
Directory of University Records
Model File Classification Plan


Records relating to the collection, analysis and dissemination of information about the university, its departments and activities. By default, these records are scheduled under RRSDA 1999-005, General Administrative, Program and Subject Files. Exceptions are noted in brackets, with a link to the over-riding RRSDA. See scope notes for more detailed description.

Communications (General)
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Reports and Statistics
Special Projects
Reference and Information Files
Ceremonies and Celebrations
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Event Files
Conferences and Presentations
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Other Events
Public Relations
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Media Relations
Press Clippings
Publications and Brochures
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Undergraduate Studies Handbooks
Graduate Studies Handbooks
Other Departmental Publications
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Obsolete Web Pages

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Scope notes

Communications (General)
Use for records relating to departmental communications in general but which do not fall under any other primary in this subject heading. Note that the secondaries "Policy, Procedures, Standards," "General," "Planning," "Reports and Statistics," "Special Projects," and "Reference and Information Files" can also be attached to any other primary if needed. See How to Use the Model Classification Plan for more details regarding generic secondaries.
Ceremonies and CelebrationsUse for records relating to university or departmental ceremonies. When involved in event planning, open one file for each event.
Conferences and Presentations
Use for records relating to university or departmental conferences, presentations, public lectures and forums. When involved in event planning, open one file for each event.
Public Relations
Use for records relating to interactions with the public and media.
Publications and Brochures
Use for university and departmental publications. Retain an archival copy of each publication produced by your department. Destroy publications received from other departments or organizations when no longer useful.
Use for records relating to the university or department website. Major changes to your department's website (e.g. overall look and architecture) should be documented by retaining printed screenshots, HTML documents and style sheets or electronic versions of the same.

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Page created May 22, 2001