
AEM started using ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Groups for access management on Wednesday, December 11.
If you lost access, please reach out to your site owner.

The Social Navigation Buttons

The social navigation bar allows you to present links to your department's social media profiles using standard button icons. ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV's main social media accounts are included by default, but you can modify these links to point to your departmental social media profiles via Inherited Content mode.

To access Inherited Content mode, click on the page tab in the Sidekick then click on the "Edit Inherited Content" mode link. You will now be able to edit the Text component that contains the social media buttons.

The social media navigation bar uses fonts (letters) to display each icon. The letter "F" is used for Facebook, "T" for Twitter, and "I" for Instagram. To edit these, select the letter/icon you want to modify and click the hyperlink button in the rich text editor.

Edit the link located in the "Link to" field. Be sure to include https:// at the beginning of the link — e.g., https://www.instagram.com/mysfudept