to two of these 300-level pre-requisites towards their Engineering Science electives. A 300-level course will not be counted unless the corresponding 400-level course is also completed.

Special topics courses in the 400 division that have been approved by the option chair and the undergraduate curriculum committee chair can be counted here. With permission of the undergraduate curriculum committee chair, students may replace one engineering science elective with an engineering science directed studies course or a special project laboratory course. Such replacements for an engineering science elective must have four units and be 400 division courses.



Biomedical Engineering Concentration: Pre-Medical Studies

Core courses and typical schedule

A typical schedule for this option is provided below. Please consult official degree requirements in the university calendar for more details.

Please note the curriculum is changing effective Fall 2013. If you are starting the program in Fall 2013 or later, please refer to this  for the first year courses to take.

Year 1

Term 1, Fall
Term 2, Spring
CHEM 121-4
General Chemistry & Lab ENSC 102-1
Form, Style, & Professional Genres*  
CMPT 128-3
Intro to Computing Science & Programming for Engineers* ENSC 150-3
Intro to Computer Design*
ENSC 100(w)-3
Engineering, Science, and Society* MATH 152-3
Calculus II*
ENSC 101(w)-1
Writing Process, Persuasion, & Presentations* MATH 232-3
Elementary Linear Algebra*
MATH 151-3
Calculus I - or MATH 150 PHYS 121-3
Optics, Electricity, & Magnetism*
PHYS 120-3
Modern Physics & Mechanics* PHYS 131-2
General Physics Lab*
Cmpl I
First Complementary Elective

Year 2

Term 3, Fall
Term 4, Summer
CHEM 122-2
General Chemistry II Co-op Term
BISC 101-4
General Biology
CHEM 126-2 General Chemistry Lab II ENSC 204-1 Graphical Communication for Engineering*
CMPT 225-3
Data Structures & Programming ENSC 225-4
Microelectronics I*
ENSC 215-3
Microcontroller/Assembly Programming ENSC 250-3
Intro to Computer Architecture*
ENSC 220-3
Electronic Circuits I* ENSC 320-3
Electric Circuits II*
MATH 251-3
Calculus III* BPK 208-3 Introduction to Physiological Systems*
MATH 310-3
Differential Equations*    

Year 3

Term 5, Spring
Term 6, Fall
Co-op Term
CHEM 281-4
Organic Chemistry I Co-op Term
CHEM 282-2
Organic Chemistry II
ENSC 304-1 Human Factors & Usability Engineering* CHEM 286-2
Organic Chemistry Lab II
ENSC 330-3
Engineering Materials ENSC 383-4 Feedback Control Systems*
ENSC 370-3
Biomedical Engineering Directions* BPK 308-3 Experiments & Models in Physiology
ENSC 380-3 Linear Systems* STAT 270-3 Intro to Probability & Statistics
BPK 201-3 Biomechanics*/** ENSC 3 or 4XX First Engineering Science Elective
MACM 316-3 Numerical Methods

Year 4

Term 7, Spring
Term 8, Fall
ENSC 305W-1
Project Documentation & Team Dynamics*   ENSC 201-3
The Business of Engineering
ENSC 350-3
Digital Systems Design ENSC 3 or 4XX Second Engineering Science Elective
ENSC 372-4
Biomedical Instrumentation* ENSC 3 or 4XX Third Engineering Science Elective
ENSC 406-2
Social Responsibility & Professional Practice* MBB 231-3 Cellular Biology & Biochemistry
ENSC 440-4
Capstone Engineering Science Project    
MBB 222-3
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry

Year 5

Term 9, Spring
BISC 102-3
General Biology          
ENGL 102W-3 Introduction to Poetry
MBB 321-3    Intermediary Metabolism
ENSC 374-4     
Biomedical Image Acquisition 
ENSC 4XX-4   
Fourth Engineering Sci Elective

*should be completed in the designated term; consequences of deviating from this schedule are the responsibility of the student.

** Biomed students wanting to enroll in BPK 201 without the prerequisite BPK 142, must email their advising transcript to the BPK Advisor (bpkadvisor@sfu.ca) to request enrollment.


One of the following complementary electives is strongly recommended in addition to ENGL 102W:

  • ENGL 101W-3 Introduction to Fiction
  • ENGL 103W-3 Introduction to Drama
  • ENGL 104W-3 Introduction to Prose Genres

It is recommended that students complete the following Engineering Science electives:

  • ENSC 429-4    Digital Signal Processing
  • ENSC 472-4    Rehabilitation Engineering

The remaining Engineering Science electives must be chosen from the following list:

  • ENSC 424 Multimedia Communications Engineering
  • ENSC 425 Electronic System Design
  • ENSC 426 High Frequency Electronics
  • ENSC 427 Communication Networks
  • ENSC 428 Digital Communications
  • ENSC 450 VSLI Systems Design
  • ENSC 452 Advanced Digital System Design
  • ENSC 470 Optical and Laser Engineering Applications
  • ENSC 474 Digital/Medical Image Processing
  • ENSC 476 Biophotonics and Microscopy Techniques
  • ENSC 481 Designing for Reliability
  • ENSC 483 Modern Control Systems
  • ENSC 488 Introduction to Robotics
  • ENSC 489 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
  • ENSC 495 Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication

Note: 400-level electives may require 300-level pre-requisite courses. Biomedical Engineering students may count up to two of these 300-level pre-requisites towards their Engineering Science electives. A 300-level course will not be counted unless the corresponding 400-level course is also completed.

Special topics courses in the 400 division that have been approved by the option chair and the undergraduate curriculum committee chair can be counted here. With permission of the undergraduate curriculum committee chair, students may replace one engineering science elective with an engineering science directed studies course or a special project laboratory course. Such replacements for an engineering science elective must have four units and be 400 division courses.