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Brown\footnote{Department of Mathematics and Statistics, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A 1S6, Canada} and Bruce M. Landman\footnote{Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, North Carolina 27412, USA}} \maketitle \begin{center}{\small {\bf Citation data:} T.C. {Brown} and Bruce~M. Landman, \emph{The {Ramsey} property for collections of sequences not containing all arithmetic progressions}, Graphs and Combinatorics \textbf{12} (1996), 149--161.}\bigskip\end{center} \newcommand{\floor}[1]{{\left\lfloor{#1}\right\rfloor}} \newcommand{\ceil}[1]{{\left\lceil{#1}\right\rceil}} \newcommand{\A}{\ensuremath{\mathcal{A}}} \newcommand{\B}{\ensuremath{\mathcal{B}}} \begin{abstract}A family \B{} of sequences has the Ramsey property if for every positive integer $k$, there exists a least positive integer $f_\B(k)$ such that for every 2-coloring of $\{1,2,\ldots,f_\B(k)\}$ there is a monochromatic $k$-term member of \B. For fixed integers $m>1$ and $0\leq q 2$). This is not surprising, if we think of a $q\Mod{m}$-sequence as an arithmetic progression, modulo $m$, with constant difference $q$. Less expectedly, it turns out \cite{landman+long1994} that for all $m$ and $q$, the family $\B_{q(m)}\cup\A_m$ does have the Ramsey property, and its associated Ramsey function, which we denote by $f_{q(m),m}(k)$, satisfies \[ f_{q(m),m}(k) = mk^2(1 + o(1)). \] In this paper we consider several situations that are more general than those dealt with in \cite{landman+long1994}. If $S = \{a_i \Mod{m_i}): 1\leq i\leq n\}$ is any set of congruence classes, we consider the family of sequences that are $a_i\Mod{m_i}$-sequences for some $i$. For example, if \[ S = \{ 1\Mod4, 2\Mod3)\}, \] then the sequences $\{1,2,11\}$ and $\{1,9,11\}$ belong to the family, while $\{1,2,4\}$ and $\{1,9,10\}$ do not. We ask: (i) For which choices of $S$ will the family of sequences have the Ramsey property? (ii) For such $S$, what is the rate of growth of the associated Ramsey function $f_S(k)$? In particular, we look at the family of arithmetic progressions modulo $m$, i.e., $\bigcup_{q=1}^{m-1}\B_{q(m)}$. It is clear that for almost all choices of $k$, $m$ and $q$, the number of $k$-term arithmetic progressions modulo $m$ is considerably greater than the number of sequences belonging to $\B_{q(m)}\cup \A_m$. Yet, in Section \ref{s2} we show that the arithmetic progressions modulo $m$ do not have the Ramsey property. As a corollary, if $T$ is a set of positive integers, we are able to characterize those families $\B_{q(m)} \cup \left(\bigcup_{t\in T} \A_t\right)$ which have the Ramsey property, and we give upper bounds for the associated Ramsey functions $f_{q(m),T}$, which generalize known results about $f_{q(m),m}$ from \cite{landman+long1994}. In Section \ref{s3}, we first consider $|S| = 2$, and characterize those $S$ that give rise to the Ramsey property. We also give an upper bound for the associated Ramsey function. We then look at the function $f_S$ for general $S$. We give sufficient conditions for $f_S(k)$ to be defined for all $k$, and show that for a large variety of $S$'s, these conditions are also necessary. In Section \ref{s4} we consider a special case involving partitions into $r\geq2$ classes, and obtain an upper bound for the associated Ramsey function, where $S$ consists of $r$ congruences. Section \ref{s5} includes some observations, based on computer output, concerning the sharpness of the bounds. We make use of the following additional notation and terminology. If $i0$. For a fixed $t>0$, an a.p. is called a \emph{$t$-a.p.