Graduate Student Supervision
Doctoral Theses Supervised
Louise Lacerte (EdD, 2022), Looking at the Neduten and Wetsuweten balhats protocols
Alice Chao (EdD, 2022), Journey of the heart: Creating openings through vulnerability
Mark Littlefield (EdD, 2022), Emergent identity in child and youth care practice and education
Solmaz Khodaeifaal (PhD, 2022), Curriculum, pedagogy, and the practical: From waves to quantum physics
Michelle Penny (EdD, 2019), BSN nurse educator conceptions of teaching: The science and art of nursing education
Blackbird (April Russell) (PhD, 2019), The dance of utter darkness: Pedagogy for the outsider
Yvona Mladenovic (PhD, 2019), Science teaching that matters: Experiences of first-year university students
Marsha Dinelli (PhD, 2018), The work of art making
Natasha Mrikic-Subotic (EdD, 2018), Shifting landscapes in the academy: Career development as a strategic priority.
Awneet Sivia (PhD, 2017), Discord and dissonance: Living through and learning from a teacher educators memories
Victor Brar (EdD, 2016), Using Bourdieus theory of practice to understand academic under achievement among inner-city students in British Columbia: A conceptual study
Shari Worsfold (EdD, 2015), Supporting classroom literacy instruction with reflective dialogue
Mary Giovannetti (PhD, 2015), Faculty and administrator perceptions of a faculty evaluation process and its ability to advance faculty enrichment
Teresa Farrell (EdD, 2015), Exploring the potential of comic improvisation as a means of understanding generative dialogue
Isti Rokhiyah (PhD, 2015), Writing an educational autobiography as a way to become a reflective teacher
Yudhi Setiani (PhD, 2014), A social constructivist learning approach for an online civic education tutorial at Indonesia Open University
William Radford (PhD, 2013), Post secondary internationalization and hyper-diverse city contexts
Christine Tze Ngag Wong (EdD, 2013), Confucian Junzi leadership: A model of authentic moral transformation for educational leaders
Quirien Mulder ten Kate (PhD, 2011), Direct experience in nature
Laura Buker (PhD, 2011), Walking backwards into the future with our stories: The Sto:lo is a river of knowledge, Haqem矇ylem is a river of stories
Phonesavanh Thepphasoulithone (PhD, 2009), Reforming teacher education in Lao Peoples Democratic Republic
Nancy Johnston (PhD, 2007), Conceptions of curriculum in Co-operative Education: A framework for analysis of the Co-op Preparatory Curriculum
Arunjit Gill (PhD, 2006), In search of intuitive knowledge: A comparison of Eastern and Western epistemology
Dhammika Mirisse (PhD, 2004), Education for mindfulness: From the diary of a monk
Wanda Pierson (PhD, 2003), Reflections on the process of learning the work of nurses during practice experiences
Hwai Hsuan (Eric) Wu (PhD, 2003), The art of I am: A performative approach towards art education
Gerda Wever-Rabehl (PhD, 2001), Lived experiment: Leaping beyond ethics of care into depth of different Others
Pakkeer Pakkeer-Jaufar (EdD, 2001), Organizational health and the achievement level of students in science at the secondary level schools in Sri Lanka
Michelle McGinn (PhD, 2000), Researching problem solving in software design, mathematics, and statistical consulting: From qualitative case studies to grounded theory
Glenn Brown (PhD, 1999), Habitat workshops: Knowledge, care and practice
Janet McVittie (PhD, 1999), Literacy, science, and science education
Carol Scarff-Seatter (PhD, 1998), An analysis of the concept of teaching in elementary school science education
Barbara Graham (PhD, 1998), Changing cultures, changing teachers: A case study of mandated structural and cultural change
David Coulter (PhD, 1994), Dialogism and teacher research
Judith McPhie (PhD, 1992), Between the no longer and the not yet: A description and analysis of a collaborative effort in teacher education
Masters Theses Supervised
Fabiola Ukah (MA, 2022), Inclusion of blind and visually impaired (BVI) students in science laboratories
St矇phanie Dodier (MA, 2020), Perspectives on the competency-driven reform in British Columbia: A case study of the teacher education program at 間眅埶AV
Darren Birch (MA, 2019), Opening the black box: Examining the micro-physics of power in teacher/student co-evaluation of academic achievement
Michael Bergenheim (MA, 2018), Language acquisition in a deaf learner: An autobiography
Emma MacFarlane (MA, 2018), Holistic identity development in undergraduate students: A narrative inquiry and self-study
Afrina Khan (MA, 2017), Post 9/11 trauma: A mothers concern about her adolescent daughter in a Canadian public school
Yvonne DeWith (MA, 2015), Development of teacher expertise with interactive whiteboards: A collaborative inquiry using grounded theory
