
Directory of University Records
Model File Classification Plan


Records relating to the day-to-day management and operation of university and departmental offices. By default, these records are scheduled under RRSDA 1999-005, General Administrative, Program and Subject Files. Exceptions are noted in brackets, with a link to the over-riding RRSDA. See scope notes for more detailed description.

Administration (General)
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Reports and Statistics
Special Projects
Reference and Information Files
Appointment Scheduling
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Appointment Books (RRSDA 1999-042)
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Departmental Forms
Faculty Forms
Vice-President Academic Forms
Human Resources Forms
Financial Services Forms
Other ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Forms
Staff Meetings
Policy, Procedures, Standards
Meeting Files

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Scope notes

Administration (General)
Use for records relating to administration in general but which do not fall under any other primary in this subject heading. Note that the secondaries "Policy, Procedures, Standards," "General," "Planning," "Reports and Statistics," "Special Projects," and "Reference and Information Files" can also be attached to any other primary if needed. See How to Use the Model Classification Plan for more details regarding generic secondaries.
Appointment Scheduling
Use for records relating to time management and appointment scheduling. Do not use for records documenting the actual event that was scheduled (e.g. notes from a meeting relating to a grievance should be filed with the grievance case file under Human Resources, Grievances).
Appointment books are scheduled under RRSDA 1999-042 which provides for their retention for "current year plus 2 years." In the event of a dispute where appointment books are needed as evidence (e.g. a grievance), these records may need to be retained longer than 2 years. In these cases, the records become S/O when the case is closed.
Best practice is to avoid using an appointment book as a record of the actual meeting. To make a record of the meeting or appointment, create a memorandum or note to file and retain it with the related records.
Use for the blank forms used by your department to process transactions. Do not file here the completed copy of a form - file it with the related records (e.g. under Finances).
Forms are S/O (superseded/obsolete) when revised, replaced or discontinued. Destroy S/O copies of university-wide forms which are the responsibility of other departments (e.g. Human Resources, Financial Services). Retain an archival record of all S/O forms that were unique to your own department.
Staff Meetings
Use for records relating to departmental staff meetings.

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Page created May 22, 2001