

Doctoral Dissertation

Scott, C. (2011). Unpublished doctoral dissertation, 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, BC.

Edited Books

Bai, H., Chang, D, and Scott, C. (Eds.). (2020). A book of ecological virtues: Living well in the Anthropocene. University of Regina Press.

Gunnlaugson, O., Scott, C., Bai, H., and Sarath, E. (Eds.). (2019). Catalyzing the field: Second-person approaches to contemplative learning. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.

Gunnlaugson, O., Sarath, E., Scott, C., & Bai, H. (Eds.). (2017). The intersubjective turn: Theoretical approaches to contemplative learning and inquiry across disciplines. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.

Gunnlaugson, O., Sarath, E. Scott, C., & Bai, H. (Eds.) (2014). Contemplative learning and inquiry across disciplines. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.

Edited Book Chapters

Chang, D., Scott, C. & Bai, H. (2025, forthcoming). The role of critical research and authentic academic literacy to enact change in schools. In D. Peluso & K. Berynets (Eds.), Navigating the complexities of school counselling in Canadian contexts: A comprehensive guide for counsellors, administrators, and educators. Canadian Scholars. 

Bai, H., Williams, H., Cueto de Souza, R., Yee, A., Scott, C., & Cohen, A. (2024). Contemplative inquiry as research and pedagogic method. In K. Clough & B. Flanagan (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Spirituality & Contemplative Studies (pp. 141148). Routledge.

Scott, C., Anderson, L., & Bai, H. (2023). Hard-wired for presence in an online world: A contemplative perspective and practice guide for educators. In L. Jeffrey, A. Palalas, K. Robert and Y-L. Wong (Eds.), Presence in the online world: A contemplative perspective and practice guide for educators (pp. 111130). Rowman & Littlefield.

Schmidt, M., Berynets, K., & Scott, C. (2023). A new theoretical approach to enacting transformative leadership with international students. In J. Crawford (Ed.), Leadership: Advancing great leadership practices and good leaders. IntechOpen.

Scott, C. (2021). Contemplative being, becoming, and knowing: The work at the bottom of the U in a graduate program in contemplative inquiry. In O. Gunnlaugson, and W. Brendel, (Eds.), Advances in presencing (Vol. 3; pp. 215240). Trifoss Press.

Bai, H., Chang, D., & Scott, C. (2020). The call for an ecological virtue ethics. In A book of ecological virtues: Living well in the Anthropocene (pp. xixvi). University of Regina Press.

Anderson, L., Miyagawa, M., Mangat, M., Scott, C., and Bai, H. (in press, 2019). Pedagogical infusion of the contemplative: 間眅埶AVs contemplative inquiry Master of Education program in Canada.  In J. Lin, T. Culham, & S. Edwards (Eds.), Contemplative pedagogies for transforming teaching, learning and being. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Bai, H., Morgan, P., Scott, C., & Cohen, A. (2018). Holistic-contemplative pedagogy for 21st century teacher education: Education as healing. In J. Miller, M. Binder, S. Crowell, K. Nigh, & B. Novak (Eds.), The international handbook in holistic education (pp. 108117). Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press. 

Scott, C. & Bai, H. (2017).  Bhakti yoga as intersubjective contemplative practice. In O. Gunnlaugson, C. Scott, E. Sarath, & H. Bai (Eds.). Intersubjective approaches to contemplative learning (pp. 199234). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. 

Bai, H., Morgan, P., Scott, C., & Cohen, A. (2016). Prolegomena to spiritual research paradigm: Importance of attending to the embodied and the subtle. In J. Lin, R. Oxford & T. Culham (Eds.), Toward a spiritual research paradigm: Exploring new ways of knowing, researching and being. (pp. 7796)Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.    

