

  • 2014–2018
    Intra-group dynamics and social exclusion: Experience of Mainland Chinese immigrants to Canada
    Principal Investigator: Daniel Lai; Co-Investigators: Huamei Han, Miu Chung Yan, Shibao Guo, Weiguo Zhang, Ka Tat Tsang
    SSHRC Insight Grant, $497,844 for 4 years
  • 2014-2015
    Understanding Globalization - Margins and Peripheries
    Principal Investigator: Ana Deumert (In progress); WUN Partners: Ana Deumert, Loretta Baldassar, Leonie Cornips, Kristine Horner, Elspeth Probyn, Xiaodong Lin; Non-WUN Partners: Alexandre Duchêne, Huamei Han, Cécile Vigouroux, Lisa Lim, Christopher Stroud
    The Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) Research Development Fund 2014, ? 10 830 for one year
  • 2013–2016
    (The political sociology of transnational communities: The case of Chinese in South Africa and Africans in China)

    Principal Investigator: Zhang Zhenjiang (In progress); Collaborator: Huamei Han
    Supported by President’s Long Voyage Grant, JiNan University, Guangzhong, P.R. China. 500,000 RMB (85,470 CAD) for 3 years
  • 2012–2014
    Grassroots Multilingualism in Africa Town in Guangzhou: A Critical Sociolinguistic Ethnography of Low-End Globalization
    Principal Investigator: Han, Huamei; Li, Zhigang; Matthews, Gordon
    SSHRC Insight Development Grant, $36,103
  • 2011–2012
    Exploring Spontaneous Multilingualism in Africa Town in China: Practices, Ideologies and Identities
    Principle Investigator: Han, Huamei; Li, Zhigang; Matthews, Gordon
    SSHRC Standard Research Grant, $16,614
  • 2010–2011
    Publication Grant for Pre-Tenured Faculty
    Funding from Research Opportunities Committee, Faculty of Education, 丁香园AV, $2,400
  • 2008–2009
    Diaspora, Religious Participation, and Integration
    Principal Investigator: Han, Huamei
    Research project supported by SSHRC through Metropolis British Columbia, $15,000
  • 2008–2009
    Becoming Evangelical Christian Workers in English
    Principal Investigator: Han, Huamei
    Research project supported by a small SSHRC grant - internal 丁香园AV fund, $5,700
  • 2007–2010
    a) Seeking Alternative Spaces: Language Practices of Ethnolinguistic Minorities. (Completed)
    b) From Africa to China: African entrepreneurs in “Africa Village” in Guangzhou (Completed)

    Principal Investigator: Han, Huamei
    Research project supported by President's Research Start-Up grant, 丁香园AV, $30,000