Tony Botelho (MA, 2012), Career education in the age of engagement: An analysis of initiatives at 間眅埶AV
Hien Nguyen (MA, 2009), Marketization of higher education in Vietnam in the era of neo-liberal globalization: Policy and practice
Marco Espinoza (MA, 2004), How to become an educational leader in five easy steps: An inquiry into the phenomenon of decision making
Sean Nosek (MA, 2003), Hearing the music
Bridget Walshe (MA, 1999), Driftwood: Making sense of a life informed by nature
Ta Thi Han Hoan (MSc, 1999), Self-regulated learning in a Vietnamese context
Nguyen Thanh Thuy (MSc, 1999), The use of Donald Sch繹ns conceptualization of reflection-in-action in Vietnamese teacher education
Le Thi So-Nhu (MSc, 1999), A case study of cooperative learning in inorganic chemistry tutorials at the Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City
Huynh Huu Tri (MSc, 1999), Factors affecting choice of major in science in the University of Natural Sciences in Ho Chi Minh City-Vietnam
Lam Quang Vinh (MSc, 1999), Applying problem-solving approaches in a general physics laboratory in the College of Natural Sciences, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Trevor Connor (MA, 1999), Students experiences in a self-directed setting: Dialogical relationships
Doreen Dewell (MSc, 1998), Investigating the usefulness of evolutionary theory for understanding biology and attaining bioliteracy
Michael Cummings (MA, 1998), Learning in elementary science: Hunkering by the light of children
Awneet Sivia (MSc, 1998), Exploring learning conversations: Empowering practices in education
Vo Thi Thanh Phuong (MSc, 1998), An investigation of the use of concept mapping in teaching and learning cellular respiration in a Vietnamese university
Duong Quang Minh (MSc, 1998), Teachers and students ideas about the use of multiple choice tests in physics: A study in a Vietnamese university
Luu Thu Nghi (MSc, 1998), A case study of an innovation in chemistry teaching at the College of General Studies, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City
Nguyen Thi Ngoc Thuy (MSc, 1998), Students approaches to learning physics in a Vietnamese university: An investigation of teachers and students perceptions
Norm Ellis (MA, 1997), Toward a common agenda: A case study of teacher and student roles in an innovative secondary school
Lori dAgincourt (MA, 1997), Re-presenting science: A study of elementary teachers experiences and understandings of science
Nguyen Quoc Chinh (MSc, 1997), The teaching process in a Vietnamese university: An investigation of teachers and students perceptions
Phan Thanh Chumg (MSc, 1997), Effects of chemical demonstrations in teaching analytical chemistry
Huu Ho Hau (MSc, 1997), A teaching innovation to promote authentic science in a physics teaching laboratory in a Vietnamese university
Phan Thi Nhi (MSc, 1997), A study of chemistry teaching with environmental issues at Nhatrang University of Fisheries
Tran Thi Thien Huong (MSc, 1997), A combination of physics lectures and demonstrations ssing the learning cycle in physics teaching at the College of General Studies National University of Ho Chi Minh City
Nancy Davidge-Johnston (MSc, 1996), The nature of learning in cooperative education in the applied sciences
Le Van Hao (MSc, 1996), An integration of history and demonstrations of physics into the introductory physics course
Nguyen Bich Lien (MSc, 1996), The social context of genetics education in Vietnam: A case study at Dalat University
Doan Thi My (MSc, 1996), Using case study and cooperative learning teaching approaches in a second-year physiology course at Dalat University
Nguyen Huu Tan (MSc, 1996), A case study of a computer-based laboratory course in calculus at Dalat University
Vo Thi Hong Tinh (MSc, 1996), An environmental approach to the general chemistry curriculum for basic science students in Ho Chi Minh City University
Quirien Mulder ten Kate (MSc, 1996), A case study of reflective moments in conversations: Making sense of environmental education
Philip Balcaen (MA, 1996), Introducing Thomas Haney Centre: To seek challenge and to experience success
Peter Hopkinson (MSc, 1993), Science in the most curious places: An analysis of an in-service science education program for elementary school teachers
Trevor Owen (MA, 1993), High teach: Learning from the experiences of wired writers
Peter Herd (MA, 1993), Adult students perceptions of their own learning processes
Masters Projects Supervised
Julia Leong (MEd, 2011), Points of departure; points of viewing: Narrative inquiry through a digital lens
Sue Baker-Hamm (MEd, 2001), Teaching and learning in an information technology environment: Computers and literacy in an early primary classroom
Will Moore (MEd, 2000), What is a Biome?
