

Engineering Science


  • Communicate ideas clearly and efficiently in a variety of mediums through listening, clarifying, and responding comprehensively
  • Read critically and write persuasively with a comprehensive knowledge of grammar and vocabulary
  • Share information using a range of information and communications technologies

  • Analytical and detail oriented
  • Building or improving the way things work
  • Conceptualization, design, and analysis
  • Designing, building and installing different systems
  • Enterpreneurial spirit
  • HIgh level of scientific knowledge
  • Identifying and trouble-shooting technical issues
  • Inovation, imaginative and creative
  • Labour-entry education and experience
  • Perform extensive research 
  • Prepare and write technical reports
  • Strong mathematics, science and computer abilities
  • Systems design skills
  • Testing and repairing instruments
  • Understand the working environment and requirements

Project Management

  • Set priorities and handle multiple assignments and tasks
  • Be flexible by adapting to changing conditions and work assignments

Information Management

  • Locate, gather and organize information using appropriate technology and information systems

Problem Solving and Critical Analysis

  • Use critical thinking skills to evaluate and solve problems, demonstrating the ability to be creative and innovative in identifying solutions
  • Analyze complex textual and cultural phenomenon
  • Develop critical observations and attention to detail


  • Gather information and use information resources
  • Conduct and explain research results


  • Organizing ideas and materials in an effective way
  • Design, plan, organize and implement projects and tasks within an allotted timeframe

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