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Brown, Bruce M. Landman and Marni Mishna\footnote{The first and third authors were partially supported by NSERC.}} \maketitle \begin{center}{\small {\bf Citation data:} T.C. {Brown}, Bruce~M. Landman, and Marni Mishna, \emph{Monochromatic homothetic copies of $\lbrace s, 1+s, 1+s+t \rbrace$ }, Canad. Math. Bull. \textbf{40} (1997), 149--157.}\bigskip\end{center} \newcommand{\floor}[1]{{\left\lfloor{#1}\right\rfloor}} \newcommand{\ceil}[1]{{\left\lceil{#1}\right\rceil}} \begin{abstract} For positive integers $s$ and $t$, let $f(s,t)$ denote the smallest positive integer $N$ such that every 2-coloring of $[1,N] = \{1,2,\ldots,N\}$ has a monochromatic homothetic copy of $\{1,1+s,1+s+t\}$. We show that $f(s,t) = 4(s+t)+1$ whenever $s/g$ and $t/g$ are not congruent to 0 (modulo 4), where $g = \gcd(s,t)$. This can be viewed as a generalization of part of van der Waerden's theorem on arithmetic progressions, since the 3-term arithmetic progressions are the homothetic copies of $\{1,1+1,1+1+1\}$. We also show that $f(s,t) = 4(s+t)+1$ in many other cases (for example, whenever $s>2t>2$ and $t$ does not divide $s$), and that $f(s,t)\leq4(s+t)+1$ for all $s,t$. Thus the set of homothetic copies of $\{1,1+s,1+s+t\}$ is a set of triples with a particularly simple Ramsey function (at least for the case of two colours), and one wonders what other ``natural'' sets of triples, quadruples, etc., have simple (or easily estimated) Ramsey functions. \end{abstract} \section{Introduction} Van der Waerden's Theorem on Arithmetic Progressions \cite{vanderwaerden1927} states that for every positive integer $k$ there exists a smallest positive integer $w(k)$ such that for every 2-coloring of $[1,w(k)] = \{1,2,\ldots, w(k)\}$, there is a monochromatic $k$-term arithmetic progression. (In other words, if $[1,w(k)]$ is partitioned in any way into two parts $A$ and $B$, then either $A$ or $B$ must contain a $k$-term arithmetic progression.) The only known non-trivial values of $w(k)$ are $w(3) = 9$, $w(4) = 35$, $w(5) = 178$. Furthermore the estimation of the function $w(k)$ for large $k$ is one of the most outstanding (and presumably one of the most difficult) problems in Ramsey theory. For a discussion of this, see \cite{graham+rothschild+spencer1990}. The function $w(k)$ is often called the \emph{Ramsey function} for the set of $k$-term arithmetic progressions. Landman and Greenwell \cite{landman+greenwell1988, landman+greenwell1990-1} considered the Ramsey function $g(n)$ of the set of all $n$-term sequences that are homothetic copies (see the definition below) of $\{1,2,2+t,2+t+t^2,\ldots,2+t+t^2+\cdots+t^{n-2}\}$ for some positive integer $t$. They obtained a lower bound for $g(n)$ and an upper bound for $g^{(r)}(3)$, where the $(r)$ indicates that $r$ colours are used. Other ``substitutes'' for the set of $k$-term arithmetic progressions were introduced in \cite{brown+erdos+freedman1990}. In contrast, in this paper we consider the Ramsey function associated with a much smaller set of sequences, namely the set of homothetic copies of $\{1,1+s,1+s+t\}$ for given positive integers $s$ and $t$. A \emph{homothetic copy} of $\{1,1+s,1+s+t\}$ is any set of the form $\{x,x+ys,x+ys+yt\}$, where $x$ and $y$ are positive integers. From now on, let us agree to use the term ``$(s,t)$-progression'' to refer to a homothetic copy of $\{1,1+s,1+s+t\}$. Instead of considering 3-term arithmetic progressions, as in the case $k=3$ of van der Waerden's theorem, we consider the set of $(s,t)$-progressions for given positive integers $s$ and $t$. (Note that the $(1,1)$-progressions are the 3-term arithmetic progressions.) For positive integers $s$ and $t$ we define $f(s,t)$ to be the smallest positive integer $N$ such that every 2-colouring of $[1,N]$ has a monochromatic $(s,t)$-progression. Note that $f(s,t) = f(t,s)$. We will use this fact several times. We show that for all positive integers $s$ and $t$, if $s/g\not\equiv0$ and $t/g\not\equiv0$ (mod 4), where $g = \gcd(s, t)$, then $f(s,t) = 4(s + t) + 1$. A special case of this is $w(3) = f(1,1) = 9$. Thus this result can be viewed as a generalization of the case $k = 3$ of van der Waerden’s theorem. We also show that $f(s,t)\leq4(s + t) + 1$ for all $s$ and $t$, and we show that even if $s/g\equiv0$ or $t/g\equiv0$ (mod 4), the equality $f(s,t) = 4(s + t) + 1$ still holds, except for a small number of possible exceptions. For example, we are unable to find the exact value of $f(4m,1)$, although we show in Theorem \ref{t4} that $4(4m + 1)\leq f(4m,1)\leq 4(4m + 1) + 1$. The remaining cases where $f(s,t)$ is unknown are described in Section \ref{s4}. \section{Upper bounds} First we give a simple proof of the weak bound $f(s,t) \leq 9s + 8t$, which is subsequently refined (in Theorem \ref{t2} below) to give the stronger bound $f(s,t)\leq4(s + t) + 1$. The equality $w(3) = 9$ will be used in our proof of this weak bound, but will not be used again. We prove $f(s,t)\leq 9s + 8t$ by contradiction. Assume that $f(s,t)>9s + 8t$, and let $[1,9s + 8t]$ be 2-coloured, using the colours Red and Blue, in such a way that there is no monochromatic $(s,t)$-progression. Since $w(3) = 9$, the set $\{s, 2s, 3s, \ldots, 9s\}$ contains a monochromatic (say in the colour Red) 3-term arithmetic progression. Let us suppose, in order to simplify our notation, that this Red progression is $\{s, 5s,9s\}$. (In all other cases, the argument is essentially the same.) Consider the $(s,t)$-progressions $\{s,5s,5s+4t\}$, $\{5s,9s,9s + 4t\}$, $\{s, 9s, 9s + 8t\}$. Since by assumption none of these is monochromatic, and $s$, $5s$, $9s$ are all Red, it follows that $\{5s + 4t, 9s + 4t, 9s + 8t\}$ is a Blue $(s,t)$-progression, a contradiction, completing the proof. The following theorem will be useful in obtaining both upper and lower bounds for $f(s,t)$. \begin{thrm}\label{t1} Let $s,t,c$ be positive integers. Then $f(cs,ct) = c(f(s,t)-1)+1$. \end{thrm} \begin{proof} Let $M = f(s,t)$. Let $B$ be a 2-colouring of $[1,c(M-1)+1]$. Since every 2-colouring of $[0,M-1]$ contains a monochromatic $(s,t)$-progression, every 2-colouring of $\{1,c+1,2c+1,\ldots,(M-1)c+1\}$ contains a monochromatic $(cs,ct)$-progression. Thus, $f(cs,ct)\leq c(M-1)+1$. On the other hand, we know there is a 2-colouring, B, of $[1,M-1]$ that contains no monochromatic $(s,t)$-progressions. Define $B'$ on $[1, c(M-1)]$ by $B'([c(i-1)+1,ci]) = B(i)$, for $i = 1,\ldots,M-1$. We will show that $B'$ avoids monochromatic $(cs,ct)$-progressions, which will complete the proof. Assume, by way of contradiction, that $x_1, x_2, x_3$ is a $(cs,ct)$-progression, contained in $[1, c(M-1)]$, that is monochromatic under $B'$. Then there exists $r>0$ such that $x_3- x_2 = rct$, $x_2-x_1 = rcs$. Let $y_j = \ceil{x_j/c}$ for $j = 1,2,3$. Then $y_3 - y_2 = \ceil{x_3/c} - \ceil{x_2/c} = rt$, and similarly $y_2 - y_1 = rs$. Hence $y_1, y_2, y_3$ is an $(s, t)$-progression. Also, $B(y_j) = B(\ceil{x_j/c}) = B' (x_j)$, for