
Museum Team

There are many people that help run the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, from the Director to the Research Associates to the volunteers, students, department faculty, and more. 

Research Associates help run the museum while it is open, create and execute new exhibits, perform proper artifact storage and rehousing, conservation, run the website, and more. The RAs are an integral part of the museum. Their internships last 1 year, where they gain invaluable experience in the museum world. 

Past personnel are old RAs who have since gone on to do more in the world; click the link to see where they are now!

We could not list all of our wonderful volunteers and students that help run conservation and rehousing efforts, artifact storage, and help in all of the details of the museum. We thank them profusely for their help. 

If you are interested in becoming a part of the museum team, please click the "getting involved" link to the left!