
Refereed Journal Articles

Sugarman, J. (2022). Doing justice to subjectivity: Comment Louis Sasss A Flaw in the Great Diamond of the World. The Humanistic Psychologist.

Sugarman, J., & Thrift, E. (2020). Neoliberalism and the psychology of time. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 60, 807-828.

Carter, J., Sugarman, J., & Wertz, F. (2019). In memoriam: Donald E. Polkinghorne (1936-2018). American Psychologist, 74, 514.

Thrift, E., & Sugarman, J. (2019). What is social justice? Implications for psychology. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 39, 1-17.

Sugarman, J., & Martin, J. (2018). Campus culture wars: Is psychology at the front lines? The Humanistic Psychologist, 46, 317-319.

Sugarman, J., & Martin, J. (2018). Campus culture wars, psychology, and the victimization of persons. The Humanistic Psychologist, 46, 320-332

Sugarman, J. (2017). Psychologism as a style of reasoning and the study of persons. New Ideas in Psychology, 44, 2127.

Sugarman, J. (2015). Neoliberalism and psychological ethics. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 35, 103116.

Sugarman, J. (2015). Sex, drugs, and rock and roll: Comment on Mark Freemans Beholding and being beheld: Simone Weil, Iris Murdoch, and the ethics of attention. The Humanistic Psychologist, 43, 173176.

Stone, J., Carpendale, J., Sugarman, J., & Martin, J. (2012). A Meadian account of false belief understanding: Taking a non-mentalistic approach to social understanding. New Ideas in Psychology30, 166178.

Sugarman, J., & Sokol, B. (2012). Human agency and development: An introduction and theoretical sketch. New Ideas in Psychology, 30, 114. [Special Issue, J. Sugarman & B. Sokol (Eds.)].

Sugarman, J., & Martin, J. (2011). Theorizing relational agency: Reactions to comments. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 24, 321323.

Sugarman, J., & Martin, J. (2011). Theorizing relational agency. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 24, 283289.

Sugarman, J. (2009). Historical ontology and psychological description. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 29,&紳莉莽梯;515.

Martin, J., & Sugarman, J. (2009). Does Interpretation in psychology differ from interpretation in natural science? Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, 39, 1937.

Martin, J. & Sugarman, J. (2009). Middle ground theorizing, realism, and objectivity in psychology. Theory & Psychology, 19, 123129.

Sugarman, J. (2007). Agency, ontology, and deliberative self-determination. Current Anthropology, 48, 393394. [invited comment]

Sugarman, J. (2007). Practical rationality and the questionable promise of positive psychology. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 47, 175197.

Sugarman, J. (2006). John Macmurrays philosophy of the personal and the irreducibility of psychological persons. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 26, 172188.

Sugarman, J. (2005). Persons and moral agency. Theory and Psychology, 15,&紳莉莽梯;793811.

Martin, J. & Sugarman, J. H. (2001). Interpreting Human Kinds: Beginnings of a Hermeneutic Psychology. Theory & Psychology, 11, 193207.

Martin, J. & Sugarman, J. H. (2001). Is the self a kind of understanding? Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, 31, 103114.

Martin, J. & Sugarman, J. H. (2001). Modernity, postmodernity, and psychology: Reactions to comments. American Psychologist, 56,&紳莉莽梯;370371.

Martin, J. & Sugarman, J. H. (2000). Between the modern and the postmodern: The possibility of self and progressive understanding in psychology. American Psychologist, 55,&紳莉莽梯;397406.

Martin, J. & Sugarman, J. H. (1999). Psychologys reality debate: A levels of reality approach. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 19,&紳莉莽梯;177194.

Martin, J. & Sugarman, J. H. (1998). Dynamic interactionism:  Elaborating a psychology of human possibility and constraint. Journal of Mind and Behavior, 19, 195214.

Martin, J. & Sugarman, J. H. (1997). Societal-psychological constructionism:  Societies, selves, traditions, and fusions. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 17,&紳莉莽梯;120136.

Martin, J. & Sugarman, J. H. (1997). The social-cognitive construction of psychotherapeutic change: Bridging social constructionism and cognitive constructivism. Journal of General Psychology, 1,&紳莉莽梯;375388.

Martin, J. & Sugarman, J. H. (1996). Bridging social constructionism and cognitive constructivism. Journal of Mind and Behavior, 17,&紳莉莽梯;291320.

Sugarman, J. H. (1996). Transcendental interpretation: Approaching ontological questions in psychological research. Methods:  A Journal for Human Science, Annual Issue, 2841.

Sugarman, J. H. (1995). Transcendental interpretation: An alternative approach to psychological inquiry. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 15(1), 1640.

Sugarman, J. H., & Martin, J. (1995). The moral dimension: A conceptualization and empirical demonstration of the moral nature of psychotherapeutic conversation. The Counseling Psychologist, 23(2), 324347.

Martin, J., & Sugarman, J. H. (1993). Beyond methodolatry: Two conceptions of relations between theory and research in research on teaching. Educational Researcher, 22(8), 1724.

Sugarman, J. H. (1992). Round the epistemological bend: A comment on levels of analysis and the received-view hermeneutics controversy. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 12,&紳莉莽梯;2737.
