
Book Chapters

Socholotiuk, K. D. (2022). Humanistic empirical assessment with children, youth, and families. J. W. Andrews et al. (Eds). Mental Health Assessment, Prevention, and Intervention.

Socholotiuk, K. D., Domene, J.F., & Trenholm, A. (2016). Understanding counselling and psychotherapy research: A primer for practitioners. In N. Gazzola, M. Buchanan, O. Sutherland, & S. Nuttgens (Eds.), Canadian handbook of Counseling and Psychothearpy. Canadian Counseling and Psychotherapy Association.

Socholotiuk, K. D. (2015) Counselling families for adolescent eating disorders: A contextual action theory perspective. R. A. Young, J. F. Domene, & L. Valach (Eds.), Counselling and action: Toward life-enhancing work, relationships, and identity. Springer Science+Business Media.
