

CEEDC is located within the Energy and Materials Research Group (EMRG), based in the at 間眅埶AV. As an impartial third-party, CEEDC is primarily engaged to analyze and review existing and available data. EMRG, on the other hand, undertakes applied research in many areas of energy management through projects by graduate students and individual contracts. This includes forecasting future trends for energy consumption and GHG emissions as opposed to strictly dealing with available data. EMRG undertakes applied research in many areas of energy management through projects by graduate students and individual contracts.

 (STC) provides the majority of CEEDC's data. CEEDC reviews these data and cooperates with STC to resolve any issues or discrepancies. CEEDC produces reports and data analyses for Industry Associations, Utilities, and Government agencies. By reviewing our data and participating on CEEDC's advisory committee, these organizations help ensure data quality and CEEDC's effectiveness.

While CEEDC's main interactions are with Canadian federal government agencies (i.e., Natural Resources Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, and Statistics Canada), we often engage with other organizations:


Advisory Committee

CEEDC's Advisory Committee consists of five to ten people representing federal and provincial governments, major sponsors, utilities, research and industry organizations, in addition to the academic representatives from the Energy and Materials Research Group. The Committee:

  • Is a diverse group of people that recognizes the needs of others represented on the committee;
  • Reflects sponsorship but need not be directly representative of all sponsors; the ultimate goal is data development and improved data quality;
  • Does not require members to be sponsors;
  • Is supported by people identified as valuable advisors to CEEDC, a network of experts that includes people associated with international interests and expertise, other Canadian databases, consultants, technical support (Stats Can), other governmental agencies (e.g., Environment and Climate Change Canada), environmental NGOs, and service groups;
  • Meets annually via conference calls, occurring in the spring or as needed, to comment on substance and procedural issues and provide leadership and direction;
  • Reviews annual progress and work done by CEEDC's director and researchers;
  • Gives advice on the types of data required by those whom they represent, including issues related to data collection;
  • Makes recommendations on budgets and salaries; and
  • Comments on and provides direction to CEEDC's annual business plan.