
Lani Brunn

Creating space for storytellers, change-makers and neighbours

Lani Brunn is described by professor Meg Holden, who supervises her M.URB project, as an "up-and-coming urban leader on the issues of housing, social planning and engagement of vulnerable populations." She adds that in addition to achieving academic excellence, Lani's "experience is diverse, and her long record of contributions to the community shows that she consistently fosters healthy change and long-term relationships."

Currently a community planner with  consulting firm, where her role includes helping municipalities develop affordable housing strategies, Lani has more than 15 years of experience working for nonprofit organizations such as Building Opportunities with Business and the Lookout Society. She has also demonstrated her leadership as volunteer, including by founding the Working Gear Society and helping members of the Vancouver Binners’ Project tell their own stories using photography.

Lani has become a sought-after community leader. Most recently she was an invited as a speaker for the Planning Institute of BC’s webinars and asked to present on her thesis research at the Pacific Housing Research Network’s symposium at BC's Housing Central conference. She also recently spoke about her thesis research, which explores the topic of , at the national conference of the International Association for Public Participation.