
September 2022

Eight 間眅埶AV scholars are named to the Royal Society of Canada in 2022. Among the named scholars are active Academic Women member and 間眅埶AV Scholar and Distinguished Professor Maite Taboada, and Professor Judy Radul, who are recognized as RSC Fellows. 間眅埶AV Scholars Professor Meghan Winters, and Professor Angela Kaida are also Academic Women members who are recognized as members of the societys College of New Scholars.

About Royal Society of Canada Fellows and College of New Scholars

 are distinguished Canadians from all branches of learning who have made remarkable contributions in the arts, the humanities and the sciences, as well as in Canadian public life. There are 2,558 active Fellows of the RSC.

, Artists and Scientists is Canadas first national system of multidisciplinary recognition for the emerging generation of Canadian intellectual leadership. It comprises a fourth entity (along with the current three Academies) within the Royal Society of Canada. The Members of the College are Canadians and Permanent Residents who, at an early stage in their career, have demonstrated a high level of achievement. The criteria for election is excellence, and membership is for seven years. 

May 2022

Dr. Jennifer Marchbank is the recipient of YWCA 2022 Women of Distinction Award (by Scotiabank) on Education, Training, and Development.


Dr. Jennifer Marchbank

Jen is a Professor in the Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies department at 間眅埶AV. She creates unique ways to engage, empower and teach LGBQT2S+ youth through intergenerational oral history podcasts, involvement in activism, advocacy and education. Ten years ago, she co-founded Youth for a Change (Y4AC), an activist/education group for LGBQT2S+ youth, and is a leader and facilitator for members aged 1222. Her passion for helping others does not stop at youth as Jen also concentrates on elder research within the LBGT community, particularly in end-of-life conversations at the 間眅埶AV Gerontology Research Center. She co-authored Raising Awareness and Addressing Elder Abuse in the LGBT Community: An Intergenerational Arts Project (2018) with youth and seniors working together to produce the first Canadian materials on LGBT elder abuse.

About the Education, Training & Development Award

She inspires a passion for life-long learning in those around her and has made a significant and sustained difference in Metro Vancouver. She contributes through practice, research or administration in a learning environment including the education system, employee training and development, community education and/or alternative programs. She motivates others to gain knowledge, set goals or seek opportunities. She may be an academic, educator, administrator or other champion of learning. 


News link: 

March 2021

Academic Women In the News: Three 間眅埶AV leaders nominated as YWCA Women of Distinction

From left to right: June Francis, Stephanie Simmons and Tammara Soma. Photos courtesy of YWCA Metro Vancouver.

June Francis has been nominated in the category of Education, Training & Development. She is the director for the Institute for Diaspora Research and Engagement (IDRE), a co-founder of the CoLaboratorio Project and an associate professor at Beedie School of Business. Her research has identified the lack of racial diversity on Lower Mainland Governance Boards, convened public and private organizations to strategize solutions and spearheaded recognition for historically undervalued racial/cultural communities.

Stephanie Simmons has been nominated in the category of Research, the Sciences & Technology. She is the founder and chief quantum officer of Photonic Inc., a Tier 2 Canada research chair in Quantum Nanoelectronics, an assistant professor of Physics and CIFAR research fellow at 間眅埶AV. Her work garnered notable recognition and two Physics World Top 10 Breakthrough of the Year awards.

Tammara Soma has been nominated in the category of Environmental Sustainability. She is the co-founder and research director of the Food Systems Lab and an assistant professor at the School of Resource and Environmental Management at 間眅埶AV. Her expertise has resulted in work with the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, the National Academies of Science and the United Nations.

News Link: /dashboard/faculty-staff/news/2021/03/three-sfu-leaders-nominated-as-ywca-women-of-distinction.html