

van der Wey, D. (2007). The University Classroom as Site for Building Coalitions Across Cultural Divides. Paper proposal submitted to the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL.

van der Wey, D. &  Friedel, T. (2007). Unsettling a ‘Summit’ Approach to Social Justice in Educational Ethnography. Paper proposal submitted to the meeting of CAFÉ/CSSE. Saskatoon, SK.

Foster, R., D. van der Wey. (2007). Coalition Work in Indigenous Educational Contexts. Symposium/panel to bring together contributors to the forthcoming special edition of the Canadian Journal of Education at CASEA/CSSE. Saskatoon, SK.

van der Wey, D. & Friedel, T.  (2007, March). Tip of the Iceberg:  Exploring the Underlying Structure of Social Justice in Educational Ethnography. Paper Presentation, 3rd International Globalization, Diversity, and Education Conference, Spokane, WA.

van der Wey, D. (2007, January). There is No Innocent Space: The Challenges of Building Coalitions in Pre-Service Teacher Education Classrooms. Paper Presentation, 4th International Conference on Teacher Education & Social Justice, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL.

van der Wey, D., Friedel, T. & Spencer, B. (2006, May). Telling a Bigger Story: Representing Indigenous Ways of ‘Being’ and ‘Knowing’ Through Film. Symposium Presentation, Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (CACS), CSSE, York University, Toronto, ON.

Spencer, B., Ellingson, C., Wallace, J. & van der Wey, D. (2006, May). Knowing Leadership. Symposium Presentation, Canadian Association for Study of Educational Administration (CASEA), CSSE, York University, Toronto, ON.

van der Wey, D. (2006, April). Honoring Research Participants and Research Intentions in a First Nations Context: Walking the Walk. Invited panel presentation for Canadian Association for the Study of Women in Education (CASWE) at American Educational Research Association Conference (AERA), San Francisco, CA.

van der Wey, D., Friedel, T.,  & Pocklington, S. (2006, April). If We Don’t Call it ‘Cross-Cultural Dialogue,’ What is it Going to Be Called? Invited Panel Presentation for Phi Delta Kappa. University of Alberta, AB.

van der Wey, D. (2006, May). Can We Know ‘Leadership’? Symposium Presentation, Canadian Association for the Study of Educational Administration (CASAE), Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), York University, Toronto, ON.

Friedel, T., Pocklington, S. & van der Wey, D. (2006, March). Re-envisioning ‘Fire and Ice’: Indigenous Perspectives on the Challenges of Teaching and Working Across Difference. Department of Educational Policy Studies Presentation, University of Alberta, AB.

van der Wey, D., Daniels, L. (2006, February). Illuminating Native Humanity Through Aboriginal Literature: Teacher Education and Professional Development Contexts. Paper presentation. Western Canadian Association for Student Teaching (WestCAST), Vancouver, BC.

van der Wey, D., Friedel, T. & Pocklington, S. (2006, January). Rivers of Hope/Seeds of Change: Coalition Building In Diverse University Classrooms. Paper Presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.

van der Wey, D., (2005, November). Coalition Work in First Nations Education. One Vision—Many Voices Cross-Cultural Anti-Racism Education Conference, Univesity of Alberta, AB.

van der Wey, D. & Daniels, L. (2005, November). Shedding Light on Native Ways of Being Through Aboriginal Literature. Sixth Native American Symposium, Durant, OK.

van der Wey, D., Friedel, T., Steinhauer, E., Bruno, S. & Weber-Pillwax, C. (2005, November). Beyond the Rhetoric: Representing and Communicating Varying Perspectives of Indigenous Knowledge. Symposium Presentation. Sixth Native American Symposium, Durant, OK.

van der Wey, D. & Hardman, S. (2005, August). From the Depths of Silence. Indigenous Feminisms Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.

van der Wey, D. (2005, May). Coalition Work as an Aspect of First Nations Cohort Membership. Canadian Association for the Study of Women in Education, CSSE, London, ON.

van der Wey, D. (2005, March). The University Classroom as Site for Coalition Work in First Nations Education. Jean Barman Conference, University of BC, Vancouver, BC.

van der Wey, D. (2005, March). Reflections on Indigenizing the Academy. Invited Panel Presentation. UBC Third Annual First Nations Graduate Student Symposium, University of BC, Vancouver, BC.

van der Wey, D. & Ponic, P. (2005, February). Walking the Walk: Considering the Parallels Between Emergent Research Design and First Nations and Feminist Worldviews. International Insitute for Qualitative Methodology, Edmonton, AB.

van der Wey, D., Pidgeon, M., and Janvier, S. (2003, April). Considering the Four R’s With/in Aboriginal Research Methodologies: Three Perspectives, Contexts, and Stages of Research. Panel Presentation at the Department of Educational Studies Research Day, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

van der Wey, D. (2002, May). The Literacy Text as Commonplace for Interpretation: Literary Anthropology as a Research Method with First Nations Learners. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Toronto, ON.

van der Wey, D. (2001, May). Exploring Multiple Serendipitous Experiences as Impetus for Meaningful Learning. Department of Educational Studies Colloquium, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

van der Wey, D. (2001, March). Exploring Serendipitous Experiences in a First Nations Setting as Impetus for Meaningful Learning. Spring Wind Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

van der Wey, D. (2000, December). Exploring Multiple Serendipitous Overlapping Experiences as a Trigger for Meaningful Learning. International Consortium on Experiential Learning (ICEL) Auckland, New Zealand.

Anderson, J., Anderson, A., Shapiro, J., Lynch, J. and van der Wey, D. (2000, May). Fathers’ and Mothers’ Book Selection Preferences for Their Four-Year-Old Children. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Edmonton, AB.
