
Directory of University Records
Model File Classification Plan


Records relating to the management of university and departmental facilities and properties. By default, these records are scheduled under RRSDA 1999-005, General Administrative, Program and Subject Files. Exceptions are noted in brackets, with a link to the over-riding RRSDA. See scope notes for more detailed description.

Facilities (General)
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Reports and Statistics
Special Projects
Reference and Information Files
Art and Decor
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Art and Decor Files
Emergency Planning
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Emergency Preparedness Planning
Events and Damages Files
Environment Control
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Environment Control Files
Projects - Capital Projects
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Contracts and Leases
Renovations Case Files
Equipment Case Files
Projects - Minor Projects and Work Orders
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Work Orders
Minor Projects Case Files
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Leases and Agreements
Individual Properties Case Files
Telephone Services
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Telephone Extension Billing Reports (RRSDA 2001-003)
Waste Management
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Waste Management Files

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Scope notes

Facilities (General)
Use for records relating to departmental facilities in general but which do not fall under any other primary in this subject heading. Note that the secondaries "Policy, Procedures, Standards," "General," "Planning," "Reports and Statistics," "Special Projects," and "Reference and Information Files" can also be attached to any other primary if needed. See How to Use the Model Classification Plan for more details regarding generic secondaries.
Art and Decor
Use for records relating to design, acquisition, installation and maintenance of university and departmental art and decor.
Emergency Planning
Use for records relating to university and departmental emergency preparedness and disaster response. Maintain a file to document all damages suffered.
Environment Control
Use for records relating to the monitoring and regulation of office and storage environmental conditions.
Projects - Capital Projects
Use for records relating to capital projects. Open a separate case file for each project.
Projects - Minor Projects and Work Orders
Use for records relating to minor projects and work orders.
Use for records relating to the management of properties controlled by your department. Open a separate case file for each property.
Telephone Services
Use for records relating to telephone services. Telephone Extension Billing Reports are scheduled under RRSDA 2001-003.
Waste Management
Use for records relating to the waste management and recycling.

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Page created May 22, 2001