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Global Asia Program | Ά‘ΟγΤ°AV Calendar | Fall 2022

Global Asia Minor

This minor program offers an interdisciplinary study of Asia, focusing on the region's historical, political, economic, and cultural interconnections with other parts of the world.

Program Requirements

This minor program may be completed in conjunction with any major or honours bachelor’s degree, or within the bachelor of arts degree program that requires two minors.

Total Units: at least 30

Lower Division Requirements

Students must complete at least 15 units, including

GA 101 - Introduction to Global Asia (3)

Introduces developments in Asia from a comparative and transregional perspective, focusing on economic interactions, cultural influences, as well as migrations. Surveys various issues, both historical and contemporary, including those involving diasporic Asian communities. Students with credit for ASC 101 may not take this course for further credit. Breadth-Humanities/Social Sciences.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Anushay Malik
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 12:30–2:20 p.m.
D101 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 2:30–3:20 p.m.
D102 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 3:30–4:20 p.m.
D103 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 4:30–5:20 p.m.
D104 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 5:30–6:20 p.m.

and six Language units from

CHIN 100 - Mandarin Chinese I (3)

Introduction to Mandarin Chinese for students with no prior background or instruction in that language. CHIN 100 is a beginners’ course in basic oral and written skills. Students will be assessed through a placement process at the beginning of the term. Students enrolled/placed into other Chinese courses may not take this course for credit.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Billie Ng
B101 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 10:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
B102 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 2:30–4:20 p.m.
B103 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Wed, 2:30–4:20 p.m.
CHIN 110 - Mandarin Chinese II (3)

Continues introduction to Mandarin Chinese for students who have developed the necessary foundations from CHIN 100. Students will acquire elementary conversational skills and basic reading ability. Prerequisite: CHIN 100 or equivalent. Students enrolled/placed into other Chinese courses may not take this course for credit. Students with credit for CHIN 101 may not take this course for further credit.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Billie Ng
B101 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 10:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
CHIN 200 - Mandarin Chinese III (3)

Continues the approaches taken in CHIN 100 and CHIN 110 in order to improve listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Students will be able to exchange ideas and opinions in daily conversation, and to read short stories and articles. Understandings of Chinese values and customs will be developed in a cross-cultural perspective. Prerequisite: CHIN 110 (or CHIN 101) or equivalent. Students enrolled/placed into other Chinese courses may not take this course for credit.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Billie Ng
B101 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 2:30–4:20 p.m.
JAPN 100 - Japanese I (3)

Introduction to Japanese for students with no background in that language. Introduces basic oral and written skills, and the three Japanese writing systems (Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji). Students who took Japanese courses in secondary school and/or with previous knowledge of Japanese may need to be evaluated for placement into JAPN 110 or higher level of courses and are required to contact the instructor before enrollment. Students enrolled directly into JAPN 110 may not take this course for credit.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Naoko Takei
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, Thu, 10:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
Naoko Takei
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, Thu, 2:30–4:20 p.m.
Naoko Takei
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Wed, Fri, 10:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
Naoko Takei
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Wed, Fri, 2:30–4:20 p.m.
Naoko Takei
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 12:30–2:20 p.m.
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Thu, 12:30–2:20 p.m.
Naoko Takei
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, Thu, 4:30–6:20 p.m.
JAPN 110 - Japanese II (3)

Follows JAPN 100. Students will acquire elementary conversational skills and basic reading ability. Students successfully completing the course attain proficiency equivalent to the level N5 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Prerequisite: JAPN 100 or equivalent. Students who took Japanese courses in secondary school and/or with previous knowledge of Japanese may need to be evaluated for placement into JAPN 110 or higher level of courses and are required to contact the instructor before enrollment. Students enrolled directly into JAPN 200 may not take this course for credit. Students with credit for JAPN 101 may not take this course for further credit.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Chie Furukawa
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, Thu, 10:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
Chie Furukawa
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Wed, Fri, 2:30–4:20 p.m.
Chie Furukawa
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Wed, Fri, 10:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
JAPN 200 - Japanese III (3)

