
Alana Abramson

Dr. Alana Abramson has been involved in the field of restorative justice (RJ) as an researcher, practitioner, and trainer since 1999.  She has extensive experience implementing RJ in community, prison, and school contexts.  Her research has discussed the role of police and community related to restorative justice and she has organized and participated in numerous conferences on issues related to restorative justice, trauma and mental health, victim/survivors of crime, and prison justice.  Dr. Abramson’s doctoral work examined the role of post-secondary education in advancing the philosophy and practice of RJ.  In 2017, Dr. Abramson was the recipient of the Restorative Justice Award from the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.  She also worked to develop the first victim-sensitive principles and standards for restorative justice providers in BC. Dr. Abramson is currently a full-time Criminology Instructor at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Coordinator and Facilitator for the Alternatives to Violence Project, member of the Interior Restorative Justice Hub, Facilitator for Kamloops Restorative Justice, Board Member for BC Bereavement Society and the BC Association of Restorative Justice, and trainer for Community Justice Initiatives and Achieve/Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute. 

Email: Alana.Abramson@kpu.ca