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Brown and Allen R. Freedman} \date{} \maketitle \begin{center}{\small {\bf Citation data:} T.C. Brown and A.R. Freedman, \emph{Small sets which meet every $f(n)$-term arithmetic progressions in the interval $[1, n]$}, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A \textbf{51} (1989), 244--249.}\bigskip\end{center} \begin{abstract} For given $n,k$, the minimum cardinal of any subset $B$ of $[1,n]$ which meets all of the $k$-term arithmetic progressions contained in $[1,n]$ is denoted by $f(n,k)$. We show, answering questions raised by Professor P. Erd\H{o}s, that $f(n,n^\varepsilon) < C \cdot n^{1 - \varepsilon}$ for some constant $C$ (where $C$ depends on $\varepsilon$) and that $f(n,\log n) = o(n)$. We also discuss the behavior of $f(p^2,p)$, where $p$ is a prime, and we give a simple lower bound for the function associated with Szemer\'{e}di's theorem. \end{abstract} \section{Introduction} \label{sec: 1} Let $n,k$ be positive integers. We define $f(n,k)$ to be the minimum cardinal of any subset $B$ of $[1,n]$ which meets all of the $k$-term arithmetic progressions contained in $[1,n]$. For example, $f(9,3) = 4$, since the set $B = \{2,5,6,7\}$ meets every 3-term arithmetic progression contained in $[1,9]$, and no smaller subset $B$ of $[1,9]$ has this property. Professor Erd\H{o}s~\cite{erdosPC} has asked whether $f(n,n^\varepsilon) \leq C \cdot n^{1 - \varepsilon}$ for some constant $C = C(\varepsilon)$, and whether $f(n, \log n) = o(n)$. We answer these questions below, in the affirmative. (Here we are considering $[n^\varepsilon]$-term arithmetic progressions and $[\log n]$-term arithmetic progressions, respectively.) Note that $[n/k] \leq f(n,k)$ for all $n$ and $k$, since $[1,n]$ contains $[n,k]$ pairwise disjoint blocks of $k$ consecutive integers. If we regard $k$ as a constant, then Szemer\'{e}di's theorem~\cite{szemeredi1975} gives a definitive statement about the behavior of $f(n,k)$ for large $n$, namely that $f(n,k) = n - o(n)$. However, if $k(n)$ is a function of $n$ which increases sufficiently rapidly with $n$, then it can happen that \[ [n/k(n)] \leq f(n,k(n)) \leq Cn/k(n) \quad \textup{for all $n$}, \] where $C$ is a constant. We will show, for example, that for any fixed $\varepsilon$, $0 < \varepsilon < 1$, \[ n^{1 - \varepsilon} \leq f(n,n^\varepsilon) \leq (12/\varepsilon) \cdot n^{1 - \varepsilon}, \quad \textup{for all $n$}. \] On the other hand, it is not hard to constuct (using Szemer\'{e}di's theorem) a function $k(n)$ which goes to infinity with $n$ but which increases so slowly that $(1/n) \cdot f(n,k(n))$ approaches 1 as $n$ approaches infinity. (Define $n_2 < n_3 < \cdots$ by setting $n_2 = 1$ and choosing $n_k$ so that $f(n,k) > (1 - 1/k) \cdot n$ for all $n > n_k$. Then , for each $k \geq 2$, set $k(n) = k$ for $n_k \leq n < n_{k + 1}$.) We will show that $f(n,\log n) = o(n)$, but we do not know if $f(n,\log n) = O(n/\log n)$. The most slowly growing functions $k(n)$ for which we can show $f(n,k(n)) = o(n)$ are the functions $k(n) = (\log n)/(\log \log n)^\varepsilon$, for $\varepsilon < 1$. We also discuss the behavior of $f(p^2, p)$ where $p$ is a prime, and we give a lower bound for the function, analogous to the van der Waerden numbers, associated with the ``finite form" of Szemer\'{e}di's theorem. \section{Asymptotic results} \label{sec: 2} \begin{lemma} If $p$ is prime, $p \geq 3$, $t \geq 0$, and $p^t \leq n < p^{t + 1}$, then \[ f(n,p) \leq 3tn/p. \] \end{lemma} \begin{proof} First we consider the case $p^t \leq n < p^{t + 1} - p^t$, where $t \geq 1$. (The case $t = 0$ is trivial.) For each $j$, $0 \leq j \leq t - 1$, let \[ B_j = \{x \in [1,n]: x \equiv i \textup{ (mod } p^{j + 1}), 1 \leq i \leq p^j\}. \] Now let $a + dp^jx$, $0 \leq x \leq p - 1$, $(d,p) = 1$, be a $p$-term arithmetic progression contained in $[1,n]$. Then $j \leq t - 1$, since otherwise the largest term of the progression, $a + dp^j(p - 1)$, will fall outside the interval $[1,n]$. We will show that this progression meets the set $B_j$. Choose $i$, $1 \leq i \leq p^j$, so that $a \equiv i$ (mod $p^j$), say $a - i = sp^j$. Next choose $x_0$, $0 \leq x_0 \leq p - 1$, so that $s + dx_0 \equiv 0$ (mod $p$). Then $a + dp^jx_0 \equiv i$ (mod $p^{j + 1}$), which means that $a + dp^jx_0$ is in $B_j$. We now know that $B_0 \cup B_1 \cup \cdots \cup B_{t - 1}$ meets every $p$-term arithemtic progression contained in $[1,n]$. From \[ |B_j | \leq p^j([n/p^{j + 1}] + 1) \leq (n/p) + p^j \leq 2n/p, \] we get \[ f(n,p) \leq |B_0| + |B_1| + \cdots + |B_{t - 1}| \leq 2tn/p. \] Note that for the special case $n = p^t$, we have $|B_j| = n/p = p^{t - 1}$, so that \[ f(p^t, p) \leq tp^{t - 1}. \] The remaining case is $p^{t + 1} - p^t \leq n < p^{t + 1}$ ($t \geq 1$). Here, we use the preceding remark to get \[ f(n,p) \leq f(p^{t + 1}, p) \leq (t + 1)p^t \leq 2tp^t \leq 3(1 - (1/p))tp^t \leq 3tn/p. \qedhere \] \end{proof} \begin{thm} \label{thm: 1} Let $k(n)$ be any function. Then, whenever $k(n) \geq 4$, we have \[ f(n,k(n)) \leq \frac{12n\log n}{k(n)\log k(n)}. \] \end{thm} \begin{proof} For $k(n) \geq 4$, there is a prime $p$ and a non-negative integer $t$ such that, using Bertrand's postulate, \[ 3 \leq p \leq k(n) \leq 2p \quad \textup{and} \quad p^t \leq n < p^{t + 1}. \] By the lemma, $(n,k(n)) \leq f(n,p) \leq 3tn/p$. Now $t \leq (\log n)/(\log p)$, $1/p \leq 2/k(n)$ and $1/\log p \leq 1/(\log k(n) - \log 2) \leq 2/\log k(n)$. The result follows. \end{proof} \begin{cor} \label{cor: 1} If $\log n = o(k(n)\log k(n))$, then $f(n,k(n)) = o(n)$. \end{cor} \begin{app} (a) Let $k(n) = n^\varepsilon$, $0 < \varepsilon < 1$. Then $f(n,n^\varepsilon) \leq (12/\varepsilon)n^{1 - \varepsilon}$, for all $n$ (Note $(12/\varepsilon) n^{1 - \varepsilon}\leq n$ implies $\log n \geq 4$.) (b) When $k(n) = \log n$, $f(n, \log n) \leq 12n/\log \log n$, for all $n$. (Note $12/\log \log n \leq n$ implies $\log \log n \geq 4$.) (c) Letting $k(n) = (\log n)/(\log \log \log n)$ or the smaller function $(\log n)/(\log \log n)^\varepsilon$ for $0 < \varepsilon < 1$, we get functions $k(n) = o(\log n)$ such that $f(n,k(n)) = o(n)$. Note the corollary does not apply to $k(n) = (\log n)/(\log \log n)$. \end{app} \section{Other results} \label{sec: 3} \begin{thm} \label{thm: 2} For every odd prime $p$, \[ f(p^2,p) \leq 2p - 2. \] For every constant $C$, \[ p + C \leq f(p^2, p) \] for infinitely many primes $p$. \end{thm} \begin{proof} For an odd prime $p$, let \[ B = \{kp: 1 \leq k \leq p - 2\} \cup [p^2 - p - 1, p^2 - 2]. \] Then $|B| = 2p - 2$ and $B$ meets every $p$-term arithmetic progression in $[1,p^2]$. Indeed, there is only one such progression with common difference $p + 1$ and it contains the element $p^2 - p - 1$. Every progression with common difference $p$ meets the interval $p^2 - p - 1, p^2 - 2$. Finally, every progression of common difference less than $p$ must contain an element congruent to $0$ mod $p$. If this element happens to be $p^2$ or $p^2 - p$, then the given progression meets the interval $[p^2 - p - 1, p^2 - 2]$ since $p \geq 3$. Otherwise it meets the set $\{kp: 1 \leq k \leq p - 2\}$. This proves the first assertion. To prove the second assertion, let $C$ be a fixed positive integer. We suppose that for all large primes $p$ there is a set $A \subseteq [1,p^2]$ such that $|A| \leq p + C$, and $A$ meets every $p$-term arithmetic progression in $[1,p^2]$. Consider the blocks $B_i = [ip + 1, (i + 1)p]$ for $i = 0,1,\dots, p - 1$. Each $B_i$ contains at least one element of $A$. Also, each residue mod $p$ is congruent to at least one member of $A$. Call a block $B_i$ ``good" if $B_i \cap A$ is a singleton $\{a\}$ and the residue of $a$ mod $p$ is unique (i.e., for all $a' \in A - \{a\}$, $a \not\equiv a'$ mod $p$). An easy count shows that the number of good blocks is not less that $p - 3C$ and so there must be a consecutive string of good blocks, $B_{u + 1}, B_{u + 2}, \dots, B_{u + t}$ of length $t \geq (p - 3C)/(3C + 1)$. Let $M = 2(3C + 1)$ and consider the primes $p \equiv -1$ mod $(M +1)!$. Note that $t \geq M + 1$ (for $p$ sufficiently large). Let $B_{u + i} \cap A = \{a_i\}$ and denote the $t - 1$ ``jumps" by $j_i = a_{i + 1} - a_i$. We claim that each $j_i$ is less than $p - M$. Write $j = j_i$. If $j \geq p + 1$, then there are $p$ consecutive integers which do not meet $A$. If $j = p$, then $a_i$ and $a_{i + 1}$ are congruent mod $p$. If $j= p - r$, for $1 \leq r \leq M$, then $j \equiv 0$ mod $(r + 1)$ and there will thus be a missing residue mod $(r + 1)$ among the elements $a_k$ in a consecutive string of $r + 1$ good blocks which contains the blocks $B_{u + i}$ and $B_{u + i +1 }$. This implies the existence of a $p$-term arithmetic progression (with common difference $r + 1$) which does not meet $A$. The proof is concluded with the following contradiction: We have $(t - 2p)p < a_t - a_1 = j_1 + j_2 + \cdots + j_{t - 1} < (t-1)(p - M)$ which reduces to $tM < p + M$. This implies $((p - 3C)/(3C + 1))M = 2p - 6C < p + M$, which is false for $p \geq 12C + 2$. \end{proof} \begin{thm} \label{thm: 3} For each $\varepsilon$, $0 < \varepsilon < 1$, and each positive integer $k$, let $g(k,\varepsilon)$ denote the smallest positive integer such that if $m \geq g(k,\varepsilon)$, $[1,m] \supseteq A$ and $|A| > \varepsilon m$, then $A$ must contain a $k$-term arithmetic progression. (Thus $g(k,\varepsilon)$ is the number whose existence is asserted by Szemer\'{e}di's theorem.) Then for every prime $p$ and every $\varepsilon$, $0 < \varepsilon < 1$, \[ g(p,\varepsilon) > p^{[(p - 1)\log(1/\varepsilon)]}. \] Also, if $\varepsilon < 1/e$ then $g(p,\varepsilon) > p^p$ for sufficiently large $p$. In particular, \[ g(p,1/3) > p^p \quad \textup{for all $p \geq 7$}. \] (This means: for every prime $p \geq 7$, there is a subset $A$ of $[1,p^p]$ such that $|A| >\frac{1}{3}p^p$ and $A$ contains no $p$-term arithmetic progression.) \end{thm} \begin{proof} For a given positive integer $n$, let $A$ be the set of all integers $x$ in $[0,p^n - 1]$ such that when $x$ is expressed as an $n$-digit $p$-ary number, none of the $n$ digits is $0$. Then $A$ contains no $p$-term arithmetic progression. (By considering the first non-zero digit in the $p$-ary form of the common difference of a given $p$-term arithemtic progression, one easily sees that some term of the