
Health Peers

Some questions are best answered by a peer. Health Peers are trained Health & Counselling volunteers available to answer questions, offer resources, and share important health-related information to students across campus.


The Health Peers work with the team at Health & Counselling to support student health and well-being on campus through pop-up events, workshops, and outreaches.

They are trained to table and host workshops and share health information through a health equity lens on topics like:

  • Sexual health
  • Substance use
  • Social connectedness
  • Stress management
  • Nutrition and active living
  • Positive body image

Many Health Peers are from Health Sciences, and are interested in pursuing health-related careers, so through a combination of their education and training they facilitate dialogue and communicate important health information to students across the university. 

arrow_right_alt Stop by the Health Peers pop-up events for tips, resources, and free giveaways. Have questions or want to connect? Email health_promo@sfu.ca.

Health Peers - Virtual Resources

headphones Thriving with the Health Peers is a podcast series run by the Health Peers in 2021. 

videocam Watch "The Sex Talk Your Parents Never Gave You" which busts seven myths and reduces stigma around menstruation. 

cooking Cook along with the Health Peers as they offer simple recipe and meal ideas. Choose from , , or  

mic Discover ways to care of your own well-being with this IGTV interview series: , , , , 


Find blog articles written by Health Peers on relevant topics like:  or .

Want to read more?

Are you interested in becoming a Health Peer?

Learn more about ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Peer Programs