
Herbert Grubel



Other Publications


(Order: Earliest to Latest)


Refereed Notes and Comments 


1.       "Estimating Trade Creation and Trade Diversion:  A Note", The Economic Journal, December 1964


2.       Comment on B. Ward, "The Nationalized Firm in Yugoslavia", American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, May 1965


3.       "The Cloakroom Rule of International Reserves:  A Comment", Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 1966


4.       "The International Flow of Human Capital: Reply", American Economic Review, June 1968


5.       "Excise Taxes and Effective Protection:  A Note", Economic Journal (H.G. Johnson, W.V. Rapp, co-authors) September 1969


6.       "Emigration and the Supply and Demand for Medical Manpower:  The Irish Case", a Comment in Minerva, VIII, 1, 1970


7.       "Substitution and Two Concepts of Effective Protection:  Comment", American Economic Review (P.J. Lloyd, co-author), December 1970


8.       "The Concept of the Optimum Flexibility of Exchange Rates", and "The Necessity of Disintegration Accompanying the Werner Plan", in International Monetary Problems, F. Machlup, et. al., ed., American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C., 1972


9.       "Forward Exchange Intervention is Not Necessarily Neutral", Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 110, 1, 1974


10.   "International Monetarism and the Explanation of World Inflation", A review article of papers in two collected volumes, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 114, 1, 1978


11.   "Reply to Helleiner's Comment on The Case against the New International Economic Order", Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 114, 1, 1978




                    Miscellaneous Publications 


1.       Statement on the Brookings Report published in The United States Balance of Payments; Statements by Economists, Bankers, and Others, Joint Economic Committee, Washington 1963


2.       Characteristics of Foreign Born and Educated Scientists in the U.S., mimeographed monograph distributed by the National Science Foundation, Washington, 1969


3.       "The Rise and Fall of the Dollar 1945-71", contribution to Canadian Perspectives in Economics, London: Collier-Macmillan, 1972 


4.       "The Future of Credits and Deferrals in the U.S. Taxation of Foreign Investment Income", Portfolio International Economic Perspectives, Vol. 1, No. 4, Fall 1973


5.       "Soziale Sicherung und Weltinflation", Kieler Vortraege, February 1974


6.       “TIPS: A Simple Computer System Helps Students", Simon Fraser University Comment, March 1974


7.       "Why the Kenyan Shilling Should be Devalued", The Sunday Nation, Nairobi


8.       "Does the World Need to Regulate Euro-Banking?", The International Banking Annual, March 14, 1980, published by the weekly newspaper American Banker, New York


9.       "The Case for a Graduate School of Management in Nairobi", Management : Journal of the Kenya Institute of Management, Nov.-Dec. 1979 (J.D. Newton, co-author) 


10.   "Establishing a Kenyan Accounting Profession", Management: Journal of Kenya Institute of Management, Jan. 1980 (S. Adam, J. Newton, N.D. Nzomo, co-authors) 


11.   "Lessons from Canada's Recent Economic Experience", Allied Trusts Banking Review, Oct. 1980


12.   Macro-Economics, a course for The Open Learning Institute, Aldergrove, B.C. 1979 


13.   Comparative Economic Systems, a course for The Open Learning Institute, Aldergrove, B.C., 1981 



          Book Reviews


  1. A review of the Brookings Study and the Joint Economic Committee Compendium, Journal of Political Economy, April 1964 


  1. H. Reuss:  Fiscal Policy for Growth Without Inflation, Journal of Political Economy, October 1964 


  1. W. Vogt:  Makroekonomische Bestimmungsgrunde des Wirtschaftlichen Wachstums der Bundesrepublik Deutschland von 1950 bis 1960, American Economic Review, March 1965 


  1. I.G. Stewart and H.R. Ord, ed.: African Primary Products and International Trade, Journal of Political Economy, June 1966 


  1. F. Machlup:  International Payments, Debts and Gold:  A Collection of Essays, Economica, 1966 


  1. M.R. Fisher:  Wage Determination in an Integrating Europe, American Economic Review, June 1967 


  1. E. Skolnikoff:  Science, Technology and American Foreign Policy, Kyklos, Vol. XXI, Fasc. 2, 1968


  1. P. Einzig:  Foreign Exchange Crises, Journal of Finance, June 1969 


  1. M.A. Heilperin:  Aspects of the Pathology of Money, Journal of Economic Literature, March 1969 


  1. C.P. Kindleberger:  American Business Abroad, Journal of Political Economy, May‑June 1970 


  1. J.C. Schroeder:  Zur Thorie der Devisentermingeschaefte, Kyklos, No. 2, 1970 


  1. E.M. Claassen:  Probleme der Geldtheorie, Economic Journal, December 1971 


  1. T.W. Schultz: Investment in Human Capital, Journal of Economic History, June 1972 


  1. W.P. Wadbrook:  West German Balance of Payments Policy, Economic Journal, December 1972 

  2. S.C. Brown and B.B. Schwartz: Scientific Manpower:  A Dilemma for Graduate Education, Journal of Political Economy, 1973 