Follows JAPN 110. Everyday language usage is emphasized in providing students with communicative skills at the advanced introductory level of Japanese. Students learn to comprehend everyday language in various situations using the appropriate speech style, and to read adapted texts and write coherently. Prerequisite: JAPN 110 (or JAPN 101) or equivalent.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Chie Furukawa
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Wed, Fri, 10:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
LANG 148 - Special Topics (3) *

The acquisition of introductory language skills in a world language not separately designated in the Calendar. The specific course number and units assigned will vary with the language studied as well as the focus and method of instruction. Variable units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

PUNJ 100 - Introductory Punjabi I (3)

Introductory level course intended for students who have little or no previous knowledge of the Punjabi (Gurmukhi) script. Students will learn to read, write and converse at a basic level. Students with credit for LANG 148 Special Topic-Intro to Punjabi I may not take this course for further credit.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Reetinder Kaur
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, Thu, 4:30–6:20 p.m.
PUNJ 110 - Introductory Punjabi II (3)

Follow PUNJ 100. Students who have a basic knowledge of Punjabi (Gurmukhi) script will learn to further develop their ability to speak, comprehend, read and write Punjabi while exploring the Punjabi culture. Prerequisite: PUNJ 100 or equivalent. Students with credit for LANG 148 Special Topics - Intro to Punjabi II may not take this course for further credit. Students with credit for PUNJ 101 may not take this course for further credit.

(Students who are fluent in any one or all of the languages included in the minor must connect with the program director to pass an assessment test and discuss possible substitutions.)

and six units, including no more than three units from one region


GA 200 - Introduction to Chinese Civilization (3)

An introduction to historical and cultural perspectives on China. Topics covered will include different aspects of traditional Chinese civilization with a view to understanding contemporary Chinese society. Prerequisite: 15 units. Students with credit for ASC 200 may not take this course for further credit. Breadth-Humanities.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Simon Nantais
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Fri, 10:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
D101 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Fri, 12:30–1:20 p.m.
GA 202 - Studies in Asian Cultures (3) *

An introduction to the culture of one or more Asian regions. The emphasis will be on the cultural importance of the themes covered and on their relationship to contemporary societies. This course may be repeated for credit only when a different topic is taught. Prerequisite: 15 units. Students with credit for ASC 202 may not take this course for further credit.

HIST 254 - China to 1800 (3)

This course offers a broad survey of the history of China from antiquity to the eve of its modern transformations at the turn of the nineteenth century. It aims to challenge the perception of an unchanging China and to encourage students to develop a critical understanding of the forces integrating and dividing this geo-cultural unit. Breadth-Humanities.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Jeremy Brown
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 10:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
D101 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 12:30–1:20 p.m.
D102 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 1:30–2:20 p.m.
D103 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 1:30–2:20 p.m.
D104 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 2:30–3:20 p.m.
D105 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 3:30–4:20 p.m.
D106 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 4:30–5:20 p.m.
HIST 255 - China since 1800 (3)

A survey of the history of China from the end of the eighteenth century, when traditional Chinese society was arguably at its height of development, to the end of the twentieth century when the social revolutions promised by the Communist regime have clearly failed to materialize. The main objectives are to provide students with vocabularies and tools to understand and interpret the political, social and cultural transformations in modern China and to initiate them in the art and techniques of historical analysis. Breadth-Humanities.

HUM 203 - Great Texts: Asian Thought and Literature (3)

An introduction to classic texts which have endured as monuments of Asian thought and literature. Readings and discussions of primary texts and their central ideas will introduce students to philosophical, literary and religious themes in a selected, major Asian tradition. Breadth-Humanities.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Shuyu Kong
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 2:30–5:20 p.m.
SA 275 - China in Transition (SA) (4)

An introduction to culture, social structure and the processes of social, economic, and political transformation in contemporary China. Topics may include recent development of Marxism, feminism and neoliberalism in China; Western debates on China's rise and images of China as threat; human rights.