} if $d=t$. If $m\geq2$ and $0\leq q\ceil{m/2}$.\label{t2}\end{thrm} \begin{proof} Let $m\geq2$ and consider the following 2-coloring, $\chi$, of the positive integers. For $1\leq x\leq \ceil{m/2}$ let $\chi(x)=0$, and for $\ceil{m/2} + 1\leq x\leq m$ let $\chi(x) = 1$. When $x>m$, let $\chi(x) = \chi(\bar{x})$, where $x\equiv\bar{x}\Mod{m}$ and $1\leq\bar{x} \leq m$. We will show that, with respect to $\chi$, the maximum size of a monochromatic $q\Mod{m}$-sequence is bounded above by $\ceil{\frac{m}{2\gcd(q,m)}}\leq\ceil{ \frac{m}2}$ for each $q$, $1\leq q\leq m-1$. From this it follows immediately that $f_S(k)=\infty$ if $k>\ceil{\frac{m}2}$. Let $q$ be fixed ($1\leq q \leq m-1$), and let $d = \gcd(q,m)$, $s=m/d$. Now regard $1,2,\ldots,m$ as the elements of the $m$-element cyclic group (where $\bar{x} + \bar{y} = \overline{x+y}$), and let $H$ be the $s$-element cyclic subgroup of $[1,m]$. By elementary group theory, we know that \begin{equation} H = \{\overline{q},\overline{2q},\ldots,\overline{sq}\} = \{d,2d,\ldots,sd\}. \label{eq3}\end{equation} Now let $x_1m/2$. Now assume $cm\in T$. Note that if $\{x_1,\ldots,x_{(n-1)c+1}\}$ is an $m$-a.p., then $\{ x_{ic+1}:i=0,\ldots,n-1\}$ is a $cm$-a.p. Hence, \[ f_{q(m),cm}(k,n) \leq f_{q(m),m}(k,(n-1)c+1). \] Inequalities \eqref{eq4} and \eqref{eq5} follow from \eqref{eq1} and \eqref{eq2}, respectively.\end{proof} \section{Using an Arbitrary Set of Congruence Classes\label{s3}} We now direct our attention to the function $f_S$ for general $S$. The case in which $|S|=1$ was considered in \cite{landman+long1994}. The authors showed that if $S$ consists of the single congruence class $a\Mod{m}$, then as long as $a\neq0$ and $k\geq3$, $f_S(k)=\infty$. They also showed that the only case in which $|S|=1$ and $f_S(3)<\infty$ is if $q=0$, and that in fact, for all $k\geq2$ \begin{equation} f_{0(m)}(k) = 2m(k-1)+1. \label{eq6}\end{equation} We also see by Theorem \ref{t2}, that if $S = \{a_1\Mod{m},\ldots,a_r\Mod{m}: a_i\neq0 \text{ for } 1\leq i\leq r\}$, then $f_S(k)=\infty$ whenever $k>m/2$. Before dealing with the most general set $S$, we first consider the case in which $|S|=2$. We now characterize those sets $S = \{a\Mod{m_1},b\Mod{m_2}: a,b\neq0\}$ for which the corresponding collection of sequences has the Ramsey property (if $a=0$ or $b=0$ we see by \eqref{eq6} that $f_S(k)$ does exist for all $k$), and provide an upper bound for the corresponding Ramsey function. \begin{thrm}\label{t3}Let $m_1,m_2>1$, let $1\leq a3$. Let $d=\gcd(m_1,m_2)$ and $m=\lcm\{m_1,m_2\}$. Then $f_{a(m_1),b(m_2)}(k)<\infty$ if and only if $d|a$ or $d|b$. Furthermore, for all $k\geq3$, if $d|a$ or $d|b$, then $f_{a(m_1),b(m_2)}(k)d/2$, then $S = \{x_1,\ldots, x_k\}$ is a semi $q\Mod{d}$-sequence in $[1,d]$ if and only if $S=\{x_k, \ldots,x_1\}$ is a semi $(d-q)\Mod{d}$-sequence. We now give a coloring of $[1,d]$ that avoids both 4-term monochromatic semi $a\Mod{d}$-sequences and 4-term monochromatic semi $b\Mod{d}$-sequences. Assuming $ab$ or $x_3-x_1>b$). Thus, by definition of $\chi$, $\chi(x_r) \neq \chi(x_{r+1})$. \paragraph{Case II.