progression contains a zero in $p$-ary form.) Clearly $|A| = (p - 1)^n$. Thus by the definition of $g(k,\varepsilon)$, if $(p - 1)^n > \varepsilon p^n$, then $g(p,\varepsilon) > p^n$. Now if $n \leq (p - 1) \log(1/\varepsilon)$, then $n\log(1 + 1/(p - 1)) < n/(p - 1) \leq \log(1/\varepsilon)$, so $n\log(p/(p - 1)) + \log \varepsilon < 0$, or $\varepsilon p^n < (p - 1)^n$, so that $g(k,\varepsilon) > p^n$. Taking $n = [(p - 1)\log(1/\varepsilon)]$ we get \[ g(p,\varepsilon) > p^{[(p - 1)\log(1/\varepsilon)]}. \] Finally, if $\varepsilon < 1/e$ then $\varepsilon < ((p - 1)/p)^p$ for large $p$, so that $(p - 1)^p > \varepsilon p^p$ and $g(p,\varepsilon) > p^p$. For $\varepsilon = 1/3$, the inequalities hold for all $p \geq 7$. (In the same way, if $\varepsilon < 1/e^k$ then $g(p,\varepsilon) > p^{kp}$ for large $p$.) \end{proof} \section{Remarks} \label{sec: 4} 1. Theorem~\ref{thm: 1} shows that the functions $k(n) = (\log n)/g(n)$, where $g(n) = o(\log\log n)$, grow rapidly enough that $f(n,k(n)) = o(n)$. One naturally would like to find the boundary between those functions $k(n)$ for which $f(n,k(n)) = o(n)$ and those functions $k(n)$ for which $f(n,k(n))$ is not $o(n)$. In particular, one would like to know whether or not $f(n,(\log n)/(\log \log n)) = o(n)$ and whether or not $f(n,\log\log n) = o(n)$. Naturally, if $k(n) \leq h(n)$ and $f(n,k(n)) = o(n)$, then $f(n,h(n)) = o(n)$, since $f(n,h(n)) \leq f(n,k(n))$. However, the statement that $f(n,\log\log n)$ is not $o(n)$ is stronger that Szemer\'{e}di's theorem. In fact, given any function $k(n)$ which goes to infinity with $n$, the statement that $f(n,k(n))$ is not $o(n)$ is stronger than Szemer\'{e}di's theorem. This is a consequence of Behrend's theorem~\cite{behrend1938}. Indeed, if $f(n,k(n)) \ne o(n)$, then there exists an $\varepsilon > 0$ such that for infinitely many $n$, \[ [B \subseteq [1,n] , |B| < \varepsilon n] \Rightarrow [ B \textup{ does not meet some $k(n)$-term A.P.}]. \] Then for the same set of (infinitely many) $n$, \[ [A \subseteq [1,n], |A| > (1 - \varepsilon)n] \Rightarrow[ A \textup{ contains a $k(n)$-term A.P.}]. \] Now let $k$ be an arbitrary positive integer. Choose $n_0$ so that the preceding implication holds for $n = n_0$ and such that $k(n_0) \geq k$. It easily follows that for all $n \geq 2n_0/\varepsilon$, \[ [A \subseteq [1,n], |A| > (1 - \varepsilon/2)n] \Rightarrow [A \textup{ contains a $k$-term A.P.}]. \] This is exactly the hypothesis of Behrend's theorem, and Szemer\'{e}di's theorem is the conclusion. 2. The constant ``12" which appears in Theorem~\ref{thm: 1} can be decreased to ``$2 + \varepsilon$" (at the cost of replacing ``whenever $k(n) \geq 4$" by ``for all sufficiently large $k(n)$") by noting that in the Lemma we have $f(n,p) \leq (2 + \varepsilon)tn/p$ for sufficiently large $p$, by using $1/(\log k(n) - \log 2) \leq (1 + \varepsilon) \log k(n)$ for sufficiently large $k(n)$, and by using the Prime Number Theorem instead of Bertrand's postulate. Then one obtains \[ f(n,k(n)) \leq \frac{(2 + \varepsilon) n \log n}{k(n) \log k(n)}, \] for all sufficiently large $k(n)$. On the other hand, the method of Theorem~\ref{thm: 1} also give $f(n,k(n)) \leq 18n \log n/k(n) \log k(n)$, whenever $k(n) \geq 3$. \vspace{12pt} \emph{Note added in proof.} Professor John Truss has improved Theorem~\ref{thm: 2} to $f(n^2,n) > n + n^{1/2}/2$, for all $n$. \bibliographystyle{amsplain} \bibliography{tom-all} \end{document}