
Conference Funding

Completed TILT-funded project teams are eligible to apply for one-time conference funding to present project findings: A maximum of $1500 per individual, for a maximum of $3000 per project.

TILT Conference funding criteria:

  1. Conference funding requests must be approved before conference attendance to ensure availability of funding. 
  2. Conference funding is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis throughout the each fiscal year (April to March) and is not guaranteed until approved.
  3. To be eligible for conference funding, the TILT-supported project's final report must be submitted. Exceptions are approved on a case-by-case basis.
  4. Letters of proposal/presentation/paper/poster acceptance must be included with the conference funding application. Applicants must be presenting their TILT-supported grant project findings to receive funding.
  5. All conference funding applications must be approved by the project's principal applicant.
  6. TILT will review the conference funding fund, criteria, and process at the end of each fiscal year.

Available funding: Up to $3000** per project, and a maximum of $1500** per individual project team member, per project. **Including all taxes and fees. Do you have a graduate student on your team planning to apply for funding? Be sure to reach out to us before applying.

How to apply:

  1. Complete the conference funding request form. Download the TILT Conference Funding Form (PDF) >>
  2. Completed forms must be approved before conference attendance.
  3. Include with the form:
    • Conference proposal abstract.
    • Letter/email of acceptance from the conference.
    • Any quotes for related expenses.


  1. TILT will review and approve all submitted conference funding requests on a first come, first served basis.
  2. Funding requests must be received in advance of conference attendance.
  3. Forms and supporting documentation should be submitted to tilt@sfu.ca, cc'ing the project's principal investigator, with the subject header: TILT Conference Funding Application
  4. Once approved, TILT will arrange cash advances, when appropriate.