} $a>b/2$. \noindent Let $A_0 = [1,a]$, let $A_i = [(i-1)b+a+1,ib+a]$ for $i=1,\ldots, h$ where $h=\floor{(d-a)/b}$, and let $A_{h+1} = [hb+1,d]$ ($A_{h+1}$ could be empty). Then each $A_i$ is monochromatic and the $A_i$'s alternate in color. Assume $\{x,y,z\}$ is a monochromatic semi $a\Mod{d}$-sequence. If $x$ and $y$ are in different $A_i$'s, then $y$ must be in $A_0$; but then $\chi(z)\neq\chi(y)$. Therefore, we assume $x$ and $y$ are in the same $A_{i_1}$. So $z\notin A_{i_1}$. Thus, $z\in A_0$, and hence $\chi(z+a) \neq\chi(z)$. Thus there is no 4-term semi $a\Mod{d}$-sequence that is monochromatic. Now assume $d$ divides (say) $a$. We first consider the case in which $\frac{m_2}{\gcd(m_2,b)}$ is even. Now $a\neq0$ implies $m_1\neq d$, so that there exists a positive integer $c1$, $b>1$ and $\gcd(a,bc) = 1$. Proposition \ref{p2} gives a very special class of sets $S$ for which the converse of Theorem \ref{t4} fails. The next theorem gives sufficient conditions on $S$ for $f_S(\vec{k})$ to be infinite for some $\vec{k}$, which are satisfied by a large class of sets $S$. Note, in particular, that Theorem \ref{t5} implies that the converse of Theorem \ref{t4} does hold if $\gcd(a_i,m_i) = 1$ for all $i$. \begin{thrm}\label{t5} Let $S=\{a_i\Mod{m_i}:1\leq i\leq n\}$. Let $e_i =\gcd(a_i,m_i)$ for $1\leq i\leq n$, and $d_{ij}=\gcd\left(\frac{m_i}{e_i}, \frac{m_j}{e_j}\right)$ for $i\neq j$. Assume that for every pair $i\neq j$, $d_{ij}$ divides neither $a_i$ nor $a_j$. Then $f_S(\vec{k}^*) = \infty$ where $\vec{k}^* = (m_1/e_1,\ldots,m_n/e_n)$.\end{thrm} \begin{proof} We first prove the result for the case in which $e_1=1$ for all $i$. Let $m=\lcm\{m_1,\ldots,m_n\}$. By Lemma \ref{l2}, it suffices to find a 2-coloring of $[1,m]$ that avoids $m_i$-term monochromatic semi $a_i\Mod{m_i}$-sequences for all $i$. Define the coloring $\chi:[1,m]\to\{0,1\}$ as follows: \[ \chi(x) = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} 1&\text{if }x\equiv0\Mod{m_i}\text{ for some }i\\ 0&\text{if }x\equiv{a_i}\Mod{m_i}\text{ for some }i\\ \text{arbitrary}&\text{otherwise}\end{array}\right. \] Note that $\chi$ is well-defined on $[1,m]$ because if $i\neq j$ and $x\equiv0 \Mod{m_i}$, then (since $d_{ij}$ does not divide $a_j$) $x\not\equiv a_j\Mod{m_j}$. Since $e_1=1$ for all $i$, any $m_i$-term semi $a_i\Mod{m_i}$-sequence must contain an element from each congruence class modulo $m_i$. Hence, no such sequence can be monochromatic under $\chi$. This proves the theorem in case all $e_i=1$. Now let the $e_i$ be arbitrary. Consider \[ S' = \{a_i\Mod{m_i/e_i}:1\leq i\leq n\}. \] Since $\gcd\left(a_i,\frac{m_i}{e_i}\right)=1$ and since $\gcd\left(\frac{a_i}{m_i}, \frac{a_j}{m_j}\right)$ divides neither $a_i$ nor $a_j$, we can apply the case proven above (the case of all $e_i = 1$). Thus, there is a coloring of the positive integers that avoids, for all $i$, $(m_i/e_i)$-term monochromatic $a_i\Mod{m_i/e_i}$-sequences. Observing that every $a_i\Mod{m_i}$-sequence is also an $a_i\Mod{m_i/e_i}$-sequence, the proof is complete.\end{proof} \section{A Special Case\label{s4}} Theorem \ref{t3} gives an upper bound, using 2 colors, for $f_{a(m_1),b(m_2)}(k)$, when $d=\gcd(m_1,m_2)$ divides $a$ or $b$. If we use the stronger hypothesis that $d$ divides both $a$ and $b$, we are able to give a much better upper bound. In fact, we shall prove a result which deals with the more general case in which there are $r$ colors and $|S| = r$. We first prove the following theorem. \begin{thrm}\label{t6}Let $r\geq2$ and, for $1\leq i\leq r$, let $m_i>1$ and $1\leq a_i