GA 201 - Introduction to Japanese Civilization (3)

An introduction to historical and cultural perspectives covering the basic aspects of Japan: geography, history, culture, politics, economy, etc. Prerequisite: 15 units. Students with credit for ASC 201 may not take this course for further credit. Breadth-Humanities.

GA 202 - Studies in Asian Cultures (3) *

An introduction to the culture of one or more Asian regions. The emphasis will be on the cultural importance of the themes covered and on their relationship to contemporary societies. This course may be repeated for credit only when a different topic is taught. Prerequisite: 15 units. Students with credit for ASC 202 may not take this course for further credit.

HIST 206 - Imperial Japan (ca. 1868-1952) (3)

A survey of Japanese history from 1868 until 1952 which will examine, among other topics, the evolution of its colonial empire and wars with Russia, China and the United States, as well as the post-war Allied Occupation. Breadth-Humanities.

South Asia

GA 202 - Studies in Asian Cultures (3) *

An introduction to the culture of one or more Asian regions. The emphasis will be on the cultural importance of the themes covered and on their relationship to contemporary societies. This course may be repeated for credit only when a different topic is taught. Prerequisite: 15 units. Students with credit for ASC 202 may not take this course for further credit.

HIST 243 - A Brief History of Modern India - from British Colony to Independent Republic (3)

A survey of South Asian history designed to equip those students completely unfamiliar with the region, with a foundation in the political, social and cultural contours of South Asia from 1757 to 1947. Students who have previously taken HIST 243 STT may not take HIST 243 for further credit. Breadth-Humanities.

HIST 244 - Colonialism and Nationalism in South Asia (3)

South Asian history since the eighteenth century, including the crumbling of the Mughal empire, European trade and colonialism, Indian nationalisms, the emergence of the independent states of India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, and transformations in caste, gender, and sexuality. Breadth-Humanities.


GA 202 - Studies in Asian Cultures (3) *

An introduction to the culture of one or more Asian regions. The emphasis will be on the cultural importance of the themes covered and on their relationship to contemporary societies. This course may be repeated for credit only when a different topic is taught. Prerequisite: 15 units. Students with credit for ASC 202 may not take this course for further credit.

IS 210 - Comparative World Politics: Trajectories, Regimes, Challenges (3) *

Introduces students to the variety of systems of governance in the world today, examines the historical and cultural sources of their different developmental trajectories, and assesses the challenges they face in the future. Breadth-Humanities/Social Sciences.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
David Matijasevich
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Fri, 2:30–4:20 p.m.
D101 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Fri, 4:30–5:20 p.m.
D102 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Fri, 5:30–6:20 p.m.
D105 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Fri, 4:30–5:20 p.m.
IS 220 - Wealth and Poverty of Nations (3) *

Analyzes some of the historical reasons for the great divergence in world economic development, and undertakes a cross-country, cross-regional perspective of world economic development using a historical approach to long-run economic growth. Breadth-Social Sciences.

IS 230 - Beyond the Nation-State: Identity and Belonging in a Globalized World (3) *

This course surveys the diverse ways people have fashioned identities and social relations that do not easily conform to the boundaries of nation-states. Explores how, in the context of transnational movements of people and ideas, individuals and communities construct and contest new identities, aspirations, and forms of belonging. Breadth-Humanities/Social Sciences.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Ali Riza Gungen
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 12:30–2:20 p.m.
D101 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 2:30–3:20 p.m.
D103 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 4:30–5:20 p.m.
D104 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 2:30–3:20 p.m.
WL 201 - East/West Encounters (3)

Explores the relationship between Eastern and Western narratives. The focus may include the mutual influence of Eastern and Western cultural traditions and modernities, the construction of the 'East' in the West and of the 'West' in the East, theories of Orientalism and Occidentalism, and forms of East/West syncretism. This course may be repeated once for credit when different topics are offered. Breadth-Humanities.

