
Articles (Selected)

Mamchur, C. (accepted). A Greeting of the Spirit. Journal of US-China Education, ISSN2161-623X.

Mamchur, C. (accepted). Trusting Intuitive Knowledge to Inform the Design of a Curriculum Model. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and 間眅埶AV Learning.

Mamchur, C. (accepted). Archetypes for Readers. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching Reading and Learning.

Mamchur, C. (2016). Sensing an Audience: Sensing an Audience: Beyond Persuasion or a letter to Aunt Matilda. Journal of Education & Social Policy.

Mamchur, C. (2015) Look, the Strangers Heart, its just like mine! The Canadian Review of Art Education: Aesthetics, Empathy and Education Special Edition, 42(1), 127145.

Mamchur, C. & Shaw, C. (2014). An Ethnographic Examination of a Course in Academic Literacy for At-Risk Students. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education CFP: Journal of Educational Policies and Current Practice, 1(1), 4156.

Mamchur, C., Apps, L. (2010). Discovering a subject: An intimate affair. Encounter: Education for Meaning and Social Justice, 23(4), 3442.

Apps, L. & Mamchur, C. (2010). Finding the Details that Matter in the Appropriated Works of Las Meninas. Canadian Review of Art Education, 37, 2336.

Apps, L. & Mamchur, C. (2009). Voyage of Discovery: Artful Language and the Art Student. International Journal of Art & Design Education, iJADE, 28(3), 3442.

Mamchur, C. & Apps, L. (July 2009). On the edge of chaos: In search of a process. Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education, 6(2), 115123.

Mamchur, C. & Apps, L. (2009). In the Arms of an Archetype. Complexity and Education, 6(2).

Mamchur, C. & Apps, L. (2008). A Personal Path to Self-Efficacy. English Quarterly Canada, Vol. 38. 65-75.

Apps, L. & Mamchur, C. (2010). Finding the Details that Matter in the Appropriated Works of Las Meninas. Canadian Review of Art Education, 37, 2336.

Mamchur, C. & Apps, L. (2008). A Personal Path to Self-Efficacy. English Quarterly Canada, 38, 6575.

Rossner, V., Parker, D., Mamchur, C., & Chu, S. (1998). Using constructionist instructional design featured in two online courses: Notes from the field. Educational Media International, 25(4).

Mamchur, C.(1998). Dont you dare say fart. Language Arts, 71(2), 95101.

Mamchur, C. (1993). Why I write screenplays. College Teaching, 41(3), 109112.

Mamchur, C. (1992). Poor Uncle Harry. The Journal of Experiential Education, 15(3), 4650.

Mamchur, C. (1991). Glider to hell. The Prairie Journal of Canadian Literature, 17.
*Nominated best profile in a Canadian magazine.

Mamchur, C. (1991, Winter). The babysitter: A metaphor for serious players. Teaching and Learning: The Journal of Natural Inquiry, 5(2), 1217.

Mamchur, C. (1990). But, the curriculum. Phi Delta Kappan, 7(8), 634637.

Mamchur, C. (1989, Spring). Connecting with your audience. College Teaching, 37(2), 4649.

Mamchur, C. (1989). Theory into practice: Ship-building C+: A look at teacher evaluation in secondary English classrooms. English Quarterly, 21(4), 264276.

Mamchur, C. (1989, Spring). Thankyou, Mrs. Farnell. Teaching and Learning, 3(3), 4952.

Mamchur, C. (1985, Spring). Predicting teacher effectiveness: An interm report on a proper linear regression approach to selection for teacher education in British Columbia. Teacher Education, 3345.

Mamchur, C. (1984, September). An adjective modifies a noun. English Journal, 2426.

Mamchur, C. (1984, May). Dont let the moon break your heart. Educational Leadership, 7782.

Mamchur, C. (1983, January). Heartbeat. Educational Leadership, 1420.

Mamchur, C. (1981). Determining cognitive style by systematic observation. Canadian Journal of Education, 5(4), 92104.

Mamchur, C. (1981, November). Magic. Educational Leadership, 152153.
