Research Funding
Select Research Funding
2024-2027: CIHR Strengthening the Health Workforce For System Transformation Grant, Capacity Building in the Pediatric Eating Disorders Workforce: System Transformation to Improve the Continuum of Care, Co-Applicant and EDI Co-Champion.
2024-2025: Michael Smith Health Research BC Convening and Collaborating Grant, Early Intervention for Eating Disorders in British Columbia: Co-Development of a Research Strategy, Co-applicant.
2023-2025: SSHRC Insight Development Grant, Well-being and Vicarious Resilience in Healthcare Professionals: Cultural Considerations, Co-Applicant.
2024-2025: BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute Trainee Boost Grant, Establishing a Foundational Understanding of the Intersectionality of Disability and Social/Cultural Determinants as Related to Health Inequities in Children Living with Health Complexity, Principal Applicant.
2024-2025: BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute Brain, Behaviour, and Development Theme Open Access Fund, Implementing the Pain Pathway in a Community Practice: A hybrid feasibility and implementation-effectiveness trial, Principal Applicant.
2022-2024: Kids Cancer Care in Childhood Cancer Research, Surviving and Thriving: Creating an Online Follow-up Care Platform for Survivors of Childhood Cancer, Co-Principal Applicant.
2022-2024: BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute Clinical and Translational Research Seed Grant, Evaluation of an Innovative, Culturally Responsive, and Equitable Mixed Model of Care for Survivors of Childhood Cancer and Their Families in BC, Canada, Principal Applicant.
2022-2023: Canadian Psychological Association Collaboration Grant, Understanding the experiences of diverse adolescents and young adults living beyond cancer, Principal Applicant.
2022-2023: Eating Disorders Association of Canada Bursary, The redevelopment of the provincial specialized eating disorders program at BC Children’s Hospital, Principal Applicant.
2016-2017: Canadian Psychological Association Student Research Grant, The effect of the parent-child relationship on the acculturation gap: What is a relationship of quality? Principal applicant.