
Refereed Journal Articles

Trevisan, D. A., Enns, J.T., Birmingham, E., & Iarocci, G. (2020).  Action coordination during a real-world task: Evidence from children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Accepted on October 13, 2019, Development and Psychopathology, 1-11. doi:10.1017/S0954579419001561.

Pereira, E., Birmingham, E., & Ristic, J. (2019). Contextually-based social attention diverges across covert and overt measures.  Vision, 3(2), 29. doi: 10.3390/vision3020029.

Pereira, E., Birmingham, E., & Ristic, J. (2019). The eyes dont have it after all? Attention is not automatically biased towards faces and eyes.  Psychological Research, Published first online Jan 2, 2019, doi: 10.1007/s00426-018-1130-4. 

Trevisan, D. A., Hoskyn, M. & Birmingham, E. (2018). Facial expression production in Autism: a metaanalysis. Autism Research, 11, 1586-1601. doi:10.1002/aur.2037.Birmingham, E., Sv瓣rd, J., Kanan, C., & Fischer, H. (2018). Exploring Emotional Expression Recognition in Aging Adults using the Moving Window Technique. PLOS One, October 18, 2018,

Trevisan, D.A., Roberts, N., Lin, C., & Birmingham, E. (2017). How do adults and teens with self-declared Autism Spectrum Disorder experience eye contact? A qualitative analysis of first-hand accounts. PLoS ONE, 12(11): e0188446.

Birmingham, E., Johnston, K.H.S., & Iarocci, G. (2017). Spontaneous gaze following during naturalistic social interactions in school-aged children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(3), 243-257.    

Roberts, N., & Birmingham, E. (2017). Mentoring university students with ASD: a mentee-centered approach. Journal of autism and developmental disorders47(4).

Trevisan, D.A., Bowering, M., & Birmingham, E. (2016).  Alexithymia, but not autism spectrum disorder, may be related to the production of emotional facial expressions. Molecular Autism, 7(1):46.

Trevisan, D.A., & Birmingham, E. (2016). Are emotion recognition abilities related to everyday social functioning in ASD? A meta-analysis. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders32, 2442.

Trevisan, D., & Birmingham, E. (2015). Examining the relationship between autistic traits and college adjustment. Autism, 1362361315604530. 

Birmingham, E., Stanley, D., Nair, R., & Adolphs, R. (2015). Implicit Social Biases in People With Autism, 26Psychological science(11): 1693-1705.

Dalrymple, K., Gray, A., Perler, B., Birmingham, E., Bischof, W.F., Barton, J., & Kingstone, A. (2013). Eying the eyes in social scenes: Evidence for top-down control of stimulus selection in simultanagnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 30(1), 2540

Birmingham, E., Meixner, T., Iarocci, G., Kanan, C., Smilek, D., & Tanaka, J. (2012). The Moving Window Technique: a window into developmental changes in attention during facial emotion recognition. Child Development, 84(4): 1407-24, doi: 10.1111/cdev.12039. Epub 2012 Dec 17. 

Birmingham, E., Cerf, M., & Adolphs, R. (2011). Comparing social attention in autism and amygdala lesions: effects of stimulus and task condition. Social Neuroscience, 6(56), 420435.

Dalrymple, K.A., Birmingham, E., Bischof, W., Barton, J.J.S., & Kingstone, A. (2011). Opening a window on attention: Documenting and simulating recovery from simultanagnosia, Cortex, 47(7), 787799.

Dalrymple, K.A., Birmingham, E., Bischof, W., Barton, J.J.S., & Kingstone, A. (2011). Experiencing simultanagnosia through windowed viewing of complex social scenes. Brain Research, 136(7), 265277.

Ford, S., Birmingham, E., King, A., Lim, J., & Ansermino, M. (2010). At-a-glance monitoring: covert observations of anesthesiologists in the operating room. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 111(3), 65358.

Birmingham, E. & Kingstone, A. (2009). Human social attention: A new look at past, present and future investigations. The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2009, 118140.

Birmingham, E., Bischof, W.F., & Kingstone, A. (2009). Saliency does not account for fixations to eyes within social scenes. Vision Research 49, 29923000.

Birmingham, E., Bischof, W.F., & Kingstone, A. (2009). Get Real! Resolving the debate about equivalent social stimuli. Visual Cognition, 17(6), 904924.

Birmingham, E., Bischof, W.F., & Kingstone, A. (2008). Social attention and real world scenes: the roles of action, competition, and social content. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61(7), 986998.

Birmingham, E., Bischof, W.F., & Kingstone, A. (2008). Gaze selection in complex social scenes. Visual Cognition, 16(2/3), 341355.

Birmingham, E., Bischof, W.F., & Kingstone, A. (2007). Why do we look at eyes? Journal of Eye Movement Research, 1(1), 16.

Birmingham, E., Visser, T.A.W., Snyder, J.J., & Kingstone, A. (2007). Inhibition of return: unravelling a paradox. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 14(5), 957963.

Smilek, D., Birmingham, E.,Cameron, D., Bischof, W.F., & Kingstone, A. (2006). Cognitive ethology and exploring attention in real world scenes. Brain Research, 1080, 101119.

Birmingham, E., & Pratt, J. (2005). Examining inhibition of return with onset and offset cues in the multiple cuing paradigm. Acta Psychologica, 118, 101121.