Bai, H., Morgan, P., Scott, C., & Cohen, A. (in press). Prolegomena to spiritual research paradigm: Importance of attending to the embodied and the subtle. In J. Lin, O. Qargha, R. Oxford & T. Culham. (Eds.), Developing a spiritual research paradigm: Incorporating spirituality in research in the social sciences and education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Scott, C. (2014). Dialogue as an intersubjective contemplative praxis. In O. Gunnlaugson, H. Bai, E. Sarath, and C. Scott (Eds.), Contemplative approaches to learning and inquiry (pp. 199234).  Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.

Bai, H., Cohen, A., Culham, T., Park, S., Rabi, S., Scott, C., Tait, S. (2014). A call for wisdom in higher education: Contemplative voices from the Dao-field. In O. Gunnlaugson, H. Bai, E. Sarath, and C. Scott (Eds.), Contemplative approaches to learning and inquiry (pp. 199234).  Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.

Bai, H., Cohen, A., & Scott, C. (2013). Re-visioning higher education: The three-fold relationality framework. In J. Ling, R. Oxford, & E. Brantmeier (Eds.), Re-envisioning higher education: Embodied pathways to wisdom and social transformation (pp. 322). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Scott, C. (2010). Entries for Dialogue and Martin Buber. In J. Collins & N. OBrien (Eds.), The Greenwood dictionary of education (2nd ed.). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO and Greenwood Press.

Journal Articles

Cueto de Souza, R. & Scott, C. (2024). Cultivating stillness through yoga: Considerations for a deepening of presencing mastery at the bottom of the U. International Journal of Presencing Leadership & Coaching, 1(1), 8295.

Scott, C. (2023). The farther reaches of contemplative inquiry. Holistic Education Review, 3(2).

Bai, H., Anderson, L., & Scott, C. (2023). Contemplation as a quintessential educational project for our times. Holistic Education Review3(2).

Setiani, M. Y., Scott, C., & Susanti, S. (2023). Tutors and their feedback in online tutorials: The case in a distance teaching university. The Qualitative Report28(8), 24212437.

Cueto de Souza R., and Scott C. (2022). From mental health crisis to existential human suffering: The role of self-transcendence in contemporary mindfulness. Religions, 13(8), 681.

Gunnlaugson, O., de Souza, R. C., Zhang, S., Yee, A., Scott, C., & Bai, H. (2022). Revisiting the nature of transformative learning experiences in contemplative higher education. Journal of Transformative Education, 20(1). 

Scott, C., Behrisch, T., Bhattacharjee, M., Grass, S., and Bai, H. (2021). Re/turning to soil: Becoming one-bodied with the Earth. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 16.

Chang, D., Scott, C., Banack, H., Beavington, L., Culham, T., Falkenberg, T., ... & Zhao, S. (2021). From hermit crabs to humus: Heesoon Bais contributions to cultural studies in science education. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 1-14.

Lin, J., Culham, T., and Scott, C. (2020). Virtue as emergence from contemplative practices. Journal of Character Education16(1), 3954.

Blenkinsop, S. & Scott, C. (2018). Becoming Teacher/Tree and bringing the natural world to students: An educational examination of the influence of the other-than-human world and the great actor on Martin Bubers concept of the I/Thou. Educational Theory, 67(4), 453-469.      

Bai, H., Eppert, C., Scott, C, Tait, S. & Nguyen, T. (2014). . Studies in Philosophy of Education, 34(6), 635649. 

Bai, H. and Scott, C. (2012). The primacy of consciousness in philosophy of education: Implications for philosophy of education. Korean Journal of Philosophy of Education, 33(4), 129145.

Scott, C. (2010). Ecological identity through dialogue. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 15, 135149.

Scott, C. (2010). Epistemological multilingualism: A tool for conviviality. PaideusisInternational Journal in Philosophy of Education, 18(2), 4354.

Bai, H., Scott, C. & Donald, B. (2009). Contemplative pedagogy and revitalization of teacher education. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 55(3), 319334.

Scott, C. (2009). Hanging out as one of the high arts of dialogue. 間眅埶AV Educational Review, 1, 221.

Scott, C. (2006). The blowback on Heesoon Bai. Paideusis, 16(1), 8183.
