

Canadian Journal of Education (CJE)

The Canadian Journal of Education (CJE) is a national peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the membership of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) and focuses on research and scholarly writing that is of relevance to the Canadian education community. It is a multinational journal that, from multiple viewpoints, takes up issues that are critical to the education community. The journal is read by scholars worldwide, and aims to represent the valuable contributions that Canadian scholars in education continue to make in the field.

Submission Information

Articles submitted to the Canadian Journal of Education (CJE) must address a question and present an investigation into an issue; they should be based in a scholarly context (literature review), and contribute to scholarship in education. The CJE does not publish teaching materials or administrative documents. Authors are responsible for receiving ethics approval from their own institutions.

Further information for writers can be found at:

Editorial Contact Information

Katy Ellsworth, Managing Editor: acde@telus.net

Canadian Journal of Mathematics (CJM)

The Canadian Journal of Mathematics (CJM) is one of the flagship publications of the Canadian Mathematical Society, devoted to publishing original research works of high standard. The CJM is published six times per year.

Submission Information

Papers submitted to the Canadian Journal of Mathematics (CJM) should be at least 16 pages long. Shorter papers should be submitted to the Canadian Mathematics Bulletin.

All submitted papers are considered subject to the understanding that they have not been published before in any form and are not being considered for publication elsewhere. To be publishable, papers must address new mathematical research, be well written, and be of interest to a significant segment of the mathematical community.  

Further information for authors can be found at:

Editorial Contact Information


Canadian Mathematics Bulletin

The Canadian Mathematics Bulletin (CMB) is one of the flagship publications of the Canadian Mathematical Society, devoted to publishing original research works of high standard. The CMB is published four times per year.

Submission Information

Papers submitted to the Canadian Mathematical Bulletin (CMB) should be at most 16 pages long. Longer papers should be submitted to the Canadian Journal of Mathematics (CJM).

All submitted papers are considered subject to the understanding that they have not been published before in any form and are not being considered for publication elsewhere. To be publishable, papers must address new mathematical research, be well written, and be of interest to a significant segment of the mathematical community.

Further information for authors can be found at:

Editorial Contact Information


Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education

This journal chronicles the effort to understand and enhance changes in the nature of worthwhile mathematical work that can be performed by learning, teachers and practitioners with digital technologies.

The new journal continues an effort begun by Seymour Papert in the original International Journal of Computers for Mathematics Learning (IJCML), founded in 1995. Now, as then, increasingly powerful computational environments are stimulating new thinking about the content of mathematics learning, the way it is assessed and the kinds of interactive settings in which it can be embedded.

The nature of the required social and cultural changes, and the challenges of helping to bring them about, are still poorly understood. The journal provides a forum for scholarly exchange about ongoing debates on the nature of mathematical thinking, on issues of equity, cultural diversity, professional development and the very nature of mathematical thought.

Submission Information

Further information for authors can be found at:

Editorial Contact Information

Nathalie Sinclair, Editor-in-Chief 

For the Learning of Mathematics (FLM)

For the Learning of Mathemicatics, a publication of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group, was established in 1981 for the purpose of:

  • Stimulating reflection on mathematics education at all levels, and promoting the study of its practices and its theories;
  • Generating productive discussion;
  • Encouraging enquiry and research; and
  • Promoting criticism and evaluation of ideas and procedures current in the field.

FLM is for the mathematics educator who is aware that the learning and teaching of mathematics are complex enterprises about which much remains to be revealed and understood.

Submission Information

'Mathematics education' should be interpreted to mean the whole field of human ideas and activities that affect, or could affect,the learning of mathematics. It draws upon a number of more established cognate disciplines, including psychology, mathematics,sociology, linguistics and philosophy, each of which has its own phenomena of interest and parallel structures, modes of enquiry, conceptual tools and methodological norms, structures of knowledge and means of validation. Articles about mathematics or about psychology, for example, are welcomed provided their content bears on the learning of mathematics. This might be achieved directly, or indirectly through offering a significant perspective to teachers of mathematics. The journal has space for articles which attempt to bring together ideas from several sources and show their relation to the theories or practices of mathematics education. It is a place where ideas may be tried out and presented for discussion.

Writing arising from particular research projects may be submitted, but the editor also solicits articles which survey an area of research or which attempt to interpret or evaluate some published research. Reports of informal research, especially from the classroom, are as welcome as reports which meet the usual professional criteria.

Further information for contributors can be found at:

Editorial Contact Information

Richard Barwell, Editor: editor@flm-journal.org

Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME)

The Journal for Research in Mathematics Education is an official journal of National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and is the most influential periodical in mathematics education research worldwide. It is the fourth most-cited educational research journal of any kind and is published five times per year (January, March, May, July, and November). Its first set of publications began in 1970.


The editors of the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME) encourage the submission of a variety of manuscripts: Articles and Reports of Research; Research Commentaries; Brief Reports: Brief theoretical reports of research; Book Reviews; and Monographs.

Further information for contributors can be found at:

Editorial Contact Information

Cynthia Langrall, JRME Editor: jrme@nctm.org (Correspondence regarding manuscripts for Articles and Reports of Research and Brief Reports)
Steve Williams, Research Commentary Editor: williams@mathed.byu.edu
Jinfa Cai, JRME Book Review Editor: jcai@udel.edu
Randall Groth, JRME Monograph Editor: regroth@salisbury.edu


Vector, the flagship journal of British Columbia Association of Mathematics Teachers, caters to the needs of all aspects of mathematics teaching and learning in British Columbia – from elementary to secondary to post-secondary teachers. Established almost 50 years ago, Vector has published close to 150 issues. Articles are written by teachers, mathematics education researchers and mathematicians.

Submission Information

Vector caters to and accepts a wide variety of submissions from K–12 and post-secondary mathematics educators, mathematicians, and students. They urge all authors to keep the diversity of our readership in mind when crafting their submissions. In addition, to the editorial help, authors can opt to have certain articles (Research Report; Practicizing; Issues in Mathematics Education; Listservce in Brief; or Book Review) peer reviewed by members of the Vector editorial board.

Further information for contributors can be found at:

Editorial Contact Information

Dr. Sean Chorney, Co-Editor: sbc@sfu.ca
Dr. Peter Liljedahl, Co-Editor: liljedahl@sfu.ca