Karen Chong (MEd, 1999), Can we play?: Exploring the validity of play in the primary classroom
Jane McRae (MEd, 1998), Building community attachment through mapping: An adult ESL curriculum model
Harjeet Manhas (MEd, 1998), Presenting an alternative perspective in science education
Virginia Marsolais (MEd, 1997), An analysis of hands-on science units taught to a grade five-six class
Ken Murray (MEd, 1997), Telling a story of science: A metaphor for the work of physics teachers
Dori Kaplun (MEd, 1996), The use of videotape evaluations in medical radiography at BCIT
Lynne Davies (MEd, 1995), The Cariboo Connection: Interactive strategies for curriculum application using telecommunication technologies
Karen Bunting (MEd, 1995), Making meaning by connecting through story
Isobel Harry (MEd, 1995), Closed circuit television: Are post-delivery obstetrical patients and nursing staff satisfied with this educational medium?
Ken Hignell (MEd, 1995), Computer mediated communication constructivism in the Nineties. A case study of students as global scientists
Tammy Wirick (MEd, 1993), Using visual images in a reflective practicum
Margaret Scarr (MEd, 1993), An analysis of reflection through interactive video
Nanci Ferrell (MEd, 1993), A case study of reflective practice
Committee Member on Theses and Projects
Maria Cristina Limo Albuquerque Maranao (MA, 2022), Through the teachings of the local marine life: A case study of students, student-teachers, teachers and leaders perceptions of Ocean Wise selected programming
Michael Sjoerdsma (EdD, 2021), Exploring students conceptions of success in a first-year Engineering course using Fuzzy Concept Maps
Lynda Beveridge (Ph.D., 2020), Witnessing a mosaic emerge: The phenomenon of transformative learning within a professional masters degree program
Cynthia Xie (Ph.D., 2020), The learning virtues: Chinese cultural dispositions and student success
Sally Vinden (Ph.D., 2020), An exploration of British Columbias TVET instructors perceptions that influence their curriculum choices
Jin Thindall (Ph.D., 2019), Springsteen, a three-minute song, a life of learning
Christopher Kinman (Ph.D., 2019), The river carries that which the mountains cant hold
Alana Stockwell (MA, 2019), A self-study of my professional development in the early years of my teaching
Bratislav Mladenovic (EdD, 2019), The work of learning: Stories of senior undergraduate university students
Olivia Kanna (PhD, 2019), Hope for the embattled language classroom: Pedagogies and trauma interventions for survival and healing
Karen Fiorini (PhD, 2019), Dehumanization in the workplace
Marla McClellan (PhD, 2019), Exploring reflective practice and intentional response with teachers: Implications for wellbeing in the classroom
Rita Santillan (MA, 2018), The discovery of the transcendental man: An introduction to the Age of Knowledge by S. Raynaud de la Ferri癡re and its application in education
Amanda Cantelon (MA, 2018), Making in the classroom: A self-study examining the implementation of a makerspace
Eleonora Joensuu (PhD, 2018), A politics of disgust: Selfhood, world-making, and ethics
Sara Frankenberger (MA, 2017), The shaping of German-Canadian family memory of World War II and the Holocaust
Marco Espinoza (PhD, 2016), Language as element: The sentient registers of communicative practice
Darren Francis (EdD, 2016), A landscape of choices: The academic journeys of 15 university students
Robyn Schell (PhD, 2016), Social benefits of digital gaming for older adults: The example of Wii bowling
Maggie Rudkowski (PhD, 2015), The complexity of understanding: Young childrens experiences in a forest program
Mohamed Toha (PhD, 2015), A study of student success factors in distance education at the Open University of Indonesia
Jarintorn Wintachai (PhD, 2013), Literacy policy in Thailand: A critical discourse analysis
Shannon Tito (PhD, 2013), Peace education in Uganda: Educators perceptions of a peace education curriculum
Adhi Susilo (PhD, 2013), Emerging technologies acceptance in online tutorials: Tutors and students behaviour
Rozanna Becker (MA, 2013), The journey of creativity with an Aspergers adolescent
David Erickson (PhD, 2012), Curricular and pedagogical reform: Transformative opportunities for personalized learning in middle school music environments
Michael Bowdridge (PhD, 2010), Outdoor adventure education in schools: Curriculum or pedagogy?