* Students must consult their program advisor/Departmental Undergraduate Chair to ensure that content is appropriate.

Upper Division Requirements

At least seven upper division units used toward satisfying the upper division requirement must be completed at Ά‘ΟγΤ°AV.

Students complete a total of at least 15 units and may complete other courses with variable content that have appropriate content that do not appear below.


CMNS 445 - Media and Popular Culture in China (4)

An exploration of the media and popular culture scene in reform-era China. A wide range of media and popular culture forms and practices are analyzed in their concrete institutional settings and dynamic relationships with official ideologies, market imperatives, and the everyday struggles and cultural sensitivities of various social groups during a period of epochal transformation in China. Prerequisite: 75 units. Recommended: CMNS 201W (201 or 260), CMNS 202 (or 262), CMNS 230, CMNS 240, CMNS 310, CMNS 331 and CMNS 346.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Byron Hauck
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Mon, 4:30–8:20 p.m.
GA 302 - Selected Topics in Chinese Studies (3)

Content will vary according to interests of faculty and students but will involve China-related study within one or more of the social science or humanities disciplines. This course may be repeated for credit only when a different topic is taught. Prerequisite: 45 units. Recommended: GA (or ASC 200).

HIST 366 - Social and Cultural History of Modern China (4)

Explores the social and cultural problems in modern Chinese history, with special emphasis on popular and elite cultures in the late Qing, Republican, and socialist eras. Prerequisite: 45 units, including six units of lower division history. HIST 255 is recommended.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Alsu Tagirova
Alsu Tagirova
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 2:30–5:20 p.m.
D101 Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 5:30–6:20 p.m.
HIST 367 - History of the People's Republic of China (4)

Analyzes the history of the PRC from 1949 to present. Special emphasis on ideology, inequality, diversity, the Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, and economic reforms. Prerequisite: 45 units, including six units of lower division history. Students with credit for HIST 256 may not take this course for further credit.

HIST 479W - Contentious Problems in Modern Chinese History (4)

Examines a contentious aspect of, or period in, modern Chinese history focusing on change, conflict and resistance. For example the transition from revolution to reform, the Tiananmen Square protests, or the Cultural Revolution. Content may vary from offering to offering; see course outline for further information. HIST 479W may be repeated for credit only when a different topic is taught. Prerequisite: 45 units including nine units of lower division history, and one of HIST 255, 366, or 367. Writing.

IS 333 - Chinese Development and Its Discontents (4)

Explores China's stunning rise from Mao to global markets, with attention to social issues brought on by "the Chinese Development Model". Examines the bases of state legitimacy in contemporary China, challenges to state legitimacy, as well as state responses to these challenges. Prerequisite: 45 units.


GA 303 - Selected Topics in Japanese Studies (3)

Content will vary according to interests of faculty and students but will involve Japanese-related study within one or more of the social science or humanities disciplines. This course may be repeated for credit only when a different topic is taught. Prerequisite: 45 units. Recommended: GA (or ASC) 201.

HIST 371 - The Asia-Pacific War in Modern Japanese History (4)

Covers the period in Japan from the 1930s to the 1950s and will introduce students to topics such as wartime atrocities, the dropping of the atomic bombs and the prosecution of war criminals. It will also attempt to explain why so much controversy surrounds interpretations of events arising from Japan's last war, the Asia-Pacific War. Prerequisite: 45 units, including six units of lower division history. Recommended: at least one course on modern Japan.

HIST 447W - The Nikkei Experience in North America (4)

Traces the historical experience of people of Japanese ancestry in the United States and Canada. Provides a comparative, transnational treatment of the historical conditions that created the impetus for immigration; exclusionary laws; the nature of prewar immigrant communities; and internment. Prerequisite: 45 units including nine units of lower division history. Students with credit for HIST 485 or 486 under this topic may not take this course for further credit. Writing.

