
Records Retention Schedules and Disposal Authorities (RRSDAs):

Please be advised the Directory of University Records is undergoing revisions. Some of the RRSDAs and PIBs may be out of date. Anticipated launch of the revised site is spring 2023. Please direct any questions to the Records Management Archivist smalmas@sfu.ca.

A Records Retention Schedule and Disposal Authority (RRSDA) is a timetable developed for a particular group of files or type of record ("record series"). It regulates the life-span of all records in that class by prescribing:

An RRSDA includes in addition a description of the records, their purpose and use, the retention rationale, and filing guidelines for organizing the records so that the schedule may be easily applied.

RRSDAs are developed by the Archives and Records Management Department in consultation with the department(s) holding the records and come into force upon approval and signature by the University Archivist. The original, signed RRSDAs are kept on file in the Archives.

A retention schedule embodies an appraisal of the records' long-term value, based on a number of considerations:

Records are accordingly scheduled for destruction or transfer to Archives; series designated for "selective retention" will be subjected to a more detailed analysis and appraisal upon processing.

DUR provides access to RRSDAs by four indexes:

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Last updated: May 7, 2010