Roland Schultz (PhD, 2010), On the path to a philosophy of science education
Rosemary Henriksen (EdD, 2010), An exploration of peer-administered academic departments: Towards an inter-subjectively mindful leadership program
Stephen Nikleva (MA, 2009), Lived experiences in sound
Irene Percival (PhD, 2004), The use of cultural perspectives in the elementary classroom
Heather Mohen van Heerden (PhD, 2003), A circle of loving and creating: Journeying toward wholeness in the arts therapies with children who grieve
Katherine Alexander (PhD, 2001), A genre analysis of the Wandering Books
Barbara Moon (PhD, 1999), Craft theory in research on teacher education
Susan Kurbis (MEd, 1999), The Green, the bold, and the unruly: The environmental youth alliance and its educational programs
Tom Ashley (MA, 1999), Globalization and education: A critical view of post-secondary education for the millennium
Judith Cowan (MA, 1999), The breast-feeding experiences and decision-making influences of South Asian women in Vancouver, Canada
Sylvia Watt (MA, 1998), An examination of contextual supervision in a preschool practicum setting
Susan Masson (MA, 1998), Action research inquiries in elementary mathematics
Kimiko Bechta (MA, 1998), Mother Earth, Brother Bear: Discerning metaphors to live by in environmental education
Bill Hammond (PhD, 1998), The Earth as a problem: A curriculum inquiry into the nature of environmental education
David Beckstead (PhD, 1998), Composers in electronic residence: Music, technology and textual presence
Gordon Detta (MEd, 1998), The Resource management program at Rutland Senior Secondary School: Is it outcome-based education?
Katherine Rogers (MA, 1997), Curriculum and culture: Reflecting on resistance in an ESL classroom
Filippelli, Marie (MEd, 1997), The need for information assimilation in a competency-based clinical program
Maureen Williams (MEd, 1997), In the moment: Science, society (and the soul)
Brenda Williams (MEd, 1997), Male nurses perceptions of their nursing preparation and early nursing practice
Laurie Scholefield (MA, 1996), Ritual as purposeful pedagogy
Anne Lawson (MA, 1996), An exploration of the relationship between childrens spirituality and the curriculum
Gillian Smith (MA, 1996), Students autobiographical memories of one-to-one instructional conversations: A qualitative analysis of the social psychological learning process
Maricela Corzo-Pena (MA, 1996), Textbook difficulty and syntactic complexity: An analysis of grades three and four science textbooks
Tom Yu (MEd, 1996), A study of the need for sex education in China
Chris Sorensen (BAS, 1996), Explore engineering!
Hannah McDonald (MEd, 1996), Reflection in the nursing practicum
Beth Mehrassa (MSc, 1995), Toward an internal view of mathematics: A story of dynamic growth in a secondary school
Barbara Martin (MA, 1995), It still bugs me but I dont really care and other attitudes about school expressed by grade six students
Cynthia Lewis (PhD, 1995), A little off balance: Exploring teachers experiences with a new curriculum in French as a second language through teacher inquiry
Steven Rodgers (MA, 1993), School district support for elementary school improvement: Policies, practices, perceptions
Alinda Patsch (MEd, 1993), Encouraging student thinking through the content of field botany
Hugh Blackman (MEd, 1993), Students perceptions of reflective experience: A case study of six students
Laura Bickerton (MSc, 1993), Case method teaching in senior biology: A synthesis of curriculum content and goals with Year 2000 goals
Alan McLeod (MEd, 1992), Computer-mediated communication in elementary science education: Does it facilitate active learning as defined by Green and Reid (1989)?
Chris McMahen (MEd, 1992), The design and implementation of the CMC project Salmonids Online
Timothy Seifert (PhD, 1991), Elaborative interrogation and cognitive structure
- 120+ PhD, EdD, MA, MSc Theses/MEd Projects
- 100+ MEd comprehensive exams