each j. This contradicts our assumption that there is no monochromatic $(s,t)$-progression relative to the colouring $B$. \end{proof} Note that this proof easily extends to a proof that if $f(a_1,\ldots,a_k) = M$, then $f(ca_1,\ldots,ca_k) = c(M-1)+1$, where $f(a_1,\ldots,a_k)$ denotes the least positive integer $N$ such that every 2-coloring of $[1,N]$ will contain a monochromatic homothetic copy of $\{1,1+a_1,1+a_1+a_2,\ldots,1+a_1+a_2+\cdots+a_k\}$. \begin{thrm}\label{t2} For all positive integers $s$ and $t$, $f(s,t)\leq 4(s+t)+1$. \end{thrm} \begin{proof} Let $s,t$ be given. We may assume without loss of generality that $s\leq t$. We may also assume that $\gcd(s,t) = 1$, for if we knew the result in this case then, with $g=\gcd(s,t)$, Theorem \ref{t1} would give $f(s,t)=g\ceil{f(s/g,t/g)-1} +1\leq g[4(s/g+t/g)+1-1]+1 = 4(s+t)+1$. Consider the following set of 20 triples contained in $[1,4(s+t)+1]$, which are all $(s,t)$-progressions: \[ \{ 1, s + 1, s + t + 1\}, \{ s + 1, 2s + 1, 2s + t + 1\} \] \[ \{ 2s + 1, 3s + 1, 3s + t + 1\}, \{ 3s + 1, 4s + 1, 4s + t + 1\} \] \[ \{ 1, 2s + 1, 2s + 2t + 1\}, \{ s + 1, 3s + 1, 3s + 2t + 1\} \] \[ \{ 2s + 1, 4s + 1, 4s + 2t + 1\}, \{ 1, 3s + 1, 3s + 3t + 1\} \] \[ \{ s + 1, 4s + 1, 4s + 3t + 1\}, \{ 1, 4s + 1, 4s + 4t + 1\} \] \[ \{ s + t + 1, 2s + t + 1, 2s + 2t + 1\}, \{ 2s + t + 1, 3s + t + 1, 3s + 2t + 1\} \] \[ \{3s + t + 1, 4s + t + 1, 4s + 2t + 1\}, \{ s + t + 1, 3s + t + 1, 3s + 3t + 1\} \] \[ \{2s + t + 1, 4s + t + 1, 4s + 2t + 1\}, \{ s + t + 1, 4s + t + 1, 4s + 4t + 1\} \] \[ \{2s + 2t + 1, 3s + 2t + 1, 3s + 3t + 1\}, \{ 3s + 2t + 1, 4s + 2t + 1, 4s + 3t + 1\} \] \[ \{2s + 2t + 1, 4s + 2t + 1, 4s + 4t + 1\}, \{ 3s + 3t + 1, 4s + 3t + 1, 4s + 4t + 1\} \] It is straightforward to check (under the assumptions that $s\leq t$ and $\gcd(s,t) = 1$) that except in the cases $s = 1, 1 \leq t\leq 3$, the 15 integers which appear in these 20 triples are distinct. It is then a simple matter to check all 2-colourings of these 15 integers and verify that each 2-colouring has a monochromatic triple from the above list of 20 triples. (If one identifies these 15 integers with the numbers 1,2,\ldots,15 via the correspondence \[ 1 \leftrightarrow 1, s + 1 \leftrightarrow 2, 2s + 1\leftrightarrow 3, 3s+1\leftrightarrow4, 4s+1\leftrightarrow5, \] \[ s+t+1\leftrightarrow6, 2s+t+1\leftrightarrow7, 3s+t+1\leftrightarrow8, 4s+t+1\leftrightarrow9, \] \[ 2s+2t+1\leftrightarrow10, 3s+2t+1\leftrightarrow11, 4s+2t+1\leftrightarrow12, \] \[ 3s + 3t + 1\leftrightarrow13, 4s+3t+1\leftrightarrow14, 4s+4t+1\leftrightarrow15, \] the resulting set of 20 triples contained in $[1,15]$ has a particularly pleasing form.) The cases $s=1,1\leq t\leq 3$ can be checked separately. In all cases we obtain $f(s,t)\leq 4(s+t)+1$.\end{proof} \section{Lower bounds and exact values for $f(s,t)$} \begin{thrm}\label{t3} Let $s,t$ be positive integers, and let $g=\gcd(s,t)$. If $s/g\not\equiv0$ and $t/g\not\equiv0$ (mod 4) then $f(s,t) = 4(s+t)+1$.\end{thrm} \begin{proof} The proof splits naturally into two cases. \paragraph{Case 1.