

  • 2020
    Do socio-demographic and parenting factors moderate the impact of the HIPPY program on childrens school readiness?
    Mitacs Accelerate Grant.
  • 2017
    Impact of transitioning to secondary schools on health behaviours associated with obesity and academic related outcomes: A socio-ecological perspective.
    CIHR Operating Grant.
    $709, 155
  • 2016
    Impact of transitioning to secondary schools on behaviours associated with obesity and academic-related outcomes: An ecological perspective with an integrated mixed-method approach.
    CIHR Operating Grant.
  • 2015
    The Romanian adoption project: Stories in emerging adulthood.
    SSHRC Insight Grant.
  • 2015
    The Romanian adoption project: Stories in emerging adulthood
    間眅埶AV VPR 4A Grant, $8,900
  • 2015
    Impact of transitioning to secondary schools on behaviours associated with obesity and academic-related outcomes: An ecological perspective
    Le Mare, L., R. Brant, R. Hanning, H. McKay, & Naylor P.
    CIHR Operating Grant, $100,000
  • 2014
    The Romanian Adoption Project Phase 5 Emerging Adulthood
    SSHRC Small Grant, $6,368
  • 2012
    Childrens adjustment to full-day kindergarten: Parent and teacher perceptions and the roles of child temperament and parent-school relationships
    Faculty of Education Graduate Supervision Grant, $11,000
  • 2010
    The impact of an aerobic exercise intervention on childrens executive functioning and school performance
    Le Mare, L. & Neufeld, P.
    SSHRC Small Grant, $12,091
  • 2008
    Children in Care Cohort Study grant preparation
    Faculty of Education Research Opportunities Grant, $5,000
  • 2007
    The Romanian Adoption Project: Time 4 analyses
    SSHRC Small Grant, $5,000
  • 20062009
    Care, Identity, and Inclusion Project: HIPPY Canada Case Studies
    Le Mare, L. (co-investigator)
    Human Resources and Social Development Canada: Social Development Partnership Program Research Grant, $700,000
  • 20032005
    The Romanian Adoption Project: Analysis of Phase 3 Data & Bridge to Phase 4
    Human Early Learning Partnership Research Grant, $29,000
  • 20032007
    The C.H.I.L.D. Project
    Le Mare, L. (co-investigator)
    SSHRC Major Collaborative Research Initiative, $2.3 million
  • 2002
    Demographics of Canadian families with children adopted from Romanian orphanages
    SSHRC Small Grant, $4,968
  • 2002
    Le Mare, L.
    The feasibility of continuing and expanding the longitudinal study of the development of Romanian orphans adopted to Canada
    Human Early Learning Partnership Research Grant, $30,000
  • 2001
    Early Development Instrument (EDI): Validation and Utility Assessment.
    Hymel, S. and Le Mare, L.
    Province of British Columbia Ministry of Education Research Grant, $10,000
  • 2000
    An Evaluation of the Vancouver HIPPY (Home Instruction Project for Preschool Youngsters) Project
    Health Canada, $40,000
  • 1998
    The longitudinal stability and correlates of stress hormone levels in children adopted from Romanian orphanages
    間眅埶AV SSHRC Small Grants, $3,046
  • 1998
    Psychosocial development in middle childhood of Romanian orphans adopted to Canada
    The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation, $119,906
  • 1997
    A Longitudinal Study of Adjustment in the Primary Grades
    間眅埶AV SSHRC Small Grants, $4,834
  • 1996
    A "Goodness of Fit" Analysis of Early School Adjustment
    President's Research Grant, $10, 087
  • 1993
    Help-seeking in the classroom: A social interactional approach
    間眅埶AV SSHRC Small Grants. $4,572
  • 1985
    The Development of Children's Self-Perceptions
    Woody, E., Hymel, S., Le Mare, L., & Ditner, E.
    University of Waterloo/SSHRC Grant Fund, $1,500