HIST 471W - Women in Japanese History (1600-1952) (4)

The history of Japan from 1600 to the mid 20th century with a focus on the economic, social, cultural and political contributions of women. Prerequisite: 45 units including nine units of lower division history. Writing.

POL 381 - Japanese Politics (4)

The political system of Japan, including an analysis of political culture, political institutions, political behavior and both formal and informal political processes. Emphasis will be placed on the pre-World War II political development of Japan. Prerequisite: Six lower division units in political science or permission of the department. Students with credit for POL 381W may not take this course for further credit.

South and Southeast Asia

IS 303 - Ethnic Minorities, Identity Politics, and Conflict in Southeast Asia (4)

Surveys the ethnic minorities of Southeast Asia, focusing on their relations with other ethnic groups, especially majority populations, and governments. Examines the treatment of ethnic minorities and the responses of the minorities, including ethnic-based secession movements. Reviews cross-border and broader international issues relating to minorities, such as their status as refugees and cross-border support for insurgencies. Prerequisite: 45 units.

IS 313W - Nationalism, Democracy and Development in Modern India (4)

An examination of the differing narratives of nation and modernity in the struggle for independence from colonial rule in India, and their implications for the post-colonial state, for politics and for India's economic development. Prerequisite: 45 units. Recommended: IS 210 or 220. Writing.

IS 314 - National, Regional, and International Politics in Southeast Asia (4)

Provides an overview of national and political issues in Southeast Asia. Surveying politics in individual countries and regional political institutions, focus is given to particular themes such as democratization and civil society, communism and other forms of authoritarianism, the role of the military, decentralization, religion and politics, the impact of China on the region, and security concerns. Prerequisite: 45 units.

IS 414 - Current Regional Issues in Southeast Asia (4)

Reviews important current regional issues in Southeast Asia with particular attention to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Prerequisite: 45 units.


BUS 431 - Business with East Asian Countries (3)

This course examines the opportunities and challenges of doing business with the Pacific Rim countries such as China, Japan and Korea. Topics include the following: the political and economic systems as they affect foreign investment; social and cultural systems as they affect management practices; the conduct of business negotiations for market entry; and marketing strategies. Prerequisite: BUS 360W with a minimum grade of C-; 60 units. Recommended: BUS 346.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 11:30 a.m.–2:20 p.m.
CMNS 443 - Comparative Asian Media Systems (4)

Offers a basis for understanding different Asian media systems in concrete historical, political and socio-economic contexts. Introduces students to a range of epistemological and theoretical issues in media systems in a vast and extremely diverse region that is undergoing a period of rapid political, economic, social and cultural transformation. Provides an overview of issues relating to different media systems and case studies of media and politics in specific countries in the region. Prerequisite: 75 units. Recommended: CMNS 230 or CMNS 240; and one of CMNS 201W (201 or 260), or CMNS 202 (or 262).

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Thu, 8:30–11:20 a.m.
ENGL 361 - Diaspora Literatures in English (4) *

Study of primarily 20th- and 21st-century literatures and cultures by diasporic or racialized authors, oftentimes highlighting longstanding legacies of migration, racialization, social justice, and aesthetic innovation. Focus may include Asian, Black, Caribbean, or South Asian literatures and expressive arts. This course may be repeated for credit if a different topic is taught. Prerequisite: 30 units or two 200-division English courses. Students in the Global Asia Program Minor may enroll with permission of the instructor.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Deena Dinat
Deena Dinat
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, Thu, 12:30–2:20 p.m.
GA 300 - Asians and North Americans in Public Discourse (3)

A cross-cultural examination of the ways we perceive and represent each other in public discourse, including literature, news media, cinema, and other education and entertainment media. This course may be repeated for credit only when a different topic is taught. Prerequisite: 45 units. Students with credit for ASC 300 may not take this course for further credit.