} Assume that $s/g$ and $t/g$ are both odd. In view of Theorem \ref{t2}, we only need to show that $f(s,t) \geq 4(s+t)+1$. First, assume $g=1$. Now colour $[1,4(s+t)]$ as \[ 101010\cdots10~010101\cdots01, \] where each of the two long blocks has length $2(s+t)$. Assume $x,y,z$ is a monochromatic $(s,t)$-progression. Then $y=x+ds$ and $z=y+dt$, for some positive integer $d$. Let $B_1$ and $B_2$ represent $[1,2(s+t)]$ and $[2(s+t)+1,4(s+t)]$, respectively. In case $d$ is odd, then $x$ and $y$ have opposite parity, and $y$ and $z$ have opposite parity. Since $x$ and $y$ have the same colour and opposite parity, $x$ is in $B_1$, while $y$ is in $B_2$. Hence $z$ is in $B_2$, so that $y$ and $z$ cannot have the same colour, a contradiction. If $d$ is even, then $x$, $y$ and $z$ all have the same parity, so they all must be in the same $B_i$. But then $d(s+t) = z - x \leq 2(s+t)$, and hence $d=1$, a contradiction. If $g$ is unequal to 1, then by Theorem \ref{t1} and the case in which $g=1$, $f(s,t) = g[f(s/g,t/g)-1]+1\geq g[4(s/g+t/g)+1-1]+1=4(s+t)+1$. This finishes the proof of Case 1. \paragraph{Case 2.} Assume without loss of generality that $s/2\equiv2$ (mod 4). First we assume that $g=1$. Then $s\equiv2$ (mod 4) and $t$ is odd. By Theorem \ref{t2}, we only need to provide a 2-colouring of $[1,4(s+t)]$ that contains no monochromatic $(s,t)$-progression. Let $C$ be the colouring $11001100\cdots1100$ (i.e., $s+t$ consecutive blocks each having the form 1100). We proceed by contradiction. Assume that $x,y,z$ is a monochromatic $(s,t)$-progression. So there exists a $d>0$ such that $y-x = ds$ and $z-y = dt$. By the way $C$ is defined, if $C(i) = C(j)$ and $j - i$ is even, then 4 divides $j - i$. Now since $z - x = d(s+t) \leq 4(s+t) - 1$, we must have that $d < 4$. The case $d = 2$ is impossible, for if $d = 2$, then $C(z) = C(x)$, $z - x = d(s + t)$ is even, but 4 does not divide $z - x$, a contradiction. Hence $d$ is odd. But then, since $s\equiv2$ (mod 4), $y - x$ is even yet 4 doesn't divide $y - x$, again a contradiction. This shows that $f(s,t) \geq 4(s+t)+1$ in the case $g=1$. If $g$ is unequal to 1, we proceed just as at the end of Case 1.\end{proof} Suppose that $s/g\equiv0$ (mod 4), where $g = \gcd(s,t)$. Then $t/g$ is odd, and in the case $t/g = 1$, that is, $t$ divides $s$, we have the following result. \begin{thrm}\label{t4} Let $m,t$ be positive integers. Then either \[ f(4mt,t) = 4(4mt +t) - t + 1 \text{ or } f(4mt,t) = 4(4mt+t)+1. \] \end{thrm} \begin{proof} By Theorem \ref{t1}, it is sufficient to show that $4(4m+1)\leq f(4m,1) \leq 4(4m+1)+1$. By Theorem \ref{t2}, we only need to show that $4(4m+1)\leq f(4m,1)$. Thus it suffices to find a 2-colouring of $[1,16m+3]$ that avoids monochromatic $(4m,1)$-progressions. Let $\chi$ be the colouring $1A0B0C1D0$, where \begin{align*} A &= 00110011\cdots0011 \text{ has length } 4m \\ B &= 11001100\cdots11 \text{ has length } 4m-2 \\ C &= 11001100\cdots1100 \text{ has length } 4m \\ D &= 00110011\cdots0011 \text{ has length } 4m. \end{align*} Assume $x,y,z$ is a monochromatic $(4m,1)$-progression. We shall reach a contradiction. We know there exists a positive integer $d$ such that $y-x = 4md$ and $z-y=d$. Hence, $d(4m+1)\leq16m+2$, so that $d\leq3$. Let \begin{align*} S_1 &= [2,4m+1] \text{ (corresponds to $A$ above)} \\ S_2 &= [4m+3,8m] \text{ (corresponds to $B$ above)} \\ S_3 &= [8m+2,12m+1] \text{ (corresponds to $C$ above)} \\ S_4 &= [12m+3,16m+2] \text{ (corresponds to $D$ above).} \end{align*} \paragraph{Case 1.} $d = 1$. Then $y,z$ belong to the same $S_i$, for some $1\leq i\leq4$. Denote by $S(i,j)$ the $j$th element of $S_i$. We see that $y = S(i,j)$ for some odd $j$. Note that for each even $p$, if $i = 2$ or 4, then $\chi(S(i-1),p)$ is unequal to $\chi (S(i,p-1))$. Now if $i=2$ or $i=4$, then $x = y-4m = S(i-1,j+1)$, so that (by the preceding remark), $\chi(x)$ is different from $\chi(y)$, a contradiction. Now if $i = 3$ and $j>1$, then $y - 4m = S(2, j-1)$, and $\chi(x) = \chi(y - 4m)$ is unequal to $\chi(y)$, a contradiction. If $i = 3$ and $j = 1$, then $x = 4m + 2$ and $y = 8m + 2$, and these again have different colours. \paragraph{Case 2.