
Service to the Scholarly Community

Professional Membership

  • International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS)
  • American Educational Researchers Association (AERA)
  • National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST)

Funding Application Activities

  • Reviewer, SSHRC Insight Grant applications, 2018
  • Reviewer, Funding applications (Context Matters) for Canadian Organization for Development through Education (CODE), 2018–present

Conference Activities

  • Co-chair, Section 3a: Learning Environments (Division C), Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2020–2021
  • Conference Proposal Reviewer, American Educational Research Association, 2017–present
  • Conference Proposal Reviewer, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference, 2017–present

Editorial Activities

  • Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D)
  • Ad Hoc Reviewer, Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology
  • Ad Hoc Reviewer, Canadian Journal of Education
  • Ad Hoc Reviewer, International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership
  • Ad Hoc Reviewer, SAGE Open