

   Note: pdf's of concert programs, reviews, news items, promotional materials, etc. associated with these performances are available through the CMC's .

Vancouver, School of Music, UBC, Feb. 28/90. Tongues of Angels
Buffalo, North American New Music Festival, April 1/90. Wings of Nike, Beauty & The Beast
Montreal, Faculty of Music, University of Montreal, April 6/90. Arras, Wings of Nike, Riverrun
Toronto, Musical Mondays, April 23/90. Beauty & The Beast
Skinnskatteberg, Sweden, Festival of Experimental Music, June 1-3/90. Solar Ellipse, Riverrun, Wings of Nike, Tongues of Angels, Beauty & The Beast
Ghent, Logos Stichting, June 6/90. Solar Ellipse, Wings of Nike, Tongues of Angels, Beauty & The Beast
Bourges, Festival of Electroacoustic Music, June 5-6/90. Pacific, Beauty & The Beast
Amsterdam, de Ijsbreker, Sept. 2/90. Wings of Nike, Pacific (2 mvts)
Vancouver, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Harbour Centre, Feb. 14/91. Wings of Nike, Beauty & The Beast
Vancouver, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Harbour Centre, Feb. 22/91. Pacific (2 mvts)
Tokyo, Hyper Music Laboratory, Mar. 21/91. The Blind Man
Vancouver, "Pacific Sounds", Canadian Music Educators Conference, U.B.C., May 10/91. Pacific (2 mvts)
University of Maryland at College Park, May 24/91. Aerial
Montreal, Concordia University, "Perspectives", CEC Electroacoustic Days, June 6/91. Pacific Dragon
Vancouver, Vancouver Opera Composers Workshop, Vancouver Art Gallery, June 20/91. Gilgamesh (excerpts)
The Hague, 20th Annversary Symposium of Interface, Sept. 28/91. Pacific (2 mvts)
Toronto, Esprit Orchestra, Jane Mallett Theatre, Nov. 30/91. Dominion
VPRO radio broadcast, The Netherlands, Jan. 23/92. East Wind, Solar Ellipse, Pacific
Florence, Music Conservatory L. Cherubini, Jan. 27/92. Aerial
Montreal, Clair de Terre, Dow Planetarium, ACREQ, Feb. 6/92. Wings of Nike
Vancouver, Ninety-Nine Generators, U.B.C., Feb. 25/92. Wings of Nike
Auckland, School of Music, Mar. 29/92. Aerial
Bourges, International Festival of Electroacoustic Music, June 8/92. Riverrun, Basilica, Tongues of Angels, Pacific Dragon (Magisterium concert)
Florence, Chiostro delle Donne, July 7/92. Aerial
Bishop's University, Ensemble Musica Nova, Sept. 26/92. Tongues of Angels
The Hague, Institute of Sonology, 25th Anniversary concerts, Nov. 7/92. She, a Solo; Evening from Song of Songs
Lyon, CNR, Nov. 24/92. Tongues of Angels.
Wellington, Asia Pacific Festival, Nov. 29/92. Pacific
Vancouver, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Computer Music concert, Feb. 25-26/93. Basilica, Song of Songs
Vancouver, VNMS concert, Feb. 27/93. Dominion
Toronto, Glenn Gould Theatre, "Encounters", May 5/93. Song of Songs
Winnipeg, Groundswell, Nov. 2/93. Basilica
Huddersfield (UK), Contemporary Music Festival, and Ghent, Stichting Logos,
Nov. 18 & 23/83. Songs of Songs
Stuttgart, Musica Nova, Staatliche Hochschule and Musikhogskolan, Goteborg University (Sweden), Nov. 28 & Dec. 2/93. Tongues of Angels