} $d = 2$. Then $y - x = 8m$ and $z-y = 2$. If $\chi(y) = \chi(z)$ then $y$ must be one of the following: $4m+1,8m,12m+1$; and since $y-x=8m$, this reduces the possibilities for $y$ to only $12m+1$. However we see that $\chi(4m+1)$ is unequal to $\chi(12m+1)$, a contradiction. \paragraph{Case 3.} $d = 3$. Then $y-x = 12m$ and $z-y = 3$. Clearly $x$ belongs to $[1,4m]$, so that $y$ belongs to $[12m+1,16m]$. Now $[1,4m]$ has colouring $1~0011\cdots001100~1$ while $[12m+1,16m]$ has colouring $0100110011\cdots001100$. Hence, since $\chi(x) = \chi(y)$, $y$ belongs to the set $\{12m+3,12m+5,12m+7,\ldots,16m-1\}$. Now $z$ belongs to $[12m+4, 16m+3]$, so let's compare the colouring of $[12m+1,16m]$ to that of $[12m+4,16m+3]$: $[12m+1,16m]$ has colouring as noted above, while $[12m+4,16m+3]$ has colouring $0~11001100 \cdots11~0$. Hence, in order for $\chi(y) = \chi(z)$, $y$ must belong to the set $\{12m+1, 12m+2,12m+4,12m+6,\ldots,16m\}$, a contradiction.\end{proof} \begin{thrm}\label{t5} Let $s,t$ be positive integers such that $s>t>1$ and $t$ does not divide $s$. If $\floor{s/t}$ is even or $\floor{2s/t}$ is even, where $\floor{\cdot}$ is the floor function, then $f(s,t)=4(s+t)+1$. If $\floor{s/t}$ and $\floor{2s/t}$ are both odd, then $f(s,t) = 4(s+t)+1$ provided $s$,$t$ satisfy the additional condition $s/t\notin(1.5,2)$.\end{thrm} \begin{proof} Let $s,t$ satisfy the hypotheses of the theorem. By Theorems \ref{t1} and \ref{t2}, it suffices to show that $f(s,t)\geq 4(s+t)+1$ under the additional assumption that $\gcd(s,t) = 1$, hence throughout the proof we assume $\gcd(s,t) = 1$. Let $a = \floor{s/t}$ and $b = \floor{2s/t}$. Then $s=at+r$, where $0 t$, and $2(s + t) = 2(at + r) + 2t = (b - 1)t + 2r + 2t = (b + 2)t + (2r-t)$. Hence we can colour $[1,4(s+t)]$ as follows. Let \[ C = QRQR\cdots QRQJ~RQRQ\cdots RQRJ', \] where $Q = 11\cdots1$ and $R = 00\cdots0$ each have length $t$, $J = 00\cdots0$ and $J' = 11\cdots1$ each have length $2r-t$, and where each of $Q$ and $R$ appears $b+2$ times. Suppose $x,y,z$ is any $(s,t)$-progression in $[1,4(s+t)]$ with $y-x = ds$, $z-y=dt$. We will show that $\{x,y,z\}$ is not monochromatic. Clearly $d\leq3$, since $d(s+t) z-x\leq 4(s+t)-1$. If $d=2$, then $z-x=2(s+t)$, so $C(z)\neq C(x)$. (This is because the colouring on the second half of $[1,4(s+t)]$ is the reversal of the colouring on the first half.) If $d=3$, then, since $z=y+3t$ and $C(i) \neq C(i+t)$ for all $i>2(s+t)$, if $C(y) = C(z)$ we must have $y\leq 2(s+t)$; but then $x = y - 3s \leq 2t - s$. However, the conditions $s>t$, $s = at + r$, $02t$, hence $x<0$, a contradiction. Now assume that $d=1$ and $C(y)=C(z)$. Since $z=y+t$, $y$ must occur in the block $J$, so $C(y) = 0$. Since $J$ has length $2r-tt$. We define the colouring $E$ on $[1,4(s+t)]$ as follows. Let us use the notation $\sim0 = 1$ and $\sim1 = 0$. Then we define, in turn, \begin{enumerate} \item[(1)] $E(i) = 1$, $1\leq i\leq r$, \item[(2)] $E(i) = \sim E(i-r)1$, $r1$. For example, Theorem \ref{t5} shows that $f(4m,3) = 4(4m + 3) + 1$ whenever 3 does not divide $m$. By examining the cases not covered by Theorem \ref{t5}, one sees that these are exactly the cases $f(t + r,t)$ where $0