
Institutional announcements

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV welcomes Megan Tweedie as Director, Human Rights Office

July 27, 2023

An advocate for human rights, employment and public interest law, Megan Tweedie will join ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV as Director, Human Rights Office on August 8, reporting into the University Secretary portfolio.  

Megan is an experienced lawyer and is familiar working with people from diverse backgrounds. A graduate from the University of Toronto Faculty of Law in 2010, Megan began her career in the litigation group of a prominent national law firm. She spent eight years in private practice before moving to the non-profit sector, where she acted as senior litigation counsel at a civil liberties association, and as a lawyer and program manager at an organization dedicated to helping low-income individuals across the province access justice. 

She has acted as counsel at various levels of court, administrative boards and tribunals, and public inquiries, and approaches her work with kindness and empathy. She has also presented on the topic of human rights and employment law to a wide range of audiences.

Megan is passionate about human rights and creating positive change through education and empowerment. She is dedicated to serving the needs of all members of the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV community through the Human Rights Office. 

Anita Atwal, Principal Consultant, Human Rights Office has been overseeing the administration of the Human Rights Policy (GP 18) and Procedures while the search for a permanent Director, Human Rights Office was underway. The university is very grateful for Anita's work over the past few months. Anita will support the transition of HRO duties to Megan and she will also continue to support ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV in an advisory capacity, working with the VP, People, Equity and Inclusion portfolio on several initiatives to advance our Equity Compass initiatives.

The Human Rights Office is a critical part of our university, providing safe, timely, confidential and impartial advice, support, referrals and information to members of the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV community on issues related to human rights. Working closely with the Human Rights Policy Board, Anti-Bullying Specialist, Sexual Violence Support and Prevention Office and the Human Resources and Labour Relations Office, the Director, Human Rights Office is a key part of our support system for the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV community. Please see the Contact Us information for additional details on contacting and/or setting up an appointment with the Human Rights Office.
