2013.021.357: Large, grey, quartzite cobble tool, with cortex on the ventral side.
2013.021.409: Medium, red cobble tool, with flakes removed from both sides. Bifacially flaked on one end with battering along one edge. 50% cortex present on one side.
2013.021.504: Medium, beige/orange cobble tool with flakes removed from both sides and retouch and usewear present. 20% of cortex present on one side and 10% of cortex on the other side.
2013.021.515: Medium, green cobble tool, with dark grey spotting and large crystals. One side is completely flat and smooth, with 50% cortex on the other side. Flaking occurs on one edge and there is evidence of usewear. Identified as basaltic by pXRF, same as 2013.025.803.
2013.021.863: Large, brown/red, quartzite cobble tool with crushing and usewear.
2013.021.303: Medium, yellow grey, quartzite, multi-directional core, with bifacial modification indicating it may have been used as a tool as well.
2013.021.326: Medium, dark grey, possibly abandoned core that has a smooth cortex present on one side.
2013.021.330: Medium, black, angular, multi-directional core, with various small flake scars.
2013.021.447: Medium, dark grey/ brown core.
2013.021.864: Large, beige, quartzite core, with 25% cortex.
2013.021.983: Medium, dark pink, multi-directional core that is flaked on both sides with 35% cortex present.
2013.021.360: Large, grey/brown, granitic cobble tool, with steep flaking and residue.
2013.021.401: Large, beige, quartzite cobble tool, with retouch and possibly usewear on both of the shorter edges. Cortex present on the entirety of the dorsal side and one edge.
2013.021.714: Small, grey, basaltic cobble tool, with usewear on distal tip and edges.