GA 301 - Asia-Canada Identities: Experiences and Perspectives (3)

This course will explore the experience of Asian immigrants and their children, focusing in particular on social and cultural aspects. This course may be repeated for credit only when a different topic is taught. Prerequisite: 45 units. Students with credit for ASC 301 may not take this course for further credit.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Shuyu Kong
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Thu, 2:30–5:20 p.m.
GA 400 - Selected Topics in Global Asia (3)

Content will vary according to interests of faculty and students but will involve Global-Asia-related study within one or more of the social science or humanities disciplines. This course may be repeated for credit only when a different topic is taught. Prerequisite: 45 units.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Anushay Malik
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Wed, 9:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
GSWS 312 - Immigrants, Women and Transnational Migration (4) *

Examines the global division of labor where migrant women as well as immigrant women tend to be exploited in numerous forms, ranging from lack of citizenship rights and erosion of skills to the risk of sexual assault, due to immigration/migration and social policies of various countries. Prerequisite: 15 units. Students with credit for WS 320 Special Topics: Immigrant Women and Economic Security may not complete this course for further credit.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
May Farrales
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Fri, 12:30–4:20 p.m.
HIST 358 - Development, Aid and Difference in Historical Perspective (4) *

Examines "International Development" within a series of historical frames, including the history of imperialism, the history of international relations, globalization, and the cultural and intellectual history of North-South relations. Prerequisite: 45 units, including six units of lower division history. Students who have credit for IS 358 may not take HIST 358 for further credit.

HIST 368W - Selected Topics in the History of the Wider World (4) *

A writing-intensive examination of selected topics in the history of Asia, Africa and/or the Middle East. The content will vary from offering to offering. See department for further information. HIST 368W may be repeated for credit only when a different topic is taught. Prerequisite: 45 units, including six units of lower division history. Students may not take selected topics within HIST 368W for further credit if duplicating content of another history course and vice versa. Writing.

HIST 425W - Gender and History (4) *

Explores historical changes in masculinity and femininity. Using a thematic and transnational/comparative approach, it will examine how gender identities are formed and refashioned within different historical contexts. It will also explore the interaction between gender and other systems of power such as race, class, and ethnicity. Prerequisite: 45 units including nine units of lower division history. Students with credit for HIST 425 may not take this course for further credit. Writing.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Niall Mackenzie
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Fri, 8:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
HIST 464 - Problems in Modern Asian History (4)

Concepts and methodology of modern Asian history. Selected themes may include revolution, inequality, mass violence, ideology, imperialism, leadership, and the Cold War. Content may vary from offering to offering; see course outline for further information. HIST 464 may be repeated for credit only when a different topic is taught. Prerequisite: 45 units including nine units of lower division history.

HUM 331 - Special Topics in Asian Religious Traditions (4)

Studies a specific Asian religious tradition through the cultural and historical contexts that structure religious meaning. Students may repeat this course once for further credit under a different topic. Prerequisite: 45 units. Breadth-Humanities.

HUM 382 - Selected Topics in Asian Art and Cultures (4)

An in-depth study on a specific aspect of Asian cultures in the modern period, including art, film, media and/or literature. Prerequisite: 45 units.

IS 322 - Central Asia: Conflict and Security (4)

Examines the new states of post-Soviet Central Asia, with particular reference to the relationship among democratization, development, autocracy and conflict, and the role of external actors in transnational security issues in the region. Prerequisite: 45 units. Recommended: IS 200. Students with credit for IS 412 may not take this course for further credit.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Nicole Jackson
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Tue, 8:30–11:20 a.m.
PHIL 342 - Topics in Asian Philosophy (3)