  1. Bhagwati et.al., ed.: Trade, Balance of Payments and Growth, Journal of Political Economy, 1973


  1. R.G. Meyers:  Education and Emigration, Minerva, 1973 


  1. R. Dunning, ed.: The Multinational Enterprise: J. Franko: Joint Venture Survival in Multinational Corporations, Journal of Economic Literature, December 1973 


  1. B. Schofield, ed.: Floating, Realignment, Integration, Economic Journal, December 1973 


  1. R. McKinnon:  Money and Capital in Economic Development, Canadian Journal of Economics, 1973


  1. G. Psacharopoulos:  Returns to Education:  An International Comparison, Minerva, 1974 


  1. L. Krause and W. Salant:  European Monetary Unification and its Meaning for the United States, Economic Journal, 1974 


  1. B. Cohen:  The Question of Imperialism, Economic Journal, 1974  24. M. Murray:  The Duration of Unemployment Benefits, Journal of Business, 1975 


  1. H.P. Gray:  An Aggregate Theory of Balance of Payments Adjustment, Journal of Economic Literature, 1975 


  1. H.H. Postner:  Factor Content of Canadian International Trade:  An Input‑Output Analysis, J. of International Economics, 1977 


  1. D.J.B. Mitchell:  Labor Issues of American International Trade and Investment, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 1976 


  1. F. Hirsch:  The Social Limits to Growth, Canadian Journal of Economics, 1977 


  1. International Monetary Fund:  The Monetary Approach to the Balance of Payments, Journal of Political Economy, Dec. 1978 


  1. P. Einzig and B. Quinn, The Euro‑Dollar System, Journal of Finance, 1978 


  1. G. Dorrance:  National Monetary and Financial Analysis, Journal of Finance, 1979 


  1. W. Glaser:  The Brain Drain, Journal of Higher Education, 1980  33. R. Solomon:  The International Monetary System, Journal of International Economics, 1979 


  1. G. Helleiner: International Disorder, The World Economy, 1981  35. J. Black and B. Hindley, ed., Current Issues in Commercial Policy and Diplomacy, Journal of Economic Literature, 1981  


  1. C. Robinson:  Canada's Crippled Dollar, Can. Public Policy, 1980 


  1. R. Aliber:  Exchange Risk and Corporate International Finance, Can. J. of Econ., 1981 


  1. J. Frenkel and H.G. Johnson, ed.: The Economics of Exchange Rates, Can. J. of Econ., 1981 


  1. J.H. Williamson, ed.: Exchange Rate Rules:  The Theory, Performance and Prospects of the Crawling Peg, J. of Intern. Econ., 1983 


  1. S. Butler:  Enterprise Zones ‑ Greenlining the Inner Cities, Journal of Economic Literature, 1982 


  1. Drummond:  The Floating Pound, Can. J. of Econ., 1984 


  1. S Butler:  Enterprise Zones - Greenlining the Inner Cities, Journal of Economic Literature, 1982


  1. J. Bhandari:  Exchange Rate Management under Uncertainty, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 1986


  1. T. Silcock:  A History of Economics Teaching and Graduates of Raffles College and the University of Malaysia in Singapore, 1934-60, ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 1986


  1. J. Greenaway and R. Milner:  The Economics of Intra-Industry Trade, Manchester School, 1986


  1. J. Jackson: The World Trading System: Law and International Economic Relations, Journal of International Economics, 1990


  1. S. Alam:  Government and Markets in Economic Development Strategies:  Lessons  from Korea, Taiwan and Japan, International Trade Journal, 1990


  1. J. Bhagwati, editor:  Going Alone: The Case for Relaxed Reciprocity in Freeing Trade, The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 12/2, June 2003


  1. F. Caie and G. Wood, editors: Policy Makers on Policy: The Mais Lectures, Journal of Economic Literature, December 2004


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