
Directory of University Records
Model File Classification Plan

Teaching and Academic Programs

Records relating to the provision of instruction in the various branches of knowledge. By default, these records are scheduled under RRSDA 1999-005, General Administrative, Program and Subject Files. Exceptions are noted in brackets, with a link to the over-riding RRSDA. See scope notes for more detailed description.

Teaching and Academic Programs (General)
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Reports and Statistics
Special Projects
Reference and Information Files
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Accreditation Files
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Course Case Files (RRSDA 1999-002)
Course Exams and Assignments (Completed) (RRSDA 1995-018)
Timetable Scheduling Files
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Curriculum Development Files
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Change of Grade Forms
Grade Lists
Instructor / Course Evaluations
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Evaluation Files
Teaching Awards
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Adjudication Case Files
Teaching Award Files

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Scope notes

Teaching and Academic Programs (General)
Use for records relating to teaching and academic programs in general but which do not fall under any other primary in this subject heading. Note that the secondaries "Policy, Procedures, Standards," "General," "Planning," "Reports and Statistics," "Special Projects," and "Reference and Information Files" can also be attached to any other primary if needed. See How to Use the Model Classification Plan for more details regarding generic secondaries.
Use for records relating to program or department acrreditation with external accrediting bodies.
Use for records relating to course delivery and administration. Open a Course Case File for each course to document course content history. Case files should be so structured that routine administrative records are separated from the teaching records and can be easily culled and destroyed before transferring the files to the University Record Centre - see RRSDA 1999-002.
Use for records relating to curriculum development and review. Alternatively, these files can be maintained with the records of the committee(s) responsible for this function.
Use for records relating to the recording of final grades and transmittal of them to the Registrar's Office (SIMON).
Instructor / Course Evaluations
Use for the evaluation forms completed by students assessing course content and the instructor's performance. Retention requirements for these records differ depending on whether the instructor is faculty (RRSDA 1998-034) or teaching support staff (RRSDA 1999-006).
Teaching Awards
Use for records relating to departmental teaching awards. Keep separate information about the award from records relating to nomination, application or adjudication.

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Page created May 22, 2001