A discussion of philosophical issues raised by works of Asian philosophy, either historical or contemporary. This may include classical Chinese philosophy, Buddhist philosophy, and/or other Asian philosophical traditions. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: One prior philosophy course (not including PHIL 110, PHIL 105, PHIL 310, PHIL 314, or PHIL 315). (This prerequisite may be waived in some cases, at the discretion of the instructor.). Students who have taken PHIL 322 in Spring 2020 or Spring 2021, PHIL 333 in Summer 2015, or PHIL 357 in Fall 2020, under the same topic may not take this course for further credit.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
Nicolas Bommarito
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Mon, 12:30–2:20 p.m.
Sep 7 – Dec 6, 2022: Wed, 12:30–1:20 p.m.
POL 342 - Developing Countries in Global Politics (4) *

Problems arising from the disparities in power and wealth between the highly industrialized countries of Europe and North America, and the under-industrialized countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Prerequisite: Six lower division units in political science or permission of the department.

POL 446W - International Relations in East Asia (4)

An overview and analysis of international relations in East Asia. Prerequisite: Eight upper division units in political science or permission of the department. Writing.

SA 328 - States, Cultures and Global Transitions (SA) (4) *

Offers a new perspective on global hegemonic transformations which take different forms in different historical periods, animated by powerful discourses of discipline, opportunity, development and sustainability. Helps students explore alternatives through the examples of multiple forms of sovereignty, global citizenship and democracy. Prerequisite: SA 101 or 150 or 201W. Students with credit for SA 430 are not eligible to take this course for further credit.

SA 329 - Sex, Work, and International Capital (SA) (4) *

Provides new insights into global gender regimes from a historical-comparative perspective of North-South relations. Stimulates a discussion on the meaning of development and women's work through a theoretical and thematic exploration of issues which may seem specifically based in the global South but are commonly shared throughout the world. Prerequisite: SA 101 or 150 or 201W. Students with credit for SA 429 are not eligible to take this course for further credit.

WL 304 - Exile and Migration (4)

Explores the culture of peoples and individuals displaced by force or migrating by choice. May focus on the literary cultures of exiles and emigres or on the depiction of refugees, immigrants or exiles. Prerequisite: 45 units. Breadth-Humanities.

* Students must consult their program advisor/Departmental Undergraduate Chair to ensure that content is appropriate.

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Degree Requirements

For all bachelor of arts (BA) programs, students complete 120 units, which includes

  • at least 60 units that must be completed at Ά‘ΟγΤ°AV
  • at least 45 upper division units, of which at least 30 upper division units must be completed at Ά‘ΟγΤ°AV
  • at least 60 units (including 21 upper division units) in Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences courses
  • satisfaction of the writing, quantitative, and breadth requirements
  • an overall cumulative grade point average (CGPA) and upper division overall CGPA of at least 2.0, and program CGPA and upper division program CGPA of at least 2.0 on the course work used to satisfy the minimum program requirements. FASS departments may define additional GPA requirements for their respective programs.

For students in other faculties, please check your faculty's overall degree requirements: /students/calendar/faculties-research.html

Writing, Quantitative, and Breadth Requirements

Students admitted to Ά‘ΟγΤ°AV beginning in the fall 2006 term must meet writing, quantitative and breadth requirements as part of any degree program they may undertake. See Writing, Quantitative, and Breadth Requirements for university-wide information.

WQB Graduation Requirements

A grade of C- or better is required to earn W, Q or B credit



W - Writing


Must include at least one upper division course, taken at Ά‘ΟγΤ°AV within the student’s major subject
Q - Quantitative


Q courses may be lower or upper division
B - Breadth


Designated Breadth Must be outside the student’s major subject, and may be lower or upper division
6 units Social Sciences: B-Soc
6 units Humanities: B-Hum
6 units Sciences: B-Sci


Additional Breadth 6 units outside the student’s major subject (may or may not be B-designated courses, and will likely help fulfil individual degree program requirements)

Students choosing to complete a joint major, joint honours, double major, two extended minors, an extended minor and a minor, or two minors may satisfy the breadth requirements (designated or not designated) with courses completed in either one or both program areas.
