

This page contains answers to some of our most common questions. If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact us!


How do I register?

The easiest way to register is through the online registration site, which you can access . 

If it is your first time using our registration system you will have to follow these steps to make an account before you will be able to register. 

I created an account but the system did not send me an activation link. What happened?

Please double check your email, especially your junk folder. If found, please cut and paste the link into the internet address bar. If it is not there, please contact us during business hours. 

I registered and paid for a camp but have not received my receipt or login information. 

If you selected the option to keep your email private, the system will block our communications, including the receipt email. If you want to receive recipets and confirmations, please contact us during business hours to have your email unblocked. 

Is there a time limit for transactions in the online registration system?

Yes, the system will time out after 20 minutes from your first action. Any camp added to your account and basket at that point will not be saved. If you are registering for several camps, we recommend you break up your transactions to ensure you retain your spot in a specific camp.

What if the participant does not have a BC Personal Health Number?

You can provide your personal health number from your province or territory. For international campers, please ensure you have travel insurance. 

Can I switch camps once my camper is registered?

Transfer requestions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Main Recreation Office for availability by calling 778-782-4142 or emailing at camps@sfu.ca.

Should I join the waitlist?

Yes, we encourage you to sign-up for the waitlist and you will be notified as soon as there is a spot available. 

When is the latest to cancel my registration?

Registrants can cancel registration one or more weeks before start date and receive a full refund (minus a 15% admin fee). Please view our full refund policy here

What is self sign-out?

Self sign-out is available for 12 year old or older campers. By authorizing self sign-out, campers are able to sign themselves out of their camp at the end of the day without a parent present.

Self sign-out can also be authorized by talking with the applicable camp's instructors.

How do I add an authorized pick-up after I've already registered?

Please email camps@sfu.ca with your camper's name, your name, and the new authorized pick-up's name & phone number.

You can also talk to instructors at sign-in/out to verbally add the same information.

Parking & Navigation

Is there free parking for drop off and pick up?

Yes, we are able to offer 20 minutes of free parking during drop off and pick up times. If you would like to stay on campus for longer, please visit the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Parking website to see permit and payment options. If you receive a ticket during the 20 minute window, please bring it to a Camps Programmer or Instructor.

What do I do if I want to drop-off or pick-up outside the designated sign-in/out times? 

If you know more than 24hrs in advance, please send an email to the camps@sfu.ca account and include camper's full name, camp name, and expected change in drop-off/pick-up. 

If it is a last-minute change (i.e. less than 24 hours), please call 604 782 4965 and include the same information. You can also communicate the change to the camp instructors if applicable.

Camp Day

What should a camper pack for the day?

In general, participants should always come with a water bottle, a lunch, 1-2 snacks, and weather appropriate gear. Weather appropriate gear for a sunny day can include a hat, sunscreen, and light clothing. For a colder day, gear can include a rain jacket, extra socks, and waterproof shoes. We recommend also packing a change of clothes if relevant to your camper. 

Please refer to the Welcome to Camps letter sent out before your registered week for any camp-specific notes. 

How much time do campers spend outside?

In general, all camps will include some portion of the day outside but this will vary greatly depending on what camp a participant is in. For example, a Science camp may be outside for lunch time and a recreation game block then head back inside. In comparision, Mountain Madness spends the majority of time outdoors and go inside only for short classroom lessons or when there is extreme weather. 

No matter the camp, please ensure campers are prepared to spend some of the day outdoors. 

Is my camper able to buy food on campus?

We ask that campers come prepared with snacks and food packed for the day and do not rely on buying food at camps. Campus food options are not consistently accessible to all groups and for the safety and supervision of all camps we are not able to walk individual campers to purchase food. 

Do you have a Lost and Found?

We do! The Lost and Found bin is located in the Programmers office. Please ask a volunteer or staff for help accessing it. 

Please note that we clear out our Lost and Found at the end of every month in order to keep it clean and hygenic. Please contact us ASAP if you notice a missing item. 

Tip: Label all belongings going to camp with a first and last name.

What is your mask policy?

We support staff, volunteers, and campers to continue to wear masks based on their own comfort and risk factors.  


(778) 782-4965