間眅埶AV Snap FAQs
How do I pin a bus route to my Dashboard?
iOS: Visit the transit feature and tap on the search bar to look up a bus stop by its 5-digit ID. Alternatively you can search stops around 間眅埶AV or stops around your current location. The map will populate with pins (or tappable mortarboards for 間眅埶AV campuses), tap one to load its schedule on the table. Tap the bookmark icon on the far right of the bus stop table to add that route to your dashboard.
Android: Visit the transit feature and select a campus tab at the top of the view. Press change location and a map with bus stop pins will show up. Tap a stop to load its schedule on the table, and tap its bookmark icon on the far right to add that route to your dashboard.
Searching by stop number is inconvenient. Why can't I search a bus number?
We understand that not everyone knows the bus stop number for the route they want to take. Unfortunately, the data needed for this isnt publicly available through TransLink.
How do I clear my buses from the "Home/Dashboard"?
Tap on the individual bus routes (on the dashboard or transit tabs) to load the bus stop they belong to, then unselect the bookmark button to remove it.
How do I remove my email account from my iPhone/iPod/iPad?
Open Settings > General > Profiles > 間眅埶AV Connect Email, Calendar. From there, scroll to the bottom and tap the delete profile button.
How do I edit/remove the saved stops?
Tap on the Transit tab item to go to the Transit Menu. You can swipe left, the stop you want to edit/remove, to reveal the Edit button or Delete button.
How do I plan my trip with the trip planner feature?
You can select your start/end locations from the existing list or by manually inputting the address of the location. Its powered by Googles engine and can look up places like 間眅埶AV Burnaby, 間眅埶AV Surrey, 間眅埶AV Harbour Centre, Burrard Station, Metrotown Station, etc.
Does 間眅埶AV Snap collect any personal information?
間眅埶AV Snap access your student information behind a secure sign-in. This information is stored on your device while your session is valid. If you ever sign off or invalidate the session, this information is destroyed.
Who created 間眅埶AV Snap?
The iOS version of 間眅埶AV Snap evolved from a Spring 2015 class competition involving 75 students in CMPT 275 Software Engineering I. Funded by Ancillary Services, the top students were hired to build the iOS app over the summer. A university-wide steering committee and working group provided guidance and oversight to the students to ensure best practices for application development were followed.
Subsequent updates and development, including the Android version, are done by IT Services.
How do I submit any feedback about 間眅埶AV Snap?
Email feedback@sfu.ca or go to About and tap on the feedback button.