2013.021.164: Small, black, incomplete, obsidian blade with usewear on one broken end and along both sides. Obsidian sourced from Mt. Edziza.
2013.021.010: Small, very thick, black, basaltic flake, with evidence of usewear.
2013.021.022: Small, brown, utilized flake that has visible usewear and patina, with distal portion missing.
2013.021.037: Medium, red/beige, utilized flake, with 75% cortex present on dorsal side, and usewear present on all edges.
2013.021.070: Small, black, utilized flake, with dark grey striations.
2013.021.252: Small, pink/grey, quartzite, triangular shaped flake, with polish along one long edge and some usewear present. Second long edge and one face have cortex remaining.
2013.021.323: Small, dark grey, foliate-shaped, utilized flake, with 25% smooth cortex on one side, and considerable usewear present.
2013.021.135: Medium, grey, basaltic blade, with a prominent distal ridge, very smooth surface. Retouch and usewear present.
2013.021.033: Medium, brown, basaltic knife, with cortex on proximal end and usewear down one side.
2013.021.823: Mottled green, granitic with black mica inclusions, utilized flake, with less than 25% cortex on one side and along some edges, possible usewear on two edges.
2013.021.006: Medium, light grey, quartzite spall, with two retouched edges and may have usewear/battering on one edge. Cortex present on one edge and 90% of one side.
2013.021.123: Small, beige spall, with one bevelled edge, 100% cortex on one face, and some usewear present.
2013.021.338: Medium, brown/pink spall, with usewear.
2013.021.359: Large, dark pink spall, with usewear, crushing and flaking.
2013.021.381: Large, red spall tool that has retouch and usewear present along one thin side, with cortex present on the entirety of one side.
2013.021.404: Large, pink and beige spall, with possible crude retouch along three quarters of the edge. Cortex present on 100% of one side.
2013.021.911: Medium, light grey spall, with possible retouch, usewear present along the edges and iron oxide stain present. Cortex present on 100% of one side.