Toronto, The Music Gallery, CEC Radio Music Days, Dec. /93. Sequence of Later Heaven
Rome, Soroptimist International Club of Rome, Jan. 26/94. Riverrun
Vancouver, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Computer Music concert, Feb. 16/94. Sequence of Later Heaven
Amsterdam, Gaudeamus Foundation, "The Electroacoustic Experience," April 8-9/94. Basilica, The Blind Man
Crest (France), Futura Festival, May 22/94. Basilica
Bourges, International Festival of Electroacoustic Music, June 6/94. Sequence of Later Heaven
Brazil, Festival de Inverno, July 4/94. Wave Edge
Aarhus, Denmark, International Computer Music Conference, Sept. 13/94. Sequence of Later Heaven
Ottawa, National Gallery, ACREQ concert, Oct. 9/94. Sequence of Later Heaven
Rome, Acquario Romano, Musica Verticale, Nov. 24 & Dec. 6/94. Basilica, Sequence of Later Heaven
Montreal, Canadian Music Centre 35th Anniversary concert, Dec. 3/94. "Evening" from Song of Songs
Vancouver, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Harbour Centre, Jan. 19/95. Basilica, Song of Songs
Vancouver, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Computer Music concert, Feb. 3/95. Bamboo, Silk and Stone
Edmonton, New Music Festival, Mar. 5/95. Inside
Ithaca, NY, SEAMUS festival, Mar. 25/95. "Ocean" from Pacific
Vancouver, VNMS concert, Mar. 31/95. Sequence of Later Heaven
San Luis Obispo, Art &Technology Forum, Cal Poly, May 4/95. Basilica, Song of Songs, Sequence of Later Heaven
Bourges, International Festival of Electroacoustic Music, June 11/95. The Blind Man
Rotterdam, Double Reed Conference, Aug. 31/95. Inside
Banff, International Computer Music Conference, Sept. 3/95. Powers of Two: The Artist
Bologna, Music & Informatics Conference, Nov./95. Sequence of Later Heaven
Amsterdam, Ijsbreker concert, Planetarium van Artis, Jan. 11/96. Riverrun
Santa Fe, NM, College of Santa Fe, Contemporary Music Program, Jan. 26/96, Basilica
Vancouver, UBC School of Music, Feb. 8/96. Basilica
Winnipeg, Art Gallery, Groundswell concert, Feb. 20/96. Patterns
Vancouver, VNMS concert, Mar. 24/96. Powers of Two: The Artist
Montevideo, Goethe Institut, Mar. 26/96. Evening from Song of Songs
Baltimore, Peabody Conservatory of Music, April 19/96. Basilica
Wellington, NZ, Victoria University, 30th anniversary concert, April 21/96. Sequence of Later Heaven
Bourges, International Festival of Electroacoustic Music, June 4/96. Bamboo, Silk and Stone
Hong Kong, International Computer Music Conference, Aug. 21/96. Bamboo, Silk and Stone
Urbana, University of Illinois, School of Music, Oct. 10/96. Solar Ellipse, Nightwatch, Wings of Nike, Sequence of Later Heaven, Song of Songs
Vancouver, VNMS 25th anniversary concert, Nov. 10/96. Pacific Fanfare
Toronto, New Music Concerts, Art Gallery of Ontario, Jan. 22/97. Wings of Fire; concert repeated at SMCQ,
Montreal Jan. 23/97 and VNMS, Vancouver, Feb. 2/97
Vancouver, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV noon concert, Bass Instincts, Feb./97. Inside
North Carolina State University, Mar. 24/97. Basilica
Copenhagen, SKRAEP concert, Mar. 31/97. Pendlerdrom
Aberdeen, Northern College, Discoveries series, April 23/97. Sequence of Later Heaven
Cinisello Balsamo, Villa Ghirlandra, Italy, May 10/97.
Sonic Landscape No. 3
Milan, Musica/Realta concert, May 10/97. Sonic Landscape No. 3
Amsterdam, Music Conservatory, June 2/97. East Wind
Bourges, International Festival of Electroacoustic Music, June 4/97. Wings of Fire
Sacramento, University of California, New American Music Festival, Nov./97. Androgyne, Mon Amour
Ghent, Stitching Logos; 's Hertogenbosch, November Music; Amsterdam, Stedilijk Museum, Nov. 15, 16, 22/97. Androgyne, Mon Amour
Cologne, HEAR.ing(4), Feb. 26/98. Pendlerdrom
Winnipeg, Groundswell, April 18/98. Solar Ellipse
Berkeley, CNMAT, April 25/98. Pendlerdrom
Kitchener, Open Ears Festival, May 14/98. Twin Souls (excerpt)
Montreal, ACREQ, May 18/98. Sequence of Earlier Heaven
Berlin, Hochschule der Künste, May 20/98. Sequence of Later Heaven
Bourges, International Festival of Electroacoustic Music, June 5/98. Sequence of Earlier Heaven
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, Pro Musica & School for the Contemporary Arts, Sept. 12/98. Powers of Two: The Sibyl
Vancouver, Vancouver Chamber Choir, Sept. 25/98. Twin Souls
Ann Arbor, International Computer Music Conference, Oct. 5/98. Androgyne, Mon Amour
Milan, Teatro alla Scala, 50 Years of Electroacoustic Music, Dec. 12/98. Wings of Fire
Montreal, Concordia University, Feb. 9/99 & Toronto, Music Gallery, Feb. 14/99. Sound Travels, Pendlerdrom
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, Electroacoustic Music Concert, March 12/99. Sequence of Earlier Heaven
Huddersfield, U.K., Music Dept., Electric Spring, March 13/99. Sequence of Earlier Heaven
Bourges, International Festival of Electroacoustic Music, May 30/99. Androgyne, Mon Amour
Padova, Computer Art Festival, June 18/99. Night of the Conjurer
Wellington, N.Z., ACMC conference, July 9/99. Sequence of Earlier Heaven
New York City, Roulette, Oct. 16/99. Androgyne, Mon Amour
Charlotteville, VA, Virginia film festival/computer music event, Oct. 24/99. Threshing
Montreal, McGill University, Nov. 14/99. Sequence of Earlier Heaven
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, Faculty dance concert, Nov. 25-27/99. Wings of Fire (choreography by Judith Garay)
Baden, Switzerland, Theater im Kornhaus, Gruppe für Neue Musik Baden, Dec. 3/99. Wings of Nike

Earlier Performances (1970s and 1980s)
