
Call for Reviews

The Comparative Media Arts Journal is pleased to invite individuals to submit to an ongoing call for reviews. Supplementary to CMA's semi-annual themed issues, the review series is a continuous academic platform that asks scholars, artists, curators, writers, and post-secondary students of all levels to engage in critical contemplation and reviews of exhibitions, art events, and publications.

Reviewed by the managing editors of the CMA board, the submissions must demonstrate a clear, conceptual, and insightful understanding of their source material. In addition, all reviewers should author a critical and comparative position of the exhibition, event, or book that they are reviewing.

Exhibitions reviews should carefully consider the character, practice, and concept of exhibited artists as well as artworks included in the reviewed exhibition. The review should also critique the curatorial methodologies of the exhibition. Do the curatorial intentions, as outlined by texts and the structure of the exhibition, support the artistic content? Does the artistic content in the exhibit support the curatorial intentions? Is the relationship between the artworks and curation dynamic and innovative? In what ways is the exhibition successful at harbouring conversations, considerations, and possibilities for the future? In what ways is the exhibition lacking at making an affective and effective experience for diverse audiences?

Reviews of art events — which can include exhibition programming such as artist talks, curatorial tours, workshops, and so on, should summarize the scope of the event and its intentions while also analyzing its success as a tool for public engagement and learning. In what ways did the event succeed in engaging a deeper understanding of a practice, institution, or stream of thought? As a participant and active member of the audience, how could the event have been improved to engage a deep and contemplative understanding of its material? In what ways did the curator or artist administering a talk, tour, or workshop engage an understanding of their curatorial or artistic process? As a knowledgable reviewer, what is your critical opinion of their positions, ideas, and methods?

Similarly, book or article reviews require a developed summary and analysis of the author's positions and arguments. Who does the publication serve? What kind of researcher would benefit from engaging with it? What ideas regarded in the publication can be expanded on? Has the author developed innovative approaches to considering particular concepts? Is the topic of the reviewed manuscript engaging and considered rigorous within its field of study?

The content of reviews is not limited to these suggestions. The CMA Journal is open and interested in submissions that detail insightful perspectives on what manifests a 'creative work.' Other formats of online and in-person creative practice can be analyzed such as virtual artworks, online exhibitions, films, concerts, theatre, and so on. However, all reviews must demonstrate a position of critique and an understanding of the contemporary practice of the media that is being considered.

As a platform, the review series works to bring awareness to the diverse and creative happenings in Canadian and international art communities. The review series also provides an opportunity for individuals to develop and articulate critical points of view about diverse art practices as an open-access platform for publication.

Accepted reviews can range from 500-1500 words in length. All submissions should follow the Chicago Manual of Style and utilize in-text citations.

Reviews will be accepted and published on an ongoing basis. Please submit all formatted and properly edited reviews to Mallory Gemmel at cma_journal@sfu.ca including ATTN REVIEW SERIES in the subject line.

Should your review be accepted for publication the journal will reach out to provide a writer's contract and CMA formatting guidelines. We thank you for your interest and encourage all to submit work. On occasion, rejected submissions may be considered for publication should editing suggestions and requirements be met.

Comparative Media Arts Journal / ԰AV School for